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That night I woke up after my nap it was about 2 in the morning and I grabbed my phone looking at more of my clients. I found one that was offering 15k to kill a young woman I agreed and took the money. pulling on my armor and took my weapons and such. I walked out quickly making sure no one would notice me, when I made it outside I started walking to my targets location. I arrived at a large casino and climbed up to the top getting ready to fire when the target walked out. A few minutes later the woman walked out and I took my shot, I killed her and packed up my gun again right then a bullet wizzed past my arm grazing my skin tearing away flesh. I jumped up realizing that I needed to move cause I had gotten spotted. I jumped down the back of the casino and grappled to a few other buildings until I got back to the HQ. I walked inside quickly holding my arm as blood was rushing down it. I rushed over to my room but right in front of the door was Reyes ready to knock to start my extra training. I gasp and I hide my arm behind me. He turned to look at me in a questionable tone asked "you where out again? Still disobeying the rules I see." I kept a straight face trying to hide the pain in my arm as I said "I'll be ready soon just give me a moment please. I started to walk into my room trying to hide my arm under my armor but he saw the blood dripping from my arm. I walked inside as he grabbed my arm making me yelp in pain. "What happened (Y/n)?" I hurried to hide my arm again "it's nothing." He gave me a stern look at sighed "let me help you bandage it up at least." I slowly nodded my head and let him into my room, walking into my bathroom and pulling off the top of my armor leaving me in a bra. Reyes didn't say anything as he just moved my hand away from my arm taking a damp cloth to clean it. I tightened my grip on the sink as it stung, "sorry" I took a deep breath and let it out it felt so safe with him there. For the first time I felt him behind me trying to help. I questioned my self "why? Why does he want to help me?" A few minutes later he banged it up, "all done" I snapped back into reality and mumbled "thanks sir" he nodded his head as we both walked out of the bathroom, I found a shirt and put it on I also changed out of my leg armor into leggings. I then walked back over to Reyes who was sitting on the side of my bed I said "are we still training? I'll be alright sir" he nodded as he lead me out of my room and to a different training room we where practicing knife throwing when Jack walked into the room seeing why the light was on. I threw a knife wrong and it flung to the door where he just entered. He dogged it and raised his eyebrow asking "what are you training her Gabriel?" I rushed over saying "I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean that." He looked at me and laughed "it's alright, it's not your fault." He then glanced over at Reyes "it's past curfew for her, why is she here." Reyes frowned and responded coldly "it's just extra training nothing more." Jack looked at him in confusion "why does she need more training, she knocked you on your ass." Reyes grunted "fine I'll end the training for tonight." He looked at me frowning "ok (Y/n) just head back to your room for a few hours until breakfast." I yawned and nodded my head thanking him before slipping away to my room. When I got back I looked at my arm that had stopped bleeding but was still an open wound. I frowned as I went to sleep for about 3 hours until breakfast. I got woken up with a loud knock on my door, In a tired voice I said "come in!" Jessy walked into the room with Genji behind him, they looked at me with a puzzled look on my face and Genji asked "did you not sleep last night again?" I nodded still in bed not wanting to move. Jessy walked over and picked me up saying "come on little lady ya don't wana be late, do ya?" I walked into my bathroom slowly and washed my face then came out in my training gear. Genji chuckled "do you need to be carried like a princess?" I laughed and said "yes my servants! Carry me to training." They laughed and Jessy picked me up and walked out Genji behind us. When we got into the training room he put me down. Reyes walked over looking at me "what happened to you?" I sighed "I'm ok sir, just fine." I smiled slightly trying to hide how tired I was. After that we went on with training and after a few hours it was lunch I walked out of the room with Jessy and Genji to the cafeteria. After lunch we walked back into the training room where I herd yelling coming from the door. I cocked my head and Jesse sighed heavily it's just Reyes and the commander. They go at this everyday." Genji added in "just try not to make Reyes more mad when we go in." I nodded as we entered the training room. When the 3 of us walked inside we watched as Jack stormed out of the room. Reyes was leaning on the wall not saying anything. A few more minutes passed as he then walked over to us and commanded "start training now, do more shooting and work on the punching bags. I kept quiet and walked over to the punching bag starting my work. After a few more hours of working the training was over and we all left the room. When I got back to my room I put on my hunting gear and starting a new contact offer it was my biggest one yet 50k, it was to kill the governors wife. After a wile I left and headed for their safe house, setting up a spot and waiting about 15 minutes until she came into sight, I took a deep breath and let it out as I pulled the trigger and counted 3254 adding the last few kills to my list. After that the building was swarming with solders, I didn't think of an escape plan so I stood up and ran across the roof. When I thought I was about to get away I stepped onto a skylight and fell through the roof hitting some solders. I growled and stood up quickly with a few guns to my head I thought to my self "well shit, how do I get out of here." I sighed before looking up my eyes gleaming "sorry boys, not tonight!" I grabbed my small gun and a knife and started to fight my way out right as I made it to the door covered in blood until I got hit from behind with a large metal bat. It hit my shoulder and back and I screamed in pain. I was able to turn over and stab the man before rushing out and back to the overwatch HQ I walked inside covered in blood and with scratches all over me. I limped over to the wall helping myself to my room. Right then I thought I had made it without being caught. But then he showed up leaning on the wall as if he was waiting. I walked over slumping on the wall as he glared at me. I tried to walk past him but the pain was getting even worse from all the fighting. I fell down on the floor hitting his legs. He looked down at me, I was sleep deprived, had scratches and cuts all over, and more open wounds. He crouched down next to me and said "you need to tell me what your doing at night." I just looked up at him saying in a tired almost begging tone "please don't take me to Angela, she can't know... no one can." He looked at me with a upset look on his face and picked me up from the ground carrying me to his room. When we got there he set me on his bed and walked to the bathroom to get a medical kit. He then walked out holding medical things and setting them on the bed. Slowly pulling off my armor and putting it down on the floor. As he worked dressing my wounds he pulled up my other shirt revealing my back with a large black and blue spot where I got hit with metal. He touched it and I cried out making him quickly pull his hand away "(Y/n) what happened to you, you come back late every night, you have been getting no sleep, you are hurt really badly, and you are covered in blood. So what happened?"

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