Chapter 1: Gwanda- what?

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Authors note:

All names, some places etc. are made up



The skies were dark and only a few stars twinkled bright and delicately. The cool breeze from the ocean blew softly in my face running its fingers through my dark hair.

I let out a soft sigh... Life by the ocean was always perfect.

When suddenly I realised that I was tied to a wooden pole which didn't overlook the ocean but a rocky wasteland.

I began screaming so loud that it echoed from the mountains surrounding me.

It seemed like someone was pushing the pole to the edge of the cliff, towards my death.

"No please stop!" I cried but no one was with me.

I suddenly found myself at my own funeral. Everyone was wearing black and my coffin was gold like riches and it came along with a framed picture of me and red roses...

I seemed to be like a ghost because no one noticed me.

I peeped inside my coffin and saw my dead self resting lifelessly inside.

I looked so young in my coffin--about fifteen or sixteen-- my dark brown hair was loose on my shoulders with my eyes closed.

There were no signs of how I died. No blood stains, no marks. Nothing.

In front of the coffin stood Liam Anderson, the dirty blonde haired and sixteen year old son of Hermes. He stared at the dead me with grief, anger, disappointment.

Beside him stood a girl the same age. She was blonde and she was smiling so much that her face stretched. Her name was Amy Vincent, the daughter of Ares and my murderer.

Liam turned to look at Amy with resentment.

"You monster!" he hissed. "Look at what hate has brought you to."

Amy carried on smiling. "Oh she was a tough one! But I had fun getting rid of her and I'd do it all over again."

Why would you want to take a fellow human' s life and be proud of it?

Amy danced away and Liam closed the coffin before the gravediggers settled it inside a hole in the earth.

Above a hill stood the centaur Chiron. He seemed to be looking up at the sky until a wave came to swallow him whole.

"No!" I screamed, "Poseidon please let him go it was my fault that I died!"

But Chiron was gone.

My eyes opened and I woke up with sweat beaded on my forehead.

The cliff, the funeral, Chiron dying... It was all a dream...

I slowly climbed out of bed and caught a glimpse of the view outside the window. The ocean in California was filled with people, the sky was clear blue, and the sun shined brightly which I found rather ironic since I just went through a nightmare.

I dragged my feet to the shower and brushed my teeth,combed my hair and what-not.

At the foot of my bed stood my suitcase. My mother had decided that today we would be going to a beach resort in Los Angeles California. At first I disagreed with her but later on I just decided to go with the flow.

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