Pushed Out

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Embarrassment wasn't even the word Santana wanted to use for everything that had just happened. She had anger in her heart, alot of resentment, but most importantly, hatred. She wished that Finn hadn't said those words to her but he did and they stung. Sure she had been a bitch to him all week but how could she not? All last year she was treated as some back up singer to Berry and she wanted Finn to know that this meant war. She came and brought her A-game. It wasn't her mission to tear him down completely; she just wanted to heat up the competition a little bit more. If Finn or Rachel were on edge, then they'd bring their best when it came to competing in sectionals. She wanted to win fair and square so when she beat New Direction she would get full satisfaction. Another part of the reason of why she attacked him is because of how he called Brittany an idiot. The blonde stood up for herself in the moment but boy, was Santana piping hot from hearing those words.

Everything she said to Finn had a reason, protecting herself and her girlfriend. But Finn crossed a line; it wasn't a petty comeback but an attack on her heart. Santana, her sexuality, and Brittany were not to be talked about yet he did it. And to make matters worse, everyone was going to know. Sure, most people in school already knew but Santana had yet to admit it to herself. She wasn't ready for some world announcement that she was a lesbian. But Finn just had to push her out of the closet! Ugh. She needed to let her aggression and pain out in some way. She was about to go on a war path but she knew she needed to find Brittany first. She ran down the hallway and out of Coach Sylvester's office. She knew Brittany would be in the locker room getting ready for their performance they had to do in half an hour.

As soon as she walked into the locker room, Brittany already had her dress on and Santana couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked. She wiped the tears off her face and took a deep breath. Brittany noticed the Latina standing there, admiring her and she smiled for a second. She then realized that the girl had been crying and Brittany needed to know why and what happened. She walked over to Santana and pulled her into her arms.

"What's wrong, San?" The concern in her voice echoed throughout the locker room. Santana felt more tears about to stream down but she sucked them back in. She hated looking and feeling so weak.

"Stupid Finn! He outed me in front of everybody yesterday! I hate him Britt, I just want to go home." She sniffled a bit and Brittany held on to her tighter. Brittany became angry when she heard the words that came out her lover's mouth. She knew Santana had been giving him a little flack during the week but outing her to get back? that was a low blow. She couldn't stand that he made her feel this way and she knew that she needed to take care of this situation.

"Hey look at me", Santana lifted her head off of Brittany's shoulder and looked in her eyes, "We are about to kick ass out there and have a great performance, okay? You need to let some of this pain go and that's the best way. Finn was out of line for that and as your best friend and lady lover I'm going to go talk some sense into him." Brittany kissed Santana's forehead and she saw a small smile peak on her face.

"I'm scared to perform Britt. I'm so emotional right now and I don't even want to see his face."

"I never want you to do something you don't feel comfortable doing but this is your chance to show Finn who is better. Show him all of your super mega talent."

Santana kissed Brittany's cheek as a way of thanking her. She still hated Finn and was upset at being outed but being with Brittany did make her feel a little bit better. She knew that the taller girl was right though. She needed to put her heart and soul into the song and sing her ass off.

"There's something else that happened." Santana said in a quiet voice.

"What else happened, Sanny?" Brittany's soft, angelic voice soothed Santana.

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