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This is when he got up and tackled me yelling "you little bitch!" I hit the floor hard as he got a good punch to my face before Genji and Mcree rushed over grabbing Reyes off of me and holding him down so I could get away. He yelled "get off me!" They slowly let go of him as he stood back up and said "take her to the doctor... NOW!" Mcree walked over to me and looked at my face I had a huge black and blue spot on my cheek that was swelling quickly. Mcree opened the door and walked you out when you where out of range he said "damn girly! No one had ever taken on the boss like that. What are you trying to get.. a death wish!?" I looked over at him holding my cheek and said "it was training he should have been ready." Mcree just looked at me in awe as he laugh a little. A few more minutes of walking we arrived at the medical lab, when I walked in Angela rushed over asking "what happened" frantically as Mccree replied, "the commander happened." The doctors face was struck with horror not knowing what to say. She just lead me over to a bed and started examining my face, about 10 minutes passed as I sat there her finally saying sweetly "you will be ok just take this liquid it should fix that right up!" As I drink the yellow liquid I felt refreshed and rubbed my face happy it was back to normal. "Thanks" I said warmly with a pleasant look on my face. A few seconds passed before the door burst open with a worried looking Jack. He walked over to the exam table I was sitting on and asked "are you alright? What happened?" Angela giggled "she's ok don't worry." Hearing that jack settled down a bit, "can you come to my office... I need to talk with you (Y/n)" I nodded my head and walked off with him MCcree looked at me with worry in his eyes until saying softly "good luck girly." I left the medical lab and walked down the halls to Jacks office, he opened the door and lead me in gesturing to a seat. I sat down and waited for him to do the same, when he sat down he said "what did you do in training today?" I grinned a little like a kid almost before answering "I kinda beat commander Reyes's ass." Jack sat there for a minute trying to process what I said before he finally spoke again "well I'll be damed, what happened to your face then?" I looked down and said shamefully "he kinda tackled me to the ground and punched me, I was lucky Genji and Mcree where there to stop him." Jack sighed "very well. Are you ok now? I'll have a talk with him later." I nodded and walked out of his office to my room, when getting there I changed into a tank top and some pants. I then walked out of my room and down to the cafeteria to get my dinner because I skipped breakfast and lunch. When I got there I grabbed a tray and put some chicken, rice, and salad on my plate with water on the side. I looked around and saw Genji and Mcree waving to me. I walked over and sat down at the table, Jessy smiled before chuckling softly "how ya doing?" I shrugged not knowing what to say other then I was sore and tired. After dinner I walked off to my room and looked at my phone. A new contact had popped up offering 8k to assassinate someone I grinned accepting the money. Later that night I went out dressed in my light black armor and holding my sniper on my back. I walked passed the rooms and arrived to the main door in no time. I opened it and used my grappling hook to pull myself up to a high building where I opened my map and found where my target was. I ran across building and jumped over roofs until I got to a building that had long been abandoned. I set up a spot there where I could see the target, and right as I suspected the man got out of the car and was talking to a few body guards. I looked through my scope and took my shot hitting the man in the head making him fall to the ground dead. I laughed "Ha simple." When I got back to the overwatch HQ I crept inside trying to to make any noise. However right as I rounded the corner I ran into Reyes who had been walking down the hall. He looked at me his eyes cold now "where have you been niña? It's also passed curfew... way passed." I stood there trying to think of an excuse a moment later he said "well!?" I jumped a little "Oh well you see I was just... at a shooting range testing my aim." He looked at me said frowned saying "you lied." I got all defensive and barked back "no I'm not!" He sneered at me, "go to your room (Y/n) now" I looked at him and chose not to get into a fight with him and continued walking away. He looked back at me and noticed I had a bunch of weapons on me not just a single gun. He stopped me then with his cold voice echoing almost down the halls "I'll get you at some point and when I do... you'll be sorry" I walked faster trying to ignore what he said. I reached my room and walking inside taking off all my gear and putting my weapons away. I walked into the shower and relaxed for about 10 minutes then got out, changed and laid down on the bed falling asleep instantly. That morning I herd a knock on the door I groaned calling out "who is it?" It's me Jessy I groaned once more "come in" he opened the door and walked in seeing me laying on my bed still half asleep. He laughed softly "come on darling you don't want to be late do ya?" I sat up and walked into my closet I pulled on my training clothes and walked out frowning "Ugh ok let's go" Jessy looked at me then a little concerned "did you even get any sleep last night?" In all honestly I got about 2 hours but I didn't want to say that or he would ask more questions so I simply said "yes I did I'm just not a morning person." He laughed at my response and we kept walking to the training grounds, when we arrived Genji was already there talking to Commander Reyes. I yawned soon after with dark circles under my eyes. Reyes looked at me with an upset face not trying to bring up what had happened. Training was simple for me we just had to do shooting practice I took a sub-machine gun from the table and started shooting the dummy in the head. I landed every shot tearing a hole through the dummy's head and making sand go everywhere. Reyes watched me with great interest wondering how I knew so much about shooting and fighting. After practice I tried to avoid everyone and slumped off to my room. I laid down on the bed almost falling asleep before I herd a loud knock on my door. I stood up and walked to the door, I looked out the small window and unlocked the lock on your door. I sat back down on the couch and said come in. Reyes walked into my room and spotted me drifting off to sleep again on my couch. He walked over to me and said in a stern voice "are you doing ok?" I looked up at him and scoffed "you don't care about me." He shook his head and said "I'm sorry for loosing it and punching you." I look back up and him and said "wow what made you change your mind about that?" He didn't anwser for a wile but then said "look I came to ask you if you wanted to have some private lessons with me it would benefit you." I yawned again and said "hm alright what time? He said "how about 4 o'clock?" I gasped "In the morning!?" He nodded his head smugly saying "don't be late niña." I frowned at this comment but didn't say anything about it as I drifted off to sleep.

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