Chapter One

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Charlie and I had been friends since before i could walk, our mothers had met at a prenatal class and immediately hit it off. Becoming instant friends, the two did everything together. They even had us together, of course not in the same room but you get the idea. We were two peas in a pod, finishing each other's sentences and other nonsense like that, people always question if we were a couple or not an the truth was Charlie and i have been together since birth and nothing has ever come between us and probably nothing ever will.
I'm ripped form my thoughts as Charlie comes through the front door bearing our pizza. Did i forget to mention that we live together?
"One pepperoni pizza." He says as he sets it down on the table.
"Good! I'm starving." I make my way over and grab two slices, scarfing one down.
"Well that was attractive." He laughs
"Oh you know you cant resist me no matter what."
"I cant." He says.
Ignoring his attempts at harmless flirting i go back to my pizza. I hadn't eaten anything all day and i realized how hungry that had made me. Sometimes i forget to eat, which is bad considering we were going drinking later and thats definitely not something you want to do on an empty stomach. Going out was one our favorite past times, especially with our friend Becca.
"Becs said be ready by 8." Says Charlie
"Alright, i can do that." Seeing as it was already 5:30 i decided to go ahead and start getting ready. I wanted to look perfect for tonight, its been a few weeks since I've gotten some action and tonight i planned to rectify that. So I definitely needed to look my best.

First thing i do is hop in the shower, i wash my hair with my shampoo and then i scrub my body with my vanilla body wash. After I'm done washing everything i turn off the water and get out drying myself off. Next i blow dry my hair, while simultaneously brushing it. Once its dry i plug in my straightener, i have really thick hair so i have to straighten it in order to some what tame it. This process takes about 15 minutes, and when I'm done with that i work on my makeup.
Im gonna keep it pretty simple tonight, just some winged eyeliner and a red lipstick thats gonna stand out with my blonde hair.

I then head back into my room to get dressed, i pick out the shortest dress i own. A strapless black cocktail dress, this dress always works in my favor. I pair it with some red pumps that make my legs look like they go on for days. With this ensemble I'm sure to go home with someone. I grab a clutch and put my phone and condoms into and then i leave my bedroom. I come face to face with Charlie in the living room.
"Wow, you look amazing." He says as his eyes roam my body , which lights a fire inside me that I've never felt before.
He didn't look to bad himself, dressed in a blue button up shirt and black skinny jeans, his dark brown hair wavy as ever.

"Becca should be here any minute." He says pulling me from my thoughts. Not even a minute later and the doorbell rings, signaling her arrival, Charlie answers it. She prances into the room just like she always does, there's something you should know about Becca. She's the biggest drama queen you'll ever meet, but we wouldn't want her any other way.

"Damn Megs you look hot, i think i might have a sudden interest in woman." I of course ignore her comment, she was just being her over dramatic self.
"She's not wrong Megan." Comes Charlie. I don't know what to do with all the attention so i just make my way to the door and tell them I'm ready to go.
We all make our way out of the apartment and head outside, the club we're going to is about a 5 minute walk from here so we don't bother with getting a cab. Once where're there we have to wait in line for a few minutes until its our turn to go in, this doesn't take long and once the bouncer checks our IDs were ushered in to the club our crazy night begins.

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