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February 14th. Valentine's day would be considered one of the most important days for the new couple. For Santana, it felt like she had finally got behind her closeted days and could fully be herself. For Brittany, she was just ecstatic that she could be open about the love of her life. Santana wasn't too happy with the way the day started off though. Figgins had denied them the right to display their affection to one another and Joe, the new member of the God Squad, was conflicted if he should sing a song for a lesbian couple.

Valentine's Day was a magical day full of surprises and hopefulness, so their day wasn't ruined after all. Figgins later apologized for not allowing them to share a small peck in the school hallway and Joe and the rest of the God Squad sang the song Santana intended for Brittany. The night felt complete and so right but like the legend goes, the best was yet to come. After Blaine made his arrival and the entire glee club and other friends partied it up to Love Shack, everyone left the event all coupled up with their significant others; Everyone expect Brittany and Santana.

Brittany had asked Sugar if her dad could leave Breadstix open for a few more hours. Although spending the romantic night with her girlfriend and friends were ideal, she needed some alone time with the Latina. They were with the glee club in school and out of school; she wanted just a little time to escape from the world with Santana. Sugar gave Brittany the keys to Breadstix so they could lock up when they were finished and the tall blonde couldn't have been more excited.

Santana had sat down in one of the booths, while Brittany went to the juke box to find a song to play; she needed this moment to be perfect. Brittany already knew what song she wanted to play but she was stalling. The blonde was bold in every part of her life except when it came to being serious about her feelings. Sure she was the one pushing Santana to talk to her more about them but now that they were together it actually felt scary. She wasn't sure why it felt that way but it did. Maybe it was because she was afraid that one day Santana would find someone smarter or more attractive or a better dancer.

With other boys nothing was ever this complicated. Even with Artie, the blonde loved him and they talked about feelings, but it was just easier with him. She wasn't in love with him. Santana did something to the blonde that she just didn't know how to describe; she ignited the other half of her. Every time she was near the brunette she felt she was falling in love all over again. And that's why she had to play the song in this moment because she knew exactly how she felt about her girlfriend.

The track started to play and Santana immediately smiled as she remembered when it first came out a few months ago. Brittany was jamming to it one night when they were on their way home from cheerios practice. Let Me Love You by Neyo. Santana had heard the song before but she never really listened to the words and how powerful it was; Brittany knew the meaning though. She stood on the stage area and began to sing into the mic. This was her song to her feisty brunette.

Much as you blame yourself, you can't be blamed for the way that you feel
Had no example of a love that was even remotely real
How can you understand something that you never had

Santana's mouth dropped hearing her girlfriend sing such soulful and profound words. This time Santana would listen to the words of the song and understand them. Brittany stared into Santana's eyes because she knew she meant every word she was singing. Santana never had experienced real love much like the song said. She never had it until Brittany; reason number one as to why she chose this song.

Girl let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself
Girl let me love you
A heart of numbness, gets brought to life

Brittany smiled as she sang the chorus and took her voice up an octave. She was proud of herself because Santana taught her that. She had been practicing her singing with her since they started glee club and Santana loved how much the blonde had improved. Most importantly, Santana's heart felt full when she heard the words of the chorus. Brittany sang it amazingly but she knew what Brittany meant by it.

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