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He plays a sport with you. (Also 1D is in like 2/4 of these so)

A/N Okay so softball is my sport.. and cheer leading. Even though I hate anything that's physical.


"OH COME ON! PLEASE Y/N DO I HAVE TO RUN?" Michael asks you as he makes his way to second base. You're playing softball because it's your favorite sport and Michael likes you, so Michael being Michael; tried it for the first time. Michael asked the boys and One Direction to join you, and of course they did."YES YOU HAVE TO RUN! DON'T AUSSIE PEOPLE RUN AFTER KANGAROOS FOR A SPORT?" You say while coming up to bat, with Louis pitching."FIRST OF ALL THAT'S NOT A REAL THING AND I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT! AND SECOND YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE SAID!" He says while you swing and hit the ball way into the outfield. You run almost to second base until you see Michael just standing there, watching you run towards him. You hear everyone laugh in the background."WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? RUN HOME!" You yell as he for some reason runs to the outfield, where Zayn was trying to find the ball.

"I KNOW GRASS REMINDS YOU OF HOME BUT RUN TO HOME BASE!" You yell while laughing and continue your route to winning against the boys. You both eventually get home runs and win the game by 1 point.

"You're still going to pay Y/N.." Michael says in between breaths and slapping your behind. You awkwardly stand still for a moment with eyes wide open before going to high five everyone on both teams


You walk onto the court in with a volleyball in one hand and your other hand waving to some screaming fans. The fans knew that you through Ashton, your best friend growing up. They bet you and 5sos that you couldn't beat the boys of 1D at your favorite sport; volleyball. Of course you excepted the challenge but was a bit curious as to how good the boys are at volleyball. By your guess, probably terrible. You had the ball so you immediately served them. You almost hit Liam. "Sorry!" You say before the ball gets hit back to your side. You jump to hit it back but before you could Ashton spikes the ball back over, earning you a point. All though out the last minutes of the game Ashton kept stealing your hits.

"Ashton CAN YOU NOT?!" You say to him as he hits another, slightly reminding you of every girl who likes Ashton. The crowd lets out a loud roar and Ashton just looks at you.

Finally at the last serve the ball comes towards Ashton and you run quickly over to the ball and spike to the other side, leaving the teams tied, no winners, no losers. "Y/N WHY'D YOU DO THAT? YOU'RE SO MEAN!" He says running into the boys locker room with his arms behind his back, flopping around. You laugh knowing that you're going to have to go hug him after this.


Calum liked that you were a cheerleader. He loved your smile and seeing you were supposed to smile, he could watch you all day. But him being your best friend, that would be weird. "Hey Calum!" You waved with a pom pom. "Hey!" "Hey Y/N, what's going with you and that kid?" Said some chick on your cheer squad. "That kid's name is Calum.. Calum Hood... And nothing so far." You glanced at him. "Well since you're always talking about him we'll invite him over and have him help you with a one man stunt. By the way you are welcome." And with that she rushed off and came back with a Calum.

"Hey... I promise I won't drop you" Calum's voice sounded shaky. Before you could react, another girl whispered some words "Just imagine you falling and him catching you bride style." "HA, watch him drop me." Within a minute after that you're in the air. "Calum you did it! You ready to put me down?" "Down?!" "Yes down!" And with that, you were on the ground. Not on your feet, on your face." OH MY GOD Y/N I'M SO SORRY, ARE YOU ALRIGHT? " "Never better actually, thanks." You say hopping up from the ground. You hug Calum before he's shooed away. "I told you he'd drop me!" Everyone began to laugh. You already knew Calum wasn't the most careful person in the world, but you still trusted him. Even when you fell, you knew he's be there to pick up the pieces.


Since you play soccer Luke was all about that life. That's because he's the water boy for your team. He supported the cheese out of you "GO Y/N!" I'm the middle of plays you always glance up at him and he would shoot you a cute wink. "Look out" you heard Luke shout out at you. "Wha.." You got cut off when being bumped into and falling in the ground into mud "Oh. I'm good!" And with as quickly as you stood up, from embarrass might you add, you were back sitting in the mud. "No, I'm not okay! But it's cool, I'll just stay in this mud.. That's cool too." You say and staring at the ground. "Y/N are you alright?" Luke says running over to you. "Yeah, I just can't stand up is all." "Here..." With that Luke picked you up, getting mud all over him. For him not being your boyfriend you were sure glad he picked you, instead of your jerk of a "boyfriend".

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