Chapter 1

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  Hey guys, this is my first story, I hope you enjoy it! Please leave me comments and let me know! Thank you!

  I looked in the mirror and sighed, what was I supposed to do with my hair? It was a mess, no amount of dry shampoo was going to save it but I didn't have the time to wash it, I had already been late to work twice this week and the boss would not be impressed with a third.
     I grabbed the dry shampoo anyway, I didn't have high hopes but I had to do something. I pulled at my chocolate brown hair and sprayed, dusting it with my fingers as I went, trying not to leave any white residue in the process.
   I put down the can and examined my hair, it wasn't great but it was definitely better. I tied it in a messy bun and put a black head band on in a bid to cover what I could, at least it looked okay.
     Next was my face, I applied some foundation and blush, then debated with myself on whether I could be bothered with contact lenses today, even though I already knew that I definitely could not.
      I half heartedly applied my mascara then leaned back to look at the finished result. My grey eyes stared back at me, they seemed duller than usual but that just seemed to match my everyday mood lately. Things had always been hard in my life but I had always held onto a hope that things would change but that hope was fading more and more the older I got.
     I shook my head to chase away my nagging thoughts. I needed to focus on getting to work. I studied myself again, it didn't shout beauty but it shouted passable and that was all I had been hoping for.
      I threw my uniform on and headed downstairs. 'It's just another day I need to get through, another day closer to my freedom,' I told myself as I headed to the kitchen.

