Chapter Eight

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I make it to work with at least 10 minutes to spare, which is a good thing considering I'm almost always barely getting there on time. Tonys already at his desk when i walk in, he notices my arrival and calls me into his office.
"Good morning miss Hart, i have something for you."
"Good morning Sir."
"I have a manuscript I'd like for you to read for me, please proofread and leave notes on your thoughts of it. Please have it done my next week. If you do well then there could be more in the future." He says before handing me the manuscript.
"Wow thank you so much sir, i really appreciate it." I say before leaving his office and going to my desk. I'm certainly blown away, this is my first time reading a manuscript. So far the only thing my job has consisted of was coffee runs and scheduling meetings. Once at my desk i decide to dive right into it not wanting to waste any time.

I become so engrossed in the book that I almost miss lunch time, if it had not been for Becca showing up then I would have. She decided to stop by and invite me to lunch, which i agree to. We walk around the corner to a sub shop that we frequent, we come here so often they know our order.
"One meatball sub and one Philly cheesesteak sub. Enjoy ladies." Says the waiter leaving our food on the table before walking away.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever." says Becca, and she's right I've been so wrapped up in Charlie that I haven't hardly talked to her but of course she cant find that out.

"I know, I'm sorry I've just been really busy with work. Tony's actually giving me manuscripts for read."

"Oh wow, megan that's awesome." and just like that I was forgiven. We catch up and spend the rest of lunch gossiping, she walks me back to my desk before pulling me into a hug and saying goodbye. I get myself situated and get back into my manuscripts, I'm so engrossed in it that i barely register tony leaving for the day which signals the need of my work day. I put everything away and head out the door.

I open the door to the apartment to find that Charlie is already home and obviously waiting for me.
"Hey Meg, wanna go out to dinner tonight?"
"Uhh... sure? What's the catch though?"
"No catch, why would there be a catch? Can't i just take my friend out for a nice dinner?"
"Do friends have sex with each other?"
"Babe it's called friends with benefits, now go change." He commands, and instead of arguing i head towards my room and change for an evening out with my "friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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