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Gabriel's POV//
I read the note and it said ( yes I will be gone when you wake up Gabriel, but I need to protect you and the rest of overwatch. I have been hunted and I needed to leave please don't take this personally. I still love you and it's a pain to leave but like I said before, you all need to be kept safe... please don't come after me it's for the best. Once again I love you Gabriel and I'll never forget you
Sincerely (Y/n)
I read the note in my head as I continue I got more mad and upset. At firsts I didn't believe it and thought it was some sick joke but as time passed on no one came. I jumped out of bed throwing on pants and looked around the room, it was almost all empty all the clothes where gone and there where no bags. The only thing left was the note... I walked out the door and down the hall to Jacks office thinking he sent (Y/n) away I marched in the door and found jack sitting there with an upset look on his face. "What is it now Gabriel?" He asked. I almost punched him when I yelled back saying "WHERE IS SHE WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Jack looked at me for a moment in confusion and asked "who did I do what with?" I narrowed my eyes, "where is (Y/n)?!" Jack rose his brow "she should be in her room asleep until training." I yelled at him again "I JUST CAME FROM HER ROOM SHES GONE!" Jack frowned slightly "what where you doing there?" I thought about it for a brief moment "I was seeing if she wanted to get food before training." Jack looked at me again in annoyance. "take me to her room. Show me what you mean by she's gone." I marched out of the office with jack behind me as I got to her door I kicked it open and walked inside with jack "SEE!" I said jacks face turned to a more upset look and he said "When was the last time you herd from her?" I said "yesterday night when I was talking to her" then she just left this morning. I lied of corse I wasn't going to tell him I slept with (Y/n) he would kill me. "Did she leave anything?" As he glanced around the room his eyes caught the note sitting on the table. He walked over to it but I quickly grabbed it and said "it's just trash nothing else." As I tossed it to the garbage. He then said with a worried tone "we need to find her she's to valuable to loose. Did she tell you anything about herself or why she made a run for it?" I looked down knowing I should tell him about your other job. I took a deep breath and mumbled "she is the sniper that never misses her targets, she never will fail a mission" Jack looked at me in shock and said "HOW DO YOU KNOW? And if this is true WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME?" "YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING JACK!" He frowned and said with gritted teeth "we need to find her she is worth millions and is a danger to all of us. She can't be trusted." I started to say "she's not a danger if she was going to kill us she would have done it and not left." Jack faced me and said "is there something I don't know about Gabriel?" I shook my head and said "just fine her we need her back!" Jack thought about it and came up with a plan he said "why don't we make you a target and hire her to kill you? Before she makes the shot we grab her and knock her out. If she's a sniper she will be in a tall building or something like that so we need an open space." "You want time to get shot? So you can find her... WOW what a great plan Jack it's sooo smart!" I grumbled finally agreeing he walked out of the room and to the common room where he told everyone the plan about catching the sniper he didn't use her name tho he just said sniper which made me fell better. After they had a plan he set up a request that said

Target: Gabriel Reyes
Pay: 100 mil
Description: tall with dark hair and a beanie, dressed in black and gray. An agent for overwatch... get it done
(Y/n) POV
That night I got the pop up on my phone giving me the targets name it was Gabriel I was about to turn it down until I saw the amount of money. I thought to myself "what if I take the money and leave the target alive? Yeah that would work." I clicked accept and sent it back to Jack not knowing it was him. Later that night I pulled up my map and found where he was located it was a large open grass field. This didn't give me much cover so I would need to be quick to get the money and make it look as if Gabe was dead. I set up a spot about 100 yards away in the tall grass making it hard to spot me I waited a few minutes until Gabe walked out into the open. I looked through the scope ready to fire a tranquilizer pellet at him right then I got grabbed by multiple people yanking me away from my spot. I herd a voice yell NOW! As I get put in handcuffs. I was carried over to jack and Gabe by a few other people in overwatch they removed my mask and threw it to the ground crushing it. This made me mad as I approached them Jacks face was in a scowl he then said "take her to my ship and get her ready for questioning." Gabe looked at her with a horror stricken gaze not knowing what to say. When I saw him I knew it was wrong for me to run away but I couldn't bring people back that where still hunting me I had to escape. I opened my mouth to speak and said "please jack you don't understand! I'm being hunted and if I go back to overwatch they will kill me and everyone else. Let me go." Jack sighed and said "you have lied about a lot, done  much damage, and betrayed our trust. I have no reason to let you go." I then said "well then I'm sorry to but I can't go back." I kicked a knife out of my boot and flipped around knifing Hanzo in the leg making him drop my arm I jumped around and kicked Winston knocking him off balance he let me go as he fell and I got up and started to run I got about 30 feet away before I got tackled by jack and Gabe both. They grabbed me and stood me up jack said "try one more things like that again and you will be sorry." I then thought about what to do with me running out of options and time I did the last thing I could. I turned around facing Gabe and kissed him grabbing the keys of his belt without him noticing. Jack stood there for a moment not know what to do before he glared and Gabe who was still kissing me and said "YOU HAVE BEEN SLEEPING WITH HER HAVEN'T YOU!" Gabe pulled away and said "no I would never she's a little devil that had no good intentions." This hurt a bit hearing those words come out of his mouth but I know it was for the best. While jack was still facing Gabe not focused on me I took my chance and used the key to unlock the cuffs and run. I got to my gun where I had been staring the mission and with jack and Gabe running after me I ran out of options and flung myself off the cliff disappearing into the fog. Both men stopped before they fell and looked at each other Gabriel was hiding tears in his eyes as jack said "mission failed! Everyone head back to the ship we need a new plan!" As everyone walked back into the ship Gabriel stood at the side of the cliff and said "oh (y/n) please come back to me..."
//Time skip
A few days had passed sense the mission had failed and I escaped I had use my grapple to hook onto a large tree to stop me from falling to my death at the bottom of the canyon. I had made a camp near the tree I had caught onto each night I would think about Gabriel and seeing his heartbroken and betrayed face. This thought made me tear up each time but I knew I had to put that in the past it was for his own good I needed to protect him.

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