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This book is rated mature for strong language and slightly (hardly) suggestive scenes. Mostly I rated it mature for the strong language. 

I also want to include a small preemptive apology here. I started a new job about a month ago and it's crazy demanding. I've had basically zero time to write so I'm VERY worried that I won't get chapters out in a timely manner. 

So for that, I'm sorry. I truly will do my best to post a chapter each week, but I take my writing very seriously and spend hours and hours re-reading and editing since I do all my own edits. Sometimes I might have some time before a new chapter is posted but I swear to you all I will post as soon as I write something that my annoyingly neurotic and perfectionist brain is satisfied with. 

Last thing, I know this is a long authors note which sucks because the story is so much better! But I want to make sure I include a small disclaimer. I don't own Naruto or any characters in Naruto. I only own my original ideas and my original characters. 

Ok! Now I'm done! 

Happy reading! 

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