Chapter 7: Hera is one mad woman

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I wish I found a dream catcher in that flood... I was in a knee high pit of black mud. I was unable to move as if I were stuck in solid concrete. Panic swelled up inside of me. This is only a dream, I reminded myself but it was too realistic, too vivid to be called just a dream.

Suddenly monsters of all sorts formed a tight ring around me.

"Join me and I will make you great," coaxed the voice of Gaea. "When I recreate the world I will make you Queen and the son of Hermes can be your King."

I tried to speak but my voice wouldn't work.

"Join me!".

"Join us!" Groaned the monsters.

Abruptly the dream changed and I found myself in a stone room with no door but several tiny holes through the walls so there was a bit of sunlight. At the far end of the room was a dark corner and in that corner glowed a pair of kaleidoscopic eyes.

I landed up against the wall with nowhere to run as The Reaper glided towards me. She bared her lips showing fangs. Then The Reaper took her cloak off revealing a blonde girl who I realised was Amy Vincent the Traitor. Amy morphed into my worst nightmare and took the life out of me....

I woke up breathing heavily. In the corner of the cabin was a shadow which could only be The Reaper.

"Listen Reaper!" I warned as I got out of my bed. "I am sick of you watching me like a hawk so why don't you go pick on someone else for once? In fact go back to the underworld and come back when it's Halloween."

The Reaper crawled out of the shadow to make her way out the door but as her white hands touched the sunlight she recoiled and hissed.

I stared at her with interest then I remembered seeing her change onto Amy in my dream...

"Reaper, take off her hood," I ordered gently

The Reaper refused.

"Take it off, I don't care if you're bald."

The Reaper slowly raised her bony hands and slowly took the hoodie so I could see her face.

Boy was I wrong of her being bald!

The Reaper had platinum blonde hair in a single braid down her back. Her eyes constantly changed colour. Her skin was like pure white but she looked beautiful. I don't know how but she just did and she was less creepy with her hood off.

"You're really pretty!" I complimented.

The Reaper gave me a halfhearted smile and covered her face with the hoodie. "Thanks for the compliment but I'm not very pretty, trust me." Her voice made the skin at the back of my neck stand on end.

"Alrighty then!" I said. "I'll get ready for the day so long while you can just... Stay there in that nice cozy corner."

I locked myself in the bathroom and tried to relax. I knew that Thanatos was the god of Death almost like the Grim reaper (I've only seen and been called Death before and it wasn't a good experience so I probably don't want to meet the god). I never knew that Death had a daughter. It wasn't in any of the Greek myths or stories... Was The Reaper a servant of Gaea?

That girl gave me nightmares... Seriously and you will probably get them too. (My advice to everybody reading this book is stay away from dark corners. Go to bed with the lights on and sprinkle holy water in your house)

I pushed away the thought and cleaned myself up. By the time I got out The Reaper was still in the corner, meditating.

We left the cabin walking side by side but The Reaper was actually gliding not walking.

"Don't you dare tell anybody about my appearance," Every time The Reaper spoke her voice became more penetrating like the squeaking sound you get when you scratch the blackboard.

The Reaper must have felt my insecurity because she lowered her hoodie so that I could see her face.

"I apologised for the way I speak but I'm actually trusting you, Phillipa. I'm cursed."

I stopped dead in my tracks...

"Cursed?" I gasped. "How?"

The Reaper stopped floating in the air and stood in front of me. She held my hands.

"Do want me to explain it visually or non visually?" Asked The Reaper.

"Which one's safer and less nightmarish?" I asked.

"Both of them are hell."

I cursed, "Fine let's do visual."

The Reaper held onto my hands and I found myself drifting into another world.

Note to self: If someone wants to show you their passed never let them do it visually. It was pretty painful like being pulled apart,luckily the pain ended when The Reaper and I landed in a beautiful garden.

In the centre of the garden was a white pavilion with a stone pathway that led to a mansion. Flower beds grew along the sides with trees. In the pavilion was a girl with very tan skin and platinum blonde hair. She sat down in front of the pavilion cross legged playing with a flower.

"That is me... Well what I used to look like," said The Reaper.

"You were gorgeous! Not like your not now but what happened to you?" I replied.

"Shh!" The Reaper grabbed hold of me and we hid underneath a shady tree where she casted a darker shadow.

Suddenly out of nowhere a majestic woman in a blue dress and a cape made from goat skin appeared-- Hera, the Queen of the gods (The reason why I'm multi powered)

Hera glared at the old Reaper with pure hatred which confused me. She was just sitting peacefully in the grass... No harm done.

Hera walked towards the old Reaper who gazed up at her since Hera was so tall.

"I see someone has decided to disobey the gods!" bellowed Hera.

"I'm sorry Queen Hera!" Exclaimed the girl. "But I don't know how I've offended Olympus.

"Well," Hera smirked. "You don't worship us."

"My- my parents didn't teach me about the Greeks!".

"What are your parents?"


"Hmm... Obvious but I can't let you live peacefully."

Before the old Reaper could reject, Hera grew in size and her eyes flashed with fury.

"You will no longer stand in the light. Death will be your companion and Darkness will be your throne. May the colour fade from your flesh as well as your life. Everything you touch will wither and die. For you are now The Reaper and you will stay like that forever and ever!"

Lightning flashed in the skies and the girl's appearance changed. Her tan skim became white like snow, a dark cloak was around her...

Suddenly we were back in the present, out of the flashback and in my cabin.

The Reaper had crawled into the corner shivering from fear. She was scared.

"Why in the world of Hades would Hera do that? Is that even legal?" I tried to sound upbeat.

"It's Hera what do you expect!" The Reaper hissed with disgust. "But I don't think you'll know... You've never faced her."

"Trust me darling I have," I replied. "Hera is the reason I'm multi powered."

The Reaper stopped shivering and pushed her fear aside.

"I'm also cursed," I admitted. "So you're not alone and maybe you can get rid of the curse."

"I can't get rid of the curse, Phillipa. It's going to stay with me forever and I can't die because I am Death."


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