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I heard a knock at my door and groaned. I climbed out of bed, ungracefully stumbling on some clothes I had thrown on the floor last night, and made my way to the door. With a glare I ripped the door open, ignoring my skimpy sleepwear of a red lace thong and an old shirt I had cut into a tank top.

"What?" I snapped to the annoying blonde at my door.

"Hey there, doll. Did you wear that for me?" Deidera purred. I grumpily crossed my arms and starred him down. "Don't be like that, sugar." He snickered.

"What do you want?"

"Just wanted to let you know I'm off to capture the One Tailed Beast. Care to give me a good luck kiss?" he leaned against my doorframe, invading my personal bubble. I rolled my eyes.

"Why do I care what you do?" I turned away from him, prepared to slam the door in his face. He caught my wrist and tugged me into his chest, his other hand wrapped around my bare waist.

"Aw, won't you miss me?" he teased, pulling my hips flush with his own.

"Get your disgusting hands off me, creep." I hissed. When he made no movement I stomped on his foot with my heel as hard as I could in the tight space. Deidera winced but made no motion to let me go. He was much too used to my physical defenses to his pursuits.

"Oh, Miyu," he sighed, "You're always so harsh. When will you finally give in to temptation?" he purred in, what I'm sure was supposed to be, a seductive tone.

"Go rot in a hole with your stupid artsy explosions." I mocked with a harsh glare.

"You know, darling. Explosions don't have to be bombs. I would love the opportunity to make you explode with pleasure." I bit my tongue to keep from vomiting.

"Fuck off, you pervert." I growled and shoved him away. I angrily stepped back from him as he laughed at my expense. "I hope Shukaku murders you." I hissed and slammed the door in his face.

Angrily I stomped around my room before flopping back into bed. Warm hands snaked around my hips and drew me closer to the body in my bed.

"Not interested in Deidera?" Itachi asked me. I sighed, my anger refusing to fade despite Itachi's gentle touch.

"You know I'm a virgin, Itachi. I'm not about to fuck that idiot just because he wants me. I have better things to do." I took a deep breath, attempting to calm myself.

"I always wondered about that. It's not like you have a lack of suitors around here. No one would hold you to a relationship if that were what you're worried about. Or perhaps... you're saving it for someone." Itachi mused aloud. I turned to give him an incredulous look.

"Who the hell would I be saving my virginity for?" Itachi gave me a look that penetrated straight through my soul.

"The same man whose shirts you sleep in every night." My eyes widened as I glanced down at the ratted old shirt. I never thought anyone would notice.

Sasuke left his old clothes when he left the village. Even if he did want his old clothes, I'm sure he would've grown out of them by now. Hell, the shirt hardly fit me and the only thing about me that grew was my chest. My full bosom turned the child's size shirt into a crop top. I even cut off the collar and sleeves turning it into a tank top so no one would notice it wasn't mine.

"It's ok to love him even if he left you." Itachi's calm voice whispered in my ear.

My shoulders shook as my entire body trembled with... rage? It had to be rage I was feeling. Why would I feel love for someone who left the village, left his teammates, left me behind?

"I feel nothing but hatred for that traitor." I meant to growl the words, another expression of hatred for him, but my voice betrayed me and left me with naught but a whisper. Itachi didn't respond and instead climbed out of bed, preparing to bathe before he left on his own mission.

"Will you be alright while I'm gone?" he asked me, grabbing a towel. I knew he wasn't asking about his bath, but rather his mission.

Itachi was the only person who really knew who I was. Madara tried to know me, he wanted to have the same connection I had with Itachi, but he couldn't understand my mind quite like Itachi did. Itachi was the only person I felt truly comfortable around. Because of that connection he became part of my new pack, and with him I could sleep for a few hours.

I never got more than 4 or so hours of sleep, and only if I was snuggled with Itachi, but it was better than nothing. Without him by my side I was in hostile territory and couldn't afford to let my guard down.

The last time I let my guard down he left me.

"You know I went years without sleeping, what's a few nights?" I rolled my eyes. He always worried over me like he was my father or something. Although, I would be lying if I said I didn't see him as the older brother I never had.

"Madara said Kakuzu has a mission for you, so you'll be alone out there." He frowned in worry.

"Itachi, I've been training for years; I can handle myself. Plus the only missions I'm ever sent on are stupid bounty hunting missions. It's not like I'm tracking a tailed beast or something." I assured him, climbing out of bed and rummaging through my pile of clothes on the floor for a pair of pants. He gave a small, almost unnoticeable smile, and approached me.

"I know that, Miyu." He patted my head lovingly, "I can't help but worry about you. I think of you as a little sister. I only want what's best for you." Just like Sasuke.

The unspoken words hung in the silence between us. Sometimes Itachi made it sound like Sasuke and I were married or something. Like that would ever happen...

"Go bathe. You stink." I grumbled halfheartedly. Itachi chuckled slightly and made his way out of my room.

As if I would ever marry Sasuke. Sasuke is a traitor. Like all Uchiha he's concerned with nothing but power. Itachi might be the only one who's normal, but because of this cursed clan he had to murder his own.

I knew first hand how that felt.

The Uchiha can never be forgiven for their transgressions. Sasuke, Madara, Fugaku, they're all the same; they're power hungry bastards who do nothing but bring pain and suffering into the world.

No... I would never marry Sasuke. I only have one wish. To see the world wiped clean from the curse of the Uchiha.

And I planned to see to that personally. 

Ok guys, here it is. Time for some thoughts! I want my email BLOWN UP! (Side note, some of you were curious if I actually read any comments on here and I want to let you all know that yes, I read ALL of the comments. Every. Single. One. I have it set up that every time someone comments on my story I get an email. So I get notifications for all comments and I read everything.) 


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