Hell Train(2)

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(Based off WEBTOON epsisode #251)

Hell Train

 "Man I've missed this place," Kai said nostalgically, "It's been so long." The interior was dusty and old, almost exactly how it was over two hundred years ago. The six of them walked throughout the train cars, their feet leaving behind impressions on the dust ridden floor. 

The train was so unattended to, various plants grew in the damp corners and mice, along with other vermin scurried around. One such plant was a green and blue mushroom, which Evangeline currently held in her hands. She regarded it curiously, examining it from all sides. Then throwing caution to the wind, she popped the entire thing into her mouth.

"Tasty~," She commented, a dreaming look on her face, munching on it. Her remark caught Blake's attention.

"Eve!" He shouted in alarm, "What are you eating?!"

"A mushr-" Before she could finish, she suddenly fell to the ground unconscious.

"Eve!" Yuri shouted. Everyone gathered around her, wide eyed, as Evan took her pulse. Then, seconds later, she sat up straight in one fast movement. Evan barely managed to avoid her.

"oom!" She finished, blinking rapidly. They all kept staring.

"Guys, come on, I know I'm gorgeous but stop staring, it's creepy," she teased, fake blushing.  

"Eve," Ayden said in shock and mild terror, "your...head..." The girl brought up a hand to feel at her head.

"EH!" She screamed, her hands touching something that wasn't hair.

"It's not that bad..." Yuri tried as Evangeline bought out a mirror, which she conveniently keeps somewhere on her person. She gave another yelp.

"I have a tree growing out of my head! How is that not bad?!"

"Technically a mushroom, a green progeneous fungi to be exact," Kai informed unhelpfully. He had extensive knowledge on wildlife, a side effect of his obsession with nature. 

 "I don't ca-" She fainted again before she could finish. 

"Eve!" They tried to shake her awake, but it was to no avail, the girl was out cold.

"Okay," Ayden said finally, "we have no choice but to leave her here to rot. We'll miss you...Okay let's go."

"We're not leaving her," Blake said, grabbing his shoulder before he could walk too far. 

"Ahhh Eve!" Yuri cried, "you will be missed."

"Actually she'll be fine," Kai interrupted, "green progeneous fungi may cause loss of conscience but she should be fine once she wakes up." 

"Oh." Ayden looked slightly disappointed.

"Well, okay then. While we're waiting for her to wake up, let's go to the conductor's office," Yuri cheered, her attitude turning a complete 360.

"Won't he's gonna kick us off as soon as he sees us?" Blake asked, as he tried to override Evangeline's command of her Opera. They needed a way to lug her body along and no one else brought a lighthouse or anything else they could use.

"Don't worry. We'll use my father's name," Yuri grinned, "say the Zahard Family's looking for a missing regular, finding out of he's alive is the goal anyway." She snickered.

"He won't dare throw us out if we tell him father sent us. MHWAHHAHHAHHAHH." 

"This is never going to work," Evan mumbled. But Yuri was fully confident of her plan, and so they made their way to the conductor's office. They plopped Evangeline's body onto Opera, which Blake had succeeded in taking over. It was a hard task, but Blake had excellent shinsu control, and the fact that Evangeline was out cold helped.

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