Chapter 14

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    A million thoughts ran through my head, what could he possibly want to talk about? Was he with me or was he against me. Did he still hate me?
     My eyes frantically searched the crowd, panic was setting in, my stomach was filling with dread and then I found him, my Jet, standing at the edge of the floor his eyes firmly on me.
     He smiled a sweet soft smile, my panic slowly eased, I pulled myself together, 'Of course Ethan, what would you like to talk about?'
      Ethan's face became stern, his eyes appeared almost vacant, 'My mum.'
     I tried to hold my composure, I tried to hide the fear that now consumed my body, 'What could we possibly need to talk about her for?' my voice stayed steady but my body felt weak.
      Ethan glanced at me, I hoped he couldn't sense my fear, 'I do not wish to bring you more pain,' he answered, 'but I do need to tell you what I know.'
      My ears pricked up, my stomach churned 'What you know? What do you mean?'
     He sighed softly, 'It's a long story but I will try to keep it short.' he looked me in the eyes, he almost looked sad, 'And I do hope you don't hate me afterwards.'
      I studied him curiously, 'I can't make any promises but I am very interested in what you have to tell me.'
      He stopped dancing for a moment and ran his fingers through his hair before he spun me around again, 'I used to believe the lies my mother spread to me, about you, about the King and Queen, about how she was the rightful heir to the Throne.'
     He paused momentarily, 'I believed that we had been wronged by the entire Kingdom. I knew about her plan.'
      I gasped audibly, a few people looked our way, I saw Jet flinch in his spot, I smiled and nodded at him to let him know I was okay, he nodded back concern written across his face.
      Ethan moved gracefully across the floor, seemingly unfazed by what he had just told me, 'I used to keep in contact with her. I used to tell her everything that was happening. She knew about the secret town, she just couldn't find it.'
     I wanted to scream and shout, I wanted to push him and yell, tell everyone what he had done but I also knew there was more to his story and I needed to hear it all.
     'I did all that because I thought she loved me but that wasn't love, that was greed and selfishness,' he slowed, his face full of hurt and then he smiled, 'what your parents gave me, that is love.'
     'Why are you telling me this? Do my parents know about this?' I asked cautiously, still unsure of what to make of this.
      'By the time I realised that my mother was just using me I was too afraid to tell Darian and Avery,' he answered softly, 'I was scared they would toss me out, banish me but most of all I didn't want to lose their love.'
      'So why are you telling me now? Aren't you afraid I will tell them?'
      'Of course I am but I need you to know because I am so sure she will be coming for you, coming for her crown.'
      I focused on the music, my mind running away with me, what was I supposed to do with this information? Was I meant to inform Darian and Avery? Did we need to prepare for an attack?!
     'Does anyone else work for her?'
      He shook his head, 'Unfortunately I do not know, she told me it was just me but the older I've got the more I realised there must be others,' he looked around at all the merpeople, 'and it could be anyone.'
     I sighed heavily, 'Great,' there was thousands of merpeople here, what was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to weed out a rat?
      Jet cleared his throat behind Ethan, breaking my thoughts, 'May I cut in?'
     Ethan dropped his arms, 'Why of course,' he bowed his head to me and left swiftly blending instantly into the crowd.
      Jet gently placed his hand low on my waist, his other in my hand, 'Do you want to talk about it?'
     I placed my head on his chest as we swayed softly to the music, 'Not particularly, let's just enjoy this moment.'
     'As you wish,' he answered as he placed a kiss on my forehead.
     We danced in blissful peace for several moments before I found the energy to talk, 'I need to tell you what Ethan said.'
     Jet stiffened under my touch, 'Only if you want to.'
     I nuzzled his chest, 'I do want to but I know as soon as I tell you it will all become more real and just another something we have to deal with.'
     'Then don't tell me.' he said softly into my ear.
     I laughed, 'If only it was that easy.'
'But it is, if I don't know then it can't be real!' he stated as he spun me in circles by the hand.
     'Problem solved then!' I giggled as he spun me back into his arms.
     We danced slowly again both revelling in each others company, both knowing that as soon as I spoke things would be a lot more serious.
     'He knew Vivian's plan,' I spluttered finally breaking the peace.
      Jet pulled back anger written all over his face, 'He what?!' he asked furiously.
     'He knew, he was in contact with her for months,' I said evenly, 'but he stopped when he realised she was using him.'
     Jet pulled me back in, 'Are you sure we can trust him?'
      I thought about this for a moment, 'I'm not sure but he said the only reason he was telling me was because he's sure that she will come for me.'
     Jet's face turned to stone, 'Over my dead body.'
     'I hope not,' I said squeezing him tighter, 'I need you. He did also say that she was possibly working with other people, he didn't know who though.'
     Jet swayed back and forth lost in his thoughts, 'We have to tell Darian and Avery.'
      'I know.' I answered, 'But can we do it tomorrow?'
      'I think that's probably for the best anyway,' he said thoughtfully, 'let's just enjoy tonight.'
     We danced for a little bit longer until Avery interrupted us, 'As adorable as you two are, we do need you to start socialising with other merpeople.'
     I stifled a groan as I pulled away from Jet, 'Sorry, of course we can do that.'
     Avery smiled at us both, 'Great, there is a few people I would like to introduce you to.'
     We followed close behind Avery, until she stopped in front of three merpeople. Three merpeople who I knew instantly, the little old lady with purple hair from the clothes store, her tail a bright shade of purple, the elderly gentleman from the grocery store, his tail a pale blue and Sonia.
     Avery gestured to them, 'These are my most trusted advisors, Doris, Ron and of course you know Sonia.'
     I smiled warmly at them, 'I remember you from town.'
     Doris took my hand in hers placing one on top, 'You have no idea how hard it was for me not to break down into tears of joy when I saw you.'
      I laughed softly, 'I'm just glad we found the town before it was too late.'
     Ron nodded, 'We all are, if Vivian came into rule the kingdom would surely be destroyed.'
      Avery dismissed his comment with a flick of her hand, 'Let's not talk of such things tonight.'
    Sonia put her arm around my shoulder pulling me close, 'Exaclty, this night is about our princess and her good friend Jet.'
     'Thank you.' I said, still struggling with the princess title but appreciating the distraction from the Vivian talk.

     Jet and I danced and mingled all night until we could finally make an escape to my room, 'So,' I whispered to Jet, 'It has to be one of Avery's advisors right? I mean it always is.'
     Jet eyed me curiously, 'What are you talking about?'
    'Vivian's puppet,' I answered as I slipped out of my dress into my pyjamas, 'it has to be an advisor! But which one?!'
    Jet pulled me to his chest as I lay down next to him, 'You actually might be onto something my cute princess.'
     I yawned loudly, stretching my tail out, 'We'll have to investigate when we get a spare moment but right now I am beat!'
      Jet yawned as well, 'Me too baby, me too.'
      My heart fluttered when he called me baby and I fell asleep with a smile plastered across my face.

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