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"Michael can you please stop complaining..." You ask Michael nicely even though you've asked him about 300 times within the last 20 minutes.

"No, because I already have gotten bitten by little bug and A SNAKE WAS JUST CHASING US, DO YOU REMEMBER THAT?" He says to you as you look at him and his angry self.

"Yes I do, but YOU'RE the one who said "Hey Y/N i feel like exploring why don't we go take a walk through the woods.", and aren't you ALSO the one who wanted to wear SHORTS out here even though who knows what could crawl up them...?"

"yes.." Michael whispers because he knows you can't hear him, even though you could this time."What?!" You say giggling to yourself and standing on a tree stump.

"YES, YOU HAPPY, YES IT WAS MY IDEA, NOW GET DOWN FROM THERE BEFORE YOU HURT YOURSELF, AND GET OVER HERE I NEED A HUG, I THINK I'M ABOUT TO CRY!" He says with a pouting face that makes your heart melt. You jump off the stump a quickly walk run over to him giving him a tight warm hug, your arms around his neck.

"I love your hugs." He whispered into your ear. You giggled again and lay your head on his shoulder in comfort.


"This is actually fun Y/N, thanks for convincing me to join you!" Ashton smiled at you as he set his bag down next to the beautiful lake. "Ashton, as I remember correctly, you jumped in my car right before I left your house." "Did I?" Ashton says while stepping onto rocks leading into the lake. "I'm positive you did.." You say. Walking up close to the water, you lean over to observe the little fish. "You know what they say about little fish right?" "What do they say Ash..?" You tried to seem amused when in the middle of your thoughts you get pushed into the water. "ASH!" "They say you have to be in the water to see them." You get help out of the water before chasing after Ashton.


"Y/N it's raining... Can we go home yet?" "No Cal.." "Whyyyyy notttt?" Calum pouted. "Because, you wanted to know what it feels like to.. be out where the squirrels sleep." You began walking around the trees surrounding you and him. "You wanted to see the leaves fall as they always do, you wanted to see the world from a different perspective, c'mon Cal, be open minded, please?!" You motion your arms like an open door than quickly point to your head. "Okay... Okay." Calum laughed.


"Look Y/N, do you see that fox?" Shaking your head at how close Luke is getting to it. "Yes, Luke, now please step away from the fox." "No Y/N, he will not harm me, I am one with the animals." "Luke... WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! GET AWAY FROM THE.." You were cut off with the sight of seeing the fox walked up to Luke slowly and sniffed him as Luke stood there quiet, without any movement. "See, I told you, didn't I tell you Y/N?" Luke laughed. "You are seriously crazy..." You said walking away from Luke while nodding your head.

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