I am so sorry

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Authors Note!! *Important*

hello all of my lovely fans !! sadly this will not be a chapter, but I still needs u to read this.

first off, I feel I need to apologize, I am very sorry I haven't updated and I've gotten requests to update. being an unpopular author it is a great honor getting those (but that doesn't mean do that after every single chapter ). anyway I'm very sorry.

second, I must tell u guys now.. this story will most likely be very clean. no r-rated scenes for sure but mildly steamy make-outs MIGHT occur.

thirdly, I am only in highschool I have other commitments besides wattpad sadly and I am sorry but I will do my best to update when I can, if I can.

fourth of all, if u read my other stories, than u might sort of know that alot of people read this one but they really love Hall Moniter Hottie... but unfortunately I'm putting it on hold. I don't necessarily want to but there's no time, I don't know exactly how its going to continue next, and I don't want it to b a very short story. So it was in my interests to put it on hold.

fifth and final thing, I appreciate all of u guys for reading my stories and I sincerely apologize for all my future slow updates... there isn't much time in my schedule anymore and I will b joining clubs and things soon also..so as  heartbreaking for me as it is I won't b able to read as often let alone update. again I am so SO sorry I had to do this. but I'm grateful to those of u who understand my situation.

that'll be all. HUGS and LOVE


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