Chapter 10

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Baekhyun slowly opened his eyes. He was feeling oddly lighter and better than the previous sleeps he had. He stretched his limbs and sat up, he looked at Chanyeol's bed and saw that it was already empty, so he scooted out of bed to look for the taller. Their shared room was just small so it wouldn't be hard to find his tall friend, but he wasn't really around. 'Didn't he come home last night?'

Baekhyun went to the kitchen but he was only welcomed with prepared food on the table, so it means Chanyeol returned home last night. Baekhyun was saddened and weirded by this as this was the first time Chanyeol left him alone. "Maybe... he's just really busy today," he convinced himself and nodded.

Honestly, Baekhyun wasn't used to this. Anymore. Ever since Chanyeol walked into his life, the taller wanted Baekhyun to depend only on him so the omega grew very dependent over him. He couldn't imagine his life without Chanyeol anymore, so he also wanted to stay beside him.

Baekhyun quickly finished his breakfast and prepared himself for school. Maybe he'll meet Chanyeol at the hallways. He smiled at this and walked out of their room. He can't wait to see Chanyeol.


Baekhyun roamed his eyes around the hallways, searching for a certain giant with grey locks. Even in the hallways he knew it wouldn't be hard to find his friend with his incredibly tall height. Instead of aiming to go to his first class, Baekhyun headed to the locker rooms in hope to find the taller there. Baekhyun wanted Chanyeol to walk him to his first class just like any other day.

Baekhyun smiled widely when he saw a tall lanky male with grey locks, rummaging through his locker with a clear name tag at the front which was written by Baekhyun himself because he knew Chanyeol can be so forgetful sometimes.

“What happened last night? Why did I suddenly… change?” Chanyeol muttered to himself, soft enough that only him and his wolf could hear.

After everything that happened last night, aside from guilt, Chanyeol also got so many questions.

“That was our true form, Chanyeol. I guess it happened because you’ve been trying to hide me from Baekhyun for so long that we had to be kind of, separated although we’re still in one body. That’s also the reason why I can communicate with you!” his wolf said inside his head. Chanyeol was still confused.

“I don’t get it. Separated in one body? It doesn’t make any sense,” Chanyeol said, sighing heavily.

His wolf sighed as well. Chanyeol was a top student yet he doesn’t get simple things like this. “Our situation right now can be similar to a split personality. You are the human nature and I am the wolf nature. Your body adapted too much from pretending as a beta that you completely neglected who you really are, and that neglected nature was me!”

Chanyeol put the small pieces of puzzle together and at some point, it really does makes sense. “How are we gonna go back to normal?”

“Well… the only solution to this is to stop pretending.”

“What?” Chanyeol stopped when a few students stared at him in a weird way. “You know I can’t do that,” he whispered softly, hiding his face inside his locker.

“That’s the only way that I can think of!”

“We can’t, not right now at least. We’ll think of other ways,” Chanyeol said as he began to collect his things and closed his locker.

"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun called out and ran towards his friend. Chanyeol stiffed on his spot and quickly turned around. He wanted to run away but he chose not to as he didn’t want to hurt Baekhyun’s feelings even more. "What's wrong?" Baekhyun asked and Chanyeol flinched at how painful it sounded.

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