Chapter 5: The Dragon

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I followed Liam to where the drama was. In front of the reception was my mom, the twins, Sakura and James. They were looking at figures in the sky-- A dragon was chasing three Pegasi.

I am not talking about your ordinary dragon. I'm talking about a fire breathing, poison spitting, terrifying dragon.

Liam had a sword with him as well as Leon and I.

"Has anyone heard of fire breathing, poisonous dragons?" Mom asked.

"No, they're not in any of the Greek myths I know of," replied Sakura. (Yeah as if she knows anything about Greek mythology.)

"I guess Tartarus is making more babies!" said Liam as the Pegasi and dragon got closer.

"It's actually Gaea that makes the monsters, Liam."

The Pegasi landed ten feet in front of us. One was white, the other brown and the third was black. The dragon followed but it didn't come for the Pegasi, it's gold irises were looking at us.

Leona formed a transparent shield around us to keep the monster away.

"Mom, Sakura, James... Get inside," I ordered. "Liam, the twins and I are going to take the dragon down!"

My mom and James immediately went inside (Satyrs are supposed to protect demigods and James was a scary cat) but stayed in the door way to keep an eye and Sakura stayed were she was.

"Sakura get in!" I hissed.

The Japanese girl made eye contact with me but didn't obey my command...

The transparent shield disappeared and Leona spread her arms out in front of her, towards the incoming dragon. "Alitsia Monogromia!" she casted a spell. Silver sparks hit the dragon. The dragon was stunned but nothing happened to it.

"Great what was that supposed to do?" moaned Leon.

"It's a spell for putting living things in a coma. It should've worked," The twin replied.

The dragon was taking it's time, walking as slow as a sloth.

"Try another one!" said Liam.

"Spartamia malavask!" Leona exclaimed. "Spartamia malavask!".

A silver cloud of smoke crawled from Leona's fingers. The silver cloud swarmed around the dragon from head to toe. Then the cloud disappeared and the beast was still there.

"What? The dragon was supposed to turn into stone!" said Leona.

The daughter of Hades looked like she was going to have a heart attack. Her face became so pale that she looked ghostly...

"It's okay, Leona," I reassured her. "Liam, Leon and I will take care of this."

We slowly advanced towards the monster and Sakura followed behind us.

Was she deaf or what?

"Sakura stay there with the others!" I hissed, pointing to the reception.

Sakura sulked but this time she obeyed.

Leon stabbed at the dragon with his obsidian sword but dragon's skin did not cut. Meanwhile Liam was trying to distract the dragon.

"Its skin is like iron!" Leon shouted.

I gaped at the dragon's head and I noticed that there was a patch of skin that seemed different from the rest of its body located near the jaw-- The dragon's weak spot. I aimed my sword for the patch of skin and threw it like a javelin. The sword pierced the mark perfectly and the dragon yelped spitting a mixture of poison and fire.

The dragon fell to it's side and I took the opportunity to retrieve my sword.

Just when I was about to slice the dragon's head off, a vine wrapped itself around the dragon's entire body so tight that the dragon suffocated and crumbled to gold dust.

Sakura's eyes were glowing pink then her eyes were normal again.

I capped my sword and walked back to the reception with the boys behind my back.

Sakura flashed a smile at the three of us as if she had done nothing.

"Now that!" exclaimed James. "Is how you kill a dragon."

He gave Sakura a high-five and put an arm around her.

The three Pegasi which I almost forget about seemed to be bowing down before someone. Either me or Sakura...

The Pegasi were bowing down before Sakura as if she had just done the most bizarre thing.

"Now that should be The One not that bossy daughter of Poseidon," I heard the white pegasus say in my head.

"Excuse me!" I said mentally.

"Oh nothing, Phillipa Nelson. You are the most worthy demigod," replied the black pegasus.

"I heard exactly what you said, Horse Brain and trust me... I will deal with you."

The Pegasi reared and took off into the sky.

"No! Don't leave," moaned Sakura. "I like being treated like a queen."

If I could make a list of all the things I'd love to do to Sakura we would be here for ages...

I glared at her, not sure if I wanted to strangle her or cry...

Liam changed the atmosphere. "I think we should be going to camp," he said and I. couldn't agree more.

We all got our belongings into the Jeep then I remembered the car keys a stole...

On the keys had a Ferrari logo. I pressed the red button and a clicking sound came from a red car a few blocks away.

"Mom!" I said. "I found a ride."

They all came to notice that the ride was probably a band new Ferrari. The red paint job was stunning with not a single mark on it.

"Hey, why don't Sakura and I make use of the new ride-" began James. He still had an arm around Sakura.

"No James! I'm going with the Ferrari alone," I said. "I need to cool off."

After what Sakura did I just couldn't stand her anymore.

"But you're not even fifteen!".

The engine of the Ferrari roared to life and I turned the gears and rolled the windows down.

"See you at camp!"

Nobody was going to steal my title

And certainly not the daughter of Persephone

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