Chapter 18

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    After days of training my body was completely and utterly exhausted but I was looking forward to spending my day with just Jet.
     Jet rolled over placing his hand on my waist, 'my cute girl,' he whispered placing a kiss on my forehead, 'I can't wait to spend the day with you.'
     I snuggled closer to him cocooning my head into his chest, 'Let's just stay here.'
     Jet breathed me in, 'Hmm, I love that idea,' he lifted my chin kissing me passionately, his hands moving up my stomach.
     I let out a soft moan, wanting more from him, wanting everything from him.
     'Ava!' Sonia yelled from behind the door, bringing us back to reality.
   'God dammit,' I mumbled into Jet's lips, 'Why do they always interrupt us?!'
    Jet smiled, 'We have all the time in the world.' He kissed me softly before getting up and swimming towards his room.
     I opened the door, Sonia bursting through before I had a chance to gather my thoughts, 'Sonia, what's happening?'
     'You need to be ready 30 minutes ago,' she said as she swung open my wardrobe, she ripped out an outfit and threw it at me, 'here put this on.'
    I stood defiantly, hands on my hips, 'Not until you tell me what is going on.'
     Sonia stopped, staring me up and down, 'Your parents have requested you join the monthly council meeting.'
     'Are you kidding?' I sulked pouting my bottom lip, 'Today was meant to be Jet and me time.'
     Sonia picked up the dress she had thrown at me, shoving it into my hands, 'When will you understand, you are going to be Queen, no time is your time.'
    I stopped her in her tracks, 'What the hell Sonia? What is your problem?'
     She looked at me her eyes burning with anger, then she shook her head slowly, 'I am sorry, I just hate being late and they told me last minute so now I am beyond stressed.'
    'Okay, I'll be ready in 5.' I showed her to the door, 'Hey, can Jet come?'
    'Of course, I'll let him know.' she answered as she softly closed the door.

     We entered the board room to find mermaids and merman filling all the seats around the large table all eyes turning to Jet and I as we entered. Jet put his hand in mine instantly, anxiety filling my entire body as their eyes stayed on me, realisation that I was their next queen rushing over me. How was I meant to rule over an ocean that I knew nothing about.
    I struggled to breath as I was gripped by an intense fear of failure. Jet guided me out of the room as my vision blurred, he pulled me to the side away from everyone, wrapping his arms around me, 'You're okay my cute girl, I'm here, breath in and out slowly.'
     I relaxed into him, willing myself to calm down, my breath becoming even, my heart slowing, 'what if I can't do this Jet? What if I fail them?'
    He rested his face in my neck, 'You will not fail them, I will always be by your side,' he lifted my chin up to look me in the eyes, 'and your parents will be there to help with any of your concerns.'
    I smiled at him, 'I would be useless without you.'
    'You would be amazing without me, you are amazing,' he smiled softly, 'my cute girl, you have nothing to worry about,' he placed his lips on mine kissing me softly.
    'Thank you,' I whispered, 'I guess we should get back.'
     We entered the board room again, all eyes turning to us but this time I smiled gently as Sonia guided us to our seats.
    As Darian and Avery entered everyone rose from their seats bowing their heads in respect, Avery gestured her arm in front of her, 'Please take your seat.'
    Darian stood infront of his seat beaming at me, 'Now I know that you have all met my daughter but I would like to formally introduce her to the council members,' he reached his arm out putting it around my shoulder, 'Ava, my long lost daughter, we couldn't be more proud to finally have you by our side and Jet we couldn't have asked for a better son in law.'
     My face flushed red as I pushed Darian gently, 'dad,' I flustered, bowing my head in embarrassment.
     Darian laughed loudly, 'Now don't be embarrassed you two, we can all see it.'
      I looked at Jet for help but was met with his crooked smile, I smiled back, there was no denying what we were any more. I sat back in my seat placing my hand in his, happy.
     Avery remained standing, 'now let's get to business. We all know Ava's coronation is coming and we all know Vivian will most likely attack.'
     Murmurs went up around the table, worried looks flashing across their faces, one merman stood up, 'we are all worried about a possible informant,' he said as his eyes sublty washed over Jet.
     I struggled to contain the anger that spread through my body, 'You can't possibly think it's Jet,' I said without thinking, my eyes full of fire.
    'Forgive me your highness,' he answered, slightly bowing his head, 'but he is Vivian's snake, the one she used to conspire with, share her plans with, the one she took with her over her own son.'
    'He is also the man who saved me,' I yelled, 'while you were all here safe under your ocean, I was stuck in hell, being abused day in and day out. Without Jet I would not be here.'
     'Yes, we understand that but we do not know him, therefore we do not know if we can trust him.' the merman said as he pointed his finger towards Jet.
     My anger boiled over, I rose to meet his height, 'There was an informant long before we got here, so instead of pointing fingers at him and questioning my judgement of who he is, how about you take a good look at yourselves because one of you is a very good liar and it is not Jet.'
     Jet placed his hand on my shoulder, 'It's okay, I understand where they are coming from,' he turned to face the merman, 'I am sorry that you feel this way but I can assure you that I am only here to support Ava.'
      'But how can we be certain of that?' questioned the merman.
      Darian arose to his full height, his authority filling the room, 'That is enough!' he boomed, 'Ronan, not only are you questioning Ava, you are also questioning Avery and I, your King and Queen. We accepted Jet as one of us, as should you all.'
     'Unfortunately Ava is right, the informant has been among us for far too long.' Avery said, as she took her seat, 'and pointing fingers at an innocent bystander is not going to solve the problem.'
      I struggled to contain my anger as I sat down, Jet giving me a knowing smile and a gentle squeeze of my hand. I smiled back weakly, my confidence failing.
    Darian and Avery regained control of the meeting and I tired to focus on what they were saying but all I could think about was Ronan and how if he thought Jet was an informant others must as well.
     I shook the thoughts away, deciding that what they thought didn't matter, I knew who he was, I knew who I was and that's all that mattered and it's high time we found out who the real traitor was.

     Jet and I slowly swam to my room, he followed me in, pulling me into his warm embrace, 'you did an amazing job today.'
    I let out a fake laugh, 'yeah sure I did. The only thing I did was get angry at that stupid merman.'
     'You stood up for me and you stood up for yourself,' Jet said kissing my forehead, 'I am so proud of you.'
     I snuggled my head into his chest, 'You place me far too high on that pedestal Jet.'
    'And I always will.' he answered, squeezing me tight.
     'But why?' I asked, looking up at him.
      He looked back at me, his eyes searching mine, 'because you are an amazing person, you are smart and you are stronger than anyone I have ever met, so I'll keep putting you on that pedestal until you realise that you deserve to be there.'
     I put my lips on his, my body melting into his embrace, 'Thank you, for everything,' I managed between kisses.
     Jet pulled back slightly, his eyes focused on mine, 'I would do anything for you Ava, I hope you know that.'
     I nodded, 'I know.'

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