B & S Night

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Shooting had been going a little slow this particular week; a lot of it had to do with the fact that the cast was exhausted. Filming, learning choreography, and lines were all apart of their normal schedule. But press, interviews, and photoshoot just added to their stress. The cast was still getting used to the crazy life style they had been entered into. Ryan decided to let everyone take a three day break to rest up so that they could get back on schedule. He knew how hardworking everyone was and this was just a small treat to the young adults.

Heather and Naya decided to spend their break together. Since the show started, the two girls hit it off from the first day. Their relationship went from late night talks to cuddle session to flat out make out sessions. The two young women weren't sure how it got to that point, but like most things with them, everything just escalated. Heather always believed they started making out because of all the nights her and the rest of the cast would get drunk and party way too hard. Naya thought it could have possibly started from all the time they spent with each other and their instant attraction to each other.

Either way the girls didn't know how to stay away from each other. If you saw a blonde, the brunette would appear right next to her and vice versa. They were so inseparable that the entire cast started to notice. They could never keep their hands off each other; even when they were shooting an episode, Naya just had to hold Heather's hand. Likewise, Heather couldn't help sneaking up from behind the shorter girl and attacking her with cheek kisses. Their strong bond was so evident, Ryan and the other writers of the show decided to make it a story line in the show. The two girls couldn't have been more ecstatic to play each other's soon-to-be love interest. In fact, they starting kissing each other even more to 'practice' for their potential kissing scenes.

Their day-off was the perfect time to get some of those kissing rehearsals in. Heather was extremely bored sitting in her apartment alone and Naya had been watching some re-runs of some reality show. The dancer decided to call Naya so that they could spend their day together since neither of them were really doing anything. They had been texting each other for most of the day discussing their plans for moving in together, since it would be cheaper and they worked at the same place. The phone rang and Naya immediately picked up.



They laughed hysterically at how aggressive Naya answered the phone and how Heather answered back with the same energy. No matter what, they knew how to make each other laugh. It was their thing.

"Come over, you never spend time with me." The woman chuckled again at the irony of the sentence Naya just said. Heather was also laughing because she initially called Naya so that she could come to her house. It was so spooky how much they were connected.

"Somebody's needy and it's showing." Heather playfully retorted back.

"You are my need fulfiller and I'd like you to keep doing so." Heather didn't know what to say back to Naya so she laughed at the comment.

"Wow, Naya. That sounded very sexual." The brunette couldn't help but laugh too. Heather was normally the one to say the raunchy innuendos but she had to admit that Naya played a good game this time.

"So seriously, are you coming?" Heather could practically hear Naya cheesing through the phone. She could just tell that she had the biggest smile on her face and that made Heather smile too.

"I'll be over in ten minutes. It's going to be a BritBrit/Santana night."

" I have to tweet that! Pure gold." Naya laughed at how cleverly natural the other woman came up with that.

"Oh boy, just wait til the fans see that", Heather shook her head and laughed, "I'll see you in a minute, byeee."

Like Heather promised she was over in about ten minutes. Naya had on little red shorts and a black spaghetti-string top which showed off her voluptuous breast and tiny waist. Heather had on some of her old basketball shorts with a grey camisole on; the outline of her abs could be distinctly shown through the top.

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