Series V: The EX Organization

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Few weeks already passed after that fateful incident.

Minseok couldn't stop thinking about that mysterious man he met. He tapped his fingers on the study table (which was Jongdae's by the way) while thinking about his offer that day.

Tempting but shady.

‘What if he's telling the truth?’ his guardian angel told him in a small sweet voice, Minseok tilted his head to the left. ‘This could be your chance to change your life! For the better!’

‘Hey! You're the good angel. Why are you making him trust a stranger he just met!’ the dark angel said on the other side, Minseok turned to his right. ‘You should've listened to your father! But I am pretty sure that if you apologize to him right now, you can go back to the service!’

‘This is why I am the good angel! I don't recommend him to do things that will make his life miserable!’ the white angel argued while flying towards the other.

‘Trusting a complete stranger will make his life miserable!’ the dark angel argued back, now both angels were fighting in front of Minseok.

‘Well, asking help from his dad is like digging his own grave all the way down to hell!’ the white angel said.

‘Well... for your information, I am the devil in here. Am I supposed to drag him to heaven?’

‘You little piece of—’

‘Hah! You're about to curse at me!’

The two little angels continued to fight and Minseok has had enough. He shook his head and ruffled his hair.

“Hey, what's wrong?” Jongdae asked, who just emerged from the bathroom, while drying his hair with a towel.

Minseok stared up at him with wide eyes because damn, when did Jongdae became this lean— okay stop. He shook his head again before muttering a soft. “Nothing.”

“You can't hide anything from me, Minseok. I know when something's bothering you or none,” Jongdae said while rummaging through his pile of clothes.

‘Should I tell him?’ Minseok thought while biting down on his bottom lip.

“Are you still... upset about what happened few weeks ago?” Jongdae asked while looking at the other male with worried eyes.

Minseok shook his head as a response.

Maybe he should tell his friend. Jongdae deserves to know since all he did was take care and worry about him a lot. He even let him stay at his house without hesitation. Jongdae definitely deserves it.

“I can't stop thinking about that mysterious man I met few weeks ago...” Minseok started and failed to see the frown on Jongdae's face.

“What about him? Did you see his face? Does he look... handsome?” Jongdae asked rather desperately but Minseok was too dense to notice it.

Nah. He's covered in a thick black cloak. I bet he's ugly,” Minseok replied with a soft laugh and the other male sighed in relief.

When Jongdae was done putting his clothes on, he sat next to his friend. “Then, why do you keep on thinking about him?”

Minseok looked around the room to make sure it was only the two of them before he took a card from his pocket and showed it to Jongdae. “He told me that he can give me the dream I've wanted if I let him help me.”

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