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When we got to the jet Gabriel carried me over to a chair inside at sat down holding me tightly still crying. Jessy walking into the jet and sat down leaning on the wall. Jack walking in last looking at Jessy and Gabriel who where clearly broken. He sighed and he looked at my body in Gabriel's arms this brought tears to his eyes, even tho he hated me for lying he still missed me greatly. He flew us back to the overwatch HQ when the 3 of us walked inside people gasped and backed away We all headed to the medical lab ignoring everyone that was gasping and starring. When we got there mercy turned to face us as she dropped her staff and ran over to us. Gabriel said thru tears "please dress the body Angela get her cleaned up and ready for a proper goodbye." Jack nodded at mercy as she looked at him in disbelief. After Gabriel let go of my body to Angela he left the room with jack and Jessy, this was the first time they where not all fighting about something in months. Jessy said "I'm getting a drink" Gabe nodded and said "I'll come to Jessy." Jack agreed and said "why not I need to clear my head." The three of them walked to the main room where they sat down at a table and started drinking. Even tho they got stares they ignored them and continued drinking. Time passed slowly as they kept taking shots trying to forget what happened it was all quiet, until Angela burst through the door to the main room saying in a rushed voice "she's not dead!" Jessy jumped up followed by Gabriel and jack as they rushed off to the medical lab when they got there they laid eyes on me. They walked over seeing faint breaths coming from my body and Angela continued healing me they got stronger. Mercy said "(Y/n) lost loads of blood and has been starved and sleep deprived for days she is in a very bad condition and many not make it through the night. At this note Gabriel fell onto a chat next to him and started blankly at me. Jack said "please do everything you can Angela we need her back." He then whispered to her and said "Gabriel has been very unstable sense this happened if she dies I don't want to imagine what will happen." Mercy's face turned into a small frown as she said "I'll do my best but you all should get some rest. When they left they split up going different ways Jessy went back to the bar, jack went to his office, and Gabriel walked to his room. That entire night Gabriel tossed and turned unable to sleep, Jessy was passed out at the bar from having to many drinks and Jack was sleeping in his office off and on all night. When the next day rolled around jack woke up and rushed over to the medical lab he opened the door to see mercy tending to me, I was hooked up with a bunch of different machines to make sure I was stable I was barely concise. Jack walking over to me and looked down saying "I'm sorry for everything (Y/n).. you may have lied about your other job but you really did just want to protect us. And for that I am grateful so please.... don't leave us." I cracked my eyes open to see jack standing over me and I said in a weary voice "It's ok."As I closed my eyes and went back to a very week state. Mercy jumped up from the chair and said "Oh my gosh she said something!" Jack widened his eyes and grabbed my hand saying "please (Y/n) your an amazing woman and I can't imagine what Gabriel and Jessy will do if you give up, so keep fighting and pull through we all need you please. After that jack left allowing Jessy to come see me briefly he started with saying "I'm sorry darling this never should have happened to ya, please come back to me I can't loose you! Think about everything we have done together you can't give that up please I need you to! Ya hear me little lady don't give up on me." When Jessy finished talking he left letting Gabriel in to my room. Before he entered mercy put her hand on his shoulder and said "it will be alright Gabriel she's strong." As he walked into my medical room he saw me laying there on the bed, he walked over and sat on the side of it saying "please (Y/n) you can't leave me, not yet I still need you. Your the best person in my life and I need you here to help keep me grounded. I can't live without you please (Y/n) I-I love you..." At this comment I couldn't control my emotions a little tear fell from my eye. Gabriel smiled and wiped it away saying "it's ok (Y/n) I'm here with you, so you need to stay here with me because I can't live without you." I opened my eyes briefly again and said in a brass voice "I'm so sorry..." before closing them again and relaxing back on my pillows. A moment later I felt Gabriel's hand on mine he frowned a little as I said quietly "why so serious..." he smiled at my comment. "there's my smile." He laughed a bit and put his forehead to mine and said "rest now" placing a general kiss on my cheek. A few hours later Mercy walked into the room finding Gabriel sound asleep resting his head on my lap and holding my hand. She stepped out trying not to disturb us. less then an hour had passed as jack walking into the medical lab and asked mercy "how is she doing doc?" Right as he was about to open the door to my room mercy stopped him saying "let her rest no more visitors today." Jack frowned and said "come on just for a minute?" Mercy shook her head and said "come back tomorrow jack." He sighed and exited the lab, by now it was late at night mercy walked into the room where I was staying still seeing Gabriel sleeping she walked over to him softly and woke him up saying "you love her don't you?" This question caught Gabriel by surprise as he said "Uh.. well you see.." Mercy smiled sweetly at him and said "I'll keep it to myself but watch out for jack you know the rules." Gabriel nodded his head as he follow mercy out of the room. "Please doc keep her alive for me... I can't stand the image of loosing her." Mercy smiled at Gabriel and said "it's alright Gabriel I'll keep her alive as long as I can, but most of this is up to her now." Gabriel nodded his head and said "can I stay in the medical lab tonight with her? Please I don't want to leave." Mercy agreed but said "watch out for jack tho if he catches you... you'll be a dead man. Breaking the biggest rule he made." Gabe laugh quietly as he said "thanks doc." And walked back into my room retaking his position holding my hand and resting his head on my lap.
//Time skip
The sun shined brightly into the room waking up Gabriel he looked at me and said "good morning (Y/n)" I felt a bit stronger today and opened my eyes saying "morning Gabriel sleep well?" He laughed a bit and scratched the back of his head saying "more or less." I smiled at him and said "you can go get food if you need it I'll be ok for 10 minutes. He laughed again and said "I'm ok I much rather be here with you." Right as he said that mercy walked in holding a tray of food grinning and said "sleep well Gabriel? I got you some food." Right as she realized I was awake and talking she handed him the food and walked over to me saying "are you ok (Y/n)? Your body is returning to it's normal state you should be all healed by tomorrow, my healing formula has been working miracles on you!" I looked at her and said "thanks mercy your a real life saver! But I must ask... do you know about me and Gabriel?" Mercy smiled and said "yes I know about your relationship and like I told Gabe, just be careful around jack. It's his biggest rule and if it's broken by anyone they will be punished, but other then that I am happy for you. You make Gabe smile and laugh like a little kid." Gabriel herd this comment and almost chocked on toast making me and mercy giggle at him before he said "ok mercy that's enough." Mercy said "aww look at you your so flustered and red." I laughed again with mercy as Gabriel looked away from us trying to hide his shame. Right then jack walked into the room and saw us laughing as Gabriel was looking down at the bed trying not to show his now bright red face. Jack started by asking "hey uh Gabriel you ok?" He nodded his head not looking up as me and mercy started to laugh again.

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