Chapter 21

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I watched Jet sleeping soundly next to me stuck in thought, yes I felt very deeply for him but how could I be sure what I felt was love? I'd never had love in my life before, from what I can remember anyway. So what if what I was feeling was just lust or some sort inbuilt reliance I had for him. I shook my head slightly chasing away the thoughts. It really didn't matter at the moment, he was willing to wait until I was ready and in a few days time we may not even have our freedom, defeating Vivian had to be our main priority.
It felt like only moments later when I was awoken from my sleep by Jet gently shaking my shoulder, 'Come on baby it's time to wake up,' my eyes fluttered open catching a glimpse of him smiling down at me, 'hey cutie, as much as I would love to lay here with you all day, especially after last night, we have to get up.'
Visions of last night filled my mind causing me to smile, 'mmm' I moaned softly as I moved towards him.
Jet laughed lightly kissing me on the lips, 'my darling girl, you are far too tempting but Sonia has been banging on the door for the last 5 minutes.'
The sound of her name made me feel sick, 'argh I hate that for us and for everyone.' I sat up running my hands through my hair, 'will we ever have a moment?!'
Jet rubbed my back gently, 'we had a moment last night, one of the best moments