The secret

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I started with saying "please Reyes don't ask... I'm sorry." He looked at me in disappointment and was about to speak but was cut off "sir... why do you take care of me?" This caught him off guard but he still replied "because your my responsibility and I'm your commander." I frowned at this response, as he finished fixing me up he sat down next to me on the bed. If I was thinking clearly I would not have done anything but the pain and sleep was to much. I leaned over with my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, I sat like this for a moment before he put his arm around me softly muttering "It's ok you can rest now." I smiled slightly as he lifted me up and laid me down on the bed. He sat on the side of his bed watching me as I drifted off to sleep. Later that night I woke him up as he was sleeping on the couch, I was having a bad dream about one of my childhood experience. I said in a panic tone "please don't.... no please.... get off!" I woke up screaming in tears remembering my child hood. He rushed over to me "it's ok (Y/n) your alright." I leaned into him still crying he just held me there for what felt like an eternity. I felt so safe with him it was like he was a shield to all the bad things in my life. when I looked up he wiped the tears off me speaking softly "it's going to be ok just go back to sleep." When he let go I laid back down on the bed and he stood up starting to walk away. I grabbed his arm weakly "please stay..." he smiled at the comment not knowing what to do, slowly he sat down on the bed again and put his arm on me. After a wile I drifted off to sleep, he got up trying not to wake me and left the room for training. By now it was six in the morning so he had to start. He walked out of his room closing the door softly and went down the hall to where he saw Genji standing at my door ready to knock. Reyes looked at him saying "(Y/n) won't be joining us today." Genji looked at him a little worried and nodded. The day went by quickly as I woke up around 7:30 at night. I yawned and realized I wasn't in my room. Slowly getting up and looking around I noticed it was a large room with not much color mostly blacks and grays. I stood up looking down at myself realizing I wasn't in many clothes because I had bandages all over my back and shoulder. I quickly thought about the events that went on last night, right as I picked up my armor and weapons to go to my room the door opened it was Reyes he had clearly finished the days work of training. I looked at him and said "thanks for um.." I hesitated not knowing what to say. He said in a deeper voice "your welcome, but don't come back again all damaged.. please." I laughed and nodded my head in agreement. I started walking out the door before he stoped me, "if you ever need to tell me something I'll be here." I left without saying a word and got back to my room. Later that night I got a new client wanting me to kill someone. I agreed because I wanted the money and I didn't want my life's work go down the drain. This time I left not noticing that I was being followed, I went to the roof of a building a few miles away to set up a sniping spot. As I took my aim I noticed a shadow looming over me. I didn't think much of it as I pulled the trigger watching my target fall to the ground. I started to pack up my rifle until I herd a booming voice behind me "It's you! Your the sniper." I froze up and turned around slowly looking up, I saw Reyes looking down at me with rage in his eyes. I stood up facing him and just mumbled "I'm sorry." He then snarled "I want an explanation right now before I break your neck!" I had no other choice but to tell him what I could "I grew up learning how to fight and shoot when I got old enough I started taking jobs from clients and getting paid loads of money. I joined overwatch because one night I was spotted and a picture of me was sent around the world as the hitman. I needed cover so I choose to hide in with overwatch, this lead me to training with you but I couldn't let my legacy die with me. Meaning I have been continuing my work as a hitman in secret. That's what happened to me the other night I didn't have an escape root and I had to fight my way out. That's why I'm always gone at night." Reyes stood there in shock for a moment and then said in a harsh voice "how many?" I turned my head and said quietly "3256 targets every shot hit never failed a mission." As we stood in the dark I was expecting him to yell or hurt me or react suddenly but to my amazement all he said was "go then... get back to overwatch, no one will say anything about this night." I looked at him and said "why would you do that for me?" He didn't saying anything just turned around and walked away, before he got far I grabbed his arm and nearly yelled to his face "why would you do that for me!?" He grunted and said in an upset voice "because I love you!" I stood there for a moment trying to process what he had said but before I could do anything he pulled me closer moving my mask and planting his lips on mine. I took a moment to make sure he wasn't pranking me and returned the kiss holding his hair to give me more control. A moment passed as he pulled away his face red just like mine. I stood there looking at him "I loved you sense the day I met you." He smiled at me and kissed me again pulling off my armor leaving me in a bra on my top half. I had to say it felt good to be touched by him but I knew I had to stop "I don't think this is the best place for this Gabriel." He stepped back and nodded "yeah your right, not here not now." I pulled on my armor again and said "let's head back before we need to start training. But please don't let anyone find out." When we got back to HQ and walked in the door I saw Jack standing by the door arms crossed with a frown on his face. Gabe and me stoped in our tracks, Jack stood there "my office now both of you." Reyes looked over at me "what's the meaning of this jack!" I sighed and nodded my head following Jack, when we got there I stood in the corner with Reyes trying to hide my weapons. Jack sat down and said "well? Someone explain." Gabriel snarled "it was just advanced training for her, she's making better progress." I nodded my head in agreement "yeah he's a great teacher." Morrison asked "why do you train so early in the morning then?" I replied calmly "it's the best temperature and I don't sleep long so it's a great time." Reyes added in "its so it doesn't interfere with the rest of our days." I nodded "yeah that's correct." Jack sighed "No more extra training Gabriel let her sleep through the night, as for you (Y/n) no more sneaking around after hours if I find out something you arnt telling me.... there will be punishments." I nodded my head and walked out with Reyes "good night Gabe I'll be ready for training tomorrow." He smiled "night (Y/n) try to get a little sleep." I nodded and gave him a small hug walking away down to my room. Jack walked out of his office eyeing Gabriel for a moment "your not in a relationship with her are you?" Reyes blinked a few times trying to figure out what to say after a moment he spoke "No of corse not she's my student it's not allowed." Jack looked at him frowning "hm don't get any ideas with her." As he walked back into his office leaving Gabriel in complete silence. The next day I woke up ready to start my training. Then I herd a knock on my door it was Jessy who asked "hey doll do ya wanna grab coffee with me?" I nodded and we walked down the halls to the cafeteria getting coffee. After that we walked back to the training room, we where early, "let's just warm up Jessy." He shrugged "ok little lady I'll go easy on ya" I frowned and started to say something rude back before he kicked my legs out from under me. I fell to the floor laughing and yanked him down to he fell right on top of me. We kept that position laughing at each other for a couple minutes until Reyes and Genji walked in, Jessy stood up still laughing and said "A boss we where just getting started, no need to bother us." He winked at me and I felt my cheeks turn red...

Note: well guys I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I like writing it!

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