Chapter 5

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Sweeney woke up on the sofa next to Mrs Lovett, must of both been tried in the end
He thought to himself.
He got up carefully not trying to wake Nellie.
She was still wearing her dress from the day before. She looked so beautiful he thought to himself, before making his way to the pie shop.
He entered the pie shop no one else was up yet so he just decided to clean his shop to past some time.
He sighed to himself and went into the the small cupboard at the back of the shop to get a mop and bucket and some other cloths to clean up.

After filling up the bucket with soap and water, he went up to his shop.
Entering the shop it looked horrible, blood on the window the floor.
He thought about it though, how bloody good it felt to finally kill the judge. He gave a little smirk thinking about it, how the judge was helpless and couldn't do anything about it, just like Sweeney couldn't when he was sent away.
He snapped outta his thoughts then rolled up his sleeves and started cleaning up.

It didn't take to long surprisingly.
He needed a drink after that so he left his shop going back downstairs to the pieshop.

Mrs Lovett had woken up and was now sitting in one of booths, it was a Sunday also so she was relieved that she wasn't open today.

As she sat there, she thought about Mr Todd who she presumed was probably back in his shop pacing about as usual.
Obviously she'd known his since they were children but she never really told him properly about her feeling towards him.
Just then the man himself came walking in, with a mop and bucket. Placing it down In the corner.
"Morning love" Nellie said with a sweet smile
"Morning Nell" he smiled back.
Walking over to where she was siting,
"I need a drink, want any?" Sweeney said.
"Make it strong though" Nellie said with a little chuckle.
He gave a little laughs back. "Of course"

He came came with to small glasses filled with gin, then siting down next to Nellie giving her one of the glasses.
"Didn't want to wake you earlier, you looked peaceful" Sweeney said just looking out of the window
"Yeah I was bit confused waking up there, I didn't think I was gonna fall asleep on the sofa, especially with the famous Mr Todd"
She said with a little chuckle
Sweeney gave her a little smile
"Wouldn't be the first time Nell" he said then turned back to look out of the window again.
"Take it you cleaned your shop then, unless you just happen to carrier round a mop and bucket at times"
Mrs Lovett said smiling slightly.
"Yeah well, I needed something to do"
Sweeney replied
"I guess you did"

About 20 minutes later, Anthony came through, obviously wanting answers.
Mrs Lovett was now making some pies, as she usually dose and Sweeney was still sitting just staring into oblivion.

"Morning Mr Todd, Mrs Lovett"
"Morning lad" Mrs Lovett replied with a sweet smile.
Sweeney just gave him a nod.
"Would you like any breakfast dear"
She asked Anthony.
"Yes please Madam, if you don't mind"
Anthony replied
Sweeney looked up, "Oh yeh thanks, not that I get hungry or anything. He said In sarcastic jokingly tone.
She turned to him putting her hands on her hips.
"Oh I'm sorry, but aren't you a grown man, who could make his own breakfast" she replied jokingly back
"Nell you know I can't cook, or do any of that stuff" he replied fully looking her
She laughed a little bit. She knew he couldn't.
He was good at other things but obviously In the kitchen he was helpless.
"I know dear, how about eggs for you both?"
She asked both Anthony and Sweeney.
"Yes please" Anthony replied"
"Sounds good to me" Sweeney said half mumbling
She cooked up some breakfast and served it down for them.
"Yeah this is good Nell thanks"
Sweeney said eating while still eating.
"Thanks love"

After finishing, Anthony was wanting to know some things.
"So what needed to be explained Mr Todd and why don't we have to leave anymore"
Sweeney and Nellie both looked at each and sighed.

"We'll explain it together love, it's a long story"

Nellie said quietly. She was getting quite tried on explaining the same thing over and over again, both of them were. But hopefully this will be the last time.

They told Anthony everything, about Johanna being Sweeneys daughter, the Judge. Just not about the people but pies, Johanna also didn't know that and they intended on keeping that way.
"So we can stay here in London but I have no where else to go"
Anthony said
"Well obviously lad you're both gonna stay here, there's enough room"
Mrs Lovett said sweetly
"Thank you Mrs Lovett"

It had only been a couple of hours, everyone was up now.
Sweeney was doing his usual pacing around his shop even though it was Sunday and he was closed. Mrs Lovett was making pies and things for tomorrow when opening, which Toby and Johnna were helping with.
Anthony was down at the docks looking for work.

Nellie could here Sweeney pacing about.
"I swear that man is gonna make a hole in my bleedin ceiling one day"
Johnna and Toby both laughed at Nellies comment.
"You you two be alright on your own, when I just go check on Mr Todd"
Nellie said looking at them both.
They both smiled and said yes so Nellie made her upstairs to his shop.

Sweeney was pacing about, then he heard the bell to his shop ring. Knowing it was Mrs Lovett he just carried on pacing.

"Sweeney dear, any particular reason why you're pacing about?"
Mrs Lovett asked looking at Sweeney with her hand on her hips.
He just ignored her.
"You're daughter is downstairs, try and spend some time with her"
Still he carried on ignoring her.
He walked over to him and stopped him from pacing holding on to his shoulders looking at him.
"Now are I know you're a stubborn person but so am I , but I always win so come downstairs"
She was right, Nellie always happened to win the in end.
He sighed looking back her, then embracing her with a hug.
"I'm sorry Nell" he said pulling back, just I've been thinking about some things.
"And what's that dear" Mrs Lovett said smiling up at him.
"I realised, I made a mistake missing Lucy all those years. Yes I got a beautiful daughter from her but that's it. I don't miss her. I don't think I was even in love with her. It was you Nell... I think I'm in love with you"

Mrs Lovett couldn't believe it, this just made her so happy.
"Me to Mr Todd, me to"

so yeh they love each other???
Longer chapter this time!!
What do ya think
Should be updating soooon
Reminder in this story that they've known each other for their whole lives :))

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