The Hit list

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Note:your a famous Hitman (that is a woman) and you soon have to make to choice of your life when it comes to one target. so enjoy. Also this will be in the I prospective!

"Hey loco my account it looking a bit low I want all of it at once not just half,
Finish the job
"You have about 15 seconds until the target is gone... tick tock"
OK chill there was an error
"Hm to bad... well then it's nice doing business with you" bang, I pulled the trigger and watch as the body fell to the ground people swarming it. "My works done here" I thought as I took a running jump off the building and used my grapple to hook onto a crane swinging off. When I got to my apartment I walked into the door just to see a man sitting in the dark, I looked at him for a few seconds in confusion until finally saying calmly "can I help you?" The man stepped out into the dim light replying "Hello, I'm commander Jack Morrison of overwatch, and we have been looking for new members we checked you out a bit and your background seems good with training you could become great." I look at him puzzled and then remember that I had hacked into my account and changed everything to something more normal. I looked up at Jack nodding slowly "what if I refuse?" He smiled softly "nothing will happen you will just loose your chance." I sighed and thought about the offer, after a few minutes of silence I responded "fine I'll give it a shot." This made the commanders face light up with excitement knowing he would have fresh meet to train "great come with me I have the ship ready, you can have about 5 minutes to pack your things." I nodded and tossed my stuff into a bag including my gun and a few other weapons concealing them so no one would notice. I then walked back into the main room of my apartment where jack was sitting he pointed to the door and I nodded hearing him, "let's go" I walked out to where the ship was and got on waiting for the long flight ahead.
Time skip
When landing I walked out of the ship and looked around. There was a huge building with the overwatch symbol on it, I gasped, honestly it was much larger then I would have expected, however I smiled and spoke "lead on commander." When we got to the doors he opened then and I followed Jack inside, he lead me past a few room where there where all sorts of people and animals. After a few minutes of walking he stoped at a door "this will be your room." I walked into it and looked around, it was a good size with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and a living room. I turned around quickly saying "oh commander please call me (Y/n)" with a small smile on my face as he nodded and walked away. I then set my things down on the couch and start to unpack, I left my weapons in my bags just Incase however when I saw my gun tho it reminded me of all my missions making me pause. I sighed as the number 3251 replayed in my head over and over it was all the mission I had completed, never failing any of them not even one. By now a few hours had gone by with me unpacking my things, Looking at the clock soon after I realized it red 2:26 am. I sighed knowing I would sleep much before thinking to myself. "I'll just go for a little walk." I quietly slipped into a large jacket and walked out of my room softly. I walked down the halls and around some rooms until I saw a larger room with a light on. This confused me at first drawing my attention making me go closer and look into the room. I saw a man with a dark beard and some messy brown hair lifting waits. I just stared through the door looking at his muscles. Then slowly walked into the room and over to him. He put the waits back and looked over at me, I froze unable to move knowing his gaze was on me. He then said in a deep yet calm voice "well.. who do we have here? I don't recall you being on the team. And isn't it passed curfew?"He walked over, now towering above me I replied "I'm (Y/n) the new member, I got invited by commander Morrison." When I said his name the man in front of me frowned "call me commander Reyes or sir." I stood there in shock "wait he's a commander!?" I thought, then I said without thinking "well... uh yes.. sir, I'll just... uh be going now." I never liked bosses or people in a better position then me so I always got a little flustered around them. I quickly turned and walked back down the hall and into my room. I rushed over to my bed and covered myself with a pillow mumbling "why am I so stupid! He's just one guy." I sighed and laid down falling asleep wishing I didn't need to train with him that next day.
Time skip
I woke up early that morning and read the clock "shit!" I yelled as the alarm didn't wake me up, rushing over to my closet and pulling on my training clothes before racing out of my room to Jacks office. I ran up to the door and knocked on it after a few seconds he said "come in." I walked through the door and he laughed "You look a bit... uh late." My checks turned bright red as I blushed Trying to speak "yeah I over slept a bit... but where will I be starting my training?" The commander stood up from his desk and lead me out of the room and down a flight of stairs where there was a large training room with only 3 people in it. He opened the door and walked me in saying "hey Gabriel I'm going to have you take this one" as he gestured to me. I looked around the room seeing the 3 people. One of them looked like a cowboy with stubble on his chin and a messy hair style the other was a cyborg he had some human parts but most of him looked to be machine. Then I realized who the other one was, it was the commander I met last night. I walked over still following Jack he introduced me to Commander Reyes and said "you will be training with him for awhile in black-watch until you prove your skills to fully join overwatch." I sighed as I looked at him, "hello sir." He ignored me and grunted. I walked over to the other men standing in the room and introduced myself soon after "I'm (Y/n) nice to meet you guys." The cowboy walked up to me winking "hey darling what's a cutie like your self doing down here?" I blushed at his comment and just shrugged "you can call me Mcree little lady. Or Jesse if you really want." He grinned at me wile I turned even more red and looked away to the other man who bowed his head slightly, introducing himself "I'm Genji nice to meet you!" I smiled at him and said hello, after a few more minutes Reyes turned our way speaking loudly "today we will start off with some basic one on one combat training, fists only." The other 2 just looked at each other and question "uh sir she's a girl" This made me upset but I let it go only saying "really guys!" Reyes groaned as he said "Fine I'll practice with her!" I looked at him hopeing he was joking, but of corse he wasn't I walked over to the mat with him and we started to walk in a circle with our fists up. The other 2 guys stepped back thinking he would destroy me. I didn't care what they thought I was going to make sure I showed my place. Then without warning Reyes struck a blow at my face, I blocked it and took a shot at his stomach, this made him stumble back a bit in shock. He went after me again but he went for my legs and I caught him in time knocking him off balance making him fall on his ass. The other 2 men laughed a bit cause no one would normally stand up to him. At this point I could tell he was pissed quickly he got up and took a swing at me, I didn't catch it in time knocking me down. The commander towered above me and looked down coldly "hm to good for your own head—." he got cut off by me swinging my leg around and tripping him, he fell down and I jumped up and stood in front of him "maybe you should learn not to boast commander." I said with a grin on my face...

Note: this is the end of chapter one so I hope you enjoyed I am making more soon don't worry 😝

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