    'Good Morning Ava,' I tilted my head up slightly from my bowl of cereal to see Jet saunter into the kitchen, I looked back down and continued eating.
     I wasn't interested in his morning banter this morning. I had had enough of it, enough of him being friendly to me when nobody was around and back to ignoring me as soon as one of them joined us. By them I mean my step mum, Vivian, and step brother, Sam, Jet's twin.
     I had lived with them ever since my dad passed away when I was 4. I don't remember much before that age, but I think I remember his face... Maybe, I couldn't be sure as we had no pictures of him. Vivian had said that the memory of him was too hard for her so she had destroyed anything that reminded her of him. So I had nothing of him just a faded memory of what I believed to be his face. As for my mum, she died giving birth to me, so I couldn't even look for her.
     Vivian had never been nice to me, she had always belittled me and pushed me around, sometimes she hit me, she never beat me but a hit was enough. Sam started joining in when he turned about 10 and then they became a team. Always ganging up on me, pushing me to my limits.
     Jet never joined in, never said a bad word to me and definitely never hit me but he never stood up for me either. He just stood silently watching letting it happen, letting them abuse me. He always apologised to me after but what good to me was that? But I am done now, done with him, done with them.
     I will be 25 in a month and she will finally let me leave. Why haven't I left before? Because she had vowed to me that if I left before I was 25 she would hunt me down and make my life even more miserable, but if I stayed until my 25th birthday she would let me leave peacefully. Why 25? I have no idea. I just pray she keeps her promise and if she doesn't, mark my words I will escape!
   'Are you not talking to me?' he asked as he sat down at the table sipping his coffee.
    'No, I'm not,' I scoffed as I pushed my chair back to leave.
     'Why?' he asked as he reached out and touched my hand. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was genuinely hurt and confused.
     I wiggled my hand free from his touch and sighed, 'Because Jet, I can't do this any more. I can't play happy with you until Sam or Vivian walk in. I can't handle the betrayal.'
      His face dropped as he shifted in his seat, 'Ava, you know it's complicated.'
      I looked at him with a sad smile, 'I know.' I picked up my plate and walked over to the sink, 'I'll be gone in a month and it won't be so complicated for you then.'
     I felt a stab in my chest at how blunt I was being. Although he had never stood up for me he had also been my only friend. He had comforted me when they were no longer around, wiped away my tears, kept me from completely losing myself. I was thankful for him but I needed him to do more and his actions had made it clear that he wouldn't.
    I finished washing my dishes and turned around to leave, eager to get out, to retreat but he stood up and blocked my way, 'Let me through Jet,' he didn't budge.
     He looked down at me holding my gaze, 'I'm sorry,' he whispered barely audible.
     I looked down in frustration, 'It's fine', I offered, I had heard it all before.  
    'No,' he said with conviction grabbing both my shoulders, 'No it's not fine'.
     I brought my gaze back to his, 'Jet, what are you going to do? Nothing! It's fine.' I said angrily.
    Jet took in a deep breath, 'Ava, I promise you, you will see a different me. I will not let them walk all over you any more,' I rolled my eyes, like he was going to change now, he's only saying it because I am leaving in a month.
     'Just move please,' I muttered as I pushed him away. His arms fell to his side dejected. I stepped forward to leave but caught sight of Sam, I paused hoping he would leave me alone this morning.
     'What's up asshole?' Sam almost shouted as he walked in slapping Jet on the back, completely unaware of the tension in the room.
     Although they were identical twins they looked nothing alike to me. Sure they both had chestnut brown hair and the same nut-brown coloured eyes but to me that was where the similarities ended.
   Jet's neatly groomed stubble showed off his strong jawline. His straight Roman nose perfectly accentuated his face, there was no doubt that he was a handsome man.
     Sam however had a weak jawline and liked to keep it clean shaven which made him look baby faced and ridiculous. And his nose seemed crooked to me. Of course I might only see him that way because I despised him. Everyone else seemed to think they were spitting images of each other.
    I took a step closer to the doorway, in hopes of an easy escape but I was too hasty, his head snapped up from making his breakfast, 'How's our little piece of trash this morning?' he smirked, his eyes full of hate.
  I chose to ignore him, big mistake. He instantly reached out and grabbed my arm twisting it behind me. I let out involuntarily squeal, he chuckled with pleasure, 'I asked how you were. The polite thing to do is answer me'.
   I tried not to move I didn't want to cause more pain, 'I, I, I'm sorry,' I stammered trying to keep the tears at bay.
     He reached up with his free hand and gently stroked my face, 'If you weren't my whore step sister, I could see myself taking advantage of you, such a pretty face.'
     My stomach turned, the thought of him touching me like that made me want to vomit.
     'What a waste,' he spat twisting my arm further. I winced trying not to show him my pain, not wanting to give him any more satisfaction.
     'STOP,' roared Jet.
     Sam looked up bemused dropping my arm, his attention now on Jet. Jet stood in front of me, out of Sam's reach.
     'What did you say?!' he asked stepping closer to Jet, his eyes on fire.
     Jet straightened and crossed his arms, 'You heard me'
     Sam let out a chuckle, 'Are you kidding me man?'
     Jet shook his head, 'I am most definitely not kidding you man. I have stood by and watched your abuse for far too long. I will no longer stand for it.'
     I stiffened behind Jet, unable to believe what was happening, he was finally standing up for me. I also knew that this would not end well, for either of us, I should have kept my mouth shut, this isn't what I wanted, I didn't want Jet to be an outcast as well.
     Sam stood his ground clearly thinking things through, 'Dude is this because of what happened with me and Tia? I told you, she seduced me'.
     My eyes flicked from Sam to Jet. What had happened between them? Tia was Jet's girlfriend, had he caught them together? Why hadn't he told me? Then again why would he tell me?
     Jet stepped even closer to Sam, there was just inches between them now, 'This has nothing to do with Tia. You want my sloppy seconds? Have them.' I could hear the fury in Jet's voice as he spat the words at Sam, refusing to back down.
     Sam took a few steps back calculating his next move, 'If that's how you are going to play it fine' he said moving towards the doorway, 'But I'm telling mum'.
     Such a mummy's boys response but an alarming one for us.
     Jet picked up his car keys, 'We have to leave now'.
     I followed obediently, he did not have to tell me twice. I grabbed my bag on the way out and ran to the car, my heart racing and my body pumping with adrenaline. Was I finally getting away or had we just made it 10 times worse?

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