We Could've Been

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The day started like any normal day for the glee cast; run through for all the dance numbers, filming, waiting away in trailers for their names to be called. This particular day, though, would be different, extremely different. To Heather, she felt like it could alter everything. It was no secret, especially to the rest of the cast, that Heather and Naya had a thing. They didn't know all of the intricacies but they knew they were more than friends. A few months ago, Heather had decided that she would give up her life with Taylor, her high school love, for Naya.

She was tired of living in the shadows and lying to the poor guy. He was so in love with her but she knew where her heart laid at night; right next to Naya's. When she confessed her love to her, Naya confessed hers as well but sadly the brunette didn't want to be public. She wanted to continue their secret rendezvous and their forbidden love. In all honesty, she was ashamed. She wished she had the courage to be out and proud but it wasn't in her nature. Naya was a pretty forward woman when it came to how she lived her life but being that vulnerable in front of the entire world scared the shit out of her. So, Heather had a decision to make; stay in a hidden relationship or give Taylor another chance.

The whole reason why her and Taylor's relationship started failing was because of Naya. Unfortunately, Heather couldn't take being strung along anymore. She didn't want to fake it in front of the world anymore so she chose Taylor. Part of it was out of pity but the other part was because she remembered how he used to make her feel. It was much like Naya made her feel; like they were falling in love everyday. Her heart ached at moving on from Naya in this way because she truly thought that Naya was her future. She saw a whole other world being created with the other woman.

They were going to finish glee, probably around the seventh season, go on to do other movies, Heather particularly wanted to do an action movie, win oscars and Grammy's together, and when the time was right, settle down and have a little one. She realized that it was all a fantasy, though. Naya was still insecure and needed to do some growing up and Heather could see that clearly now. She knew that she was getting older and she needed a healthy and mature relationship. When her and Naya started their thing, it was a lot of fooling around and love grew; well the love was always there, neither of two women knew it yet. Nothing about the relationship was toxic but it was just immature in Heather's opinion. It lacked substance because a true love wouldn't have been hidden or diluted.

True love should be expressed to the world; it didn't have to be some grand gesture but it shouldn't have been a secret either. The dancer sat in her trailer breathing in and out, trying to figure out what words she'd say to Naya. She could already feel tears coming down her face. She hated crying but this was a very sad moment for her. As much as she loved Naya with every ounce of her heart, a small piece was still inside Taylor's. Like the song says, almost is never enough. She sighed and took a deep breath. Naya would be back soon and she was going to have to eventually get this off her chest.

She heard the door of their trailer wiggling a little and she smiled through her tear-filled eyes. For some reason, Naya always had trouble opening the door and that was just the funniest thing to Heather. For a split second she forgot what she was about to do. All she could do was laugh at the brunette. Naya came storming in, breathing heavily and laughing as well. This happened regularly because she could never find a way to unjam that handle.

"I swear if Ryan doesn't get someone to fix that door." Naya laughed through her half-joking threat.

"Maybe you should learn how to work a door. It opens fine for me." It was their thing; playful banter.

Naya examined Heather's face. Even though they were laughing and having a normal conversation, she could see it all in the blonde's eyes that something wasn't right; it was the way Heather's shoulder were kind of slumped, the some what puffy look in her face, the redness of her hands. She knew that Heather had some bad news or she was extremely nervous about something. The last time she had seen Heather like this was when she got the news she had to give a speech for an animal foundation award ceremony. Naya, of course, calmed her down and stood right by her side as the nervous woman gave the speech.

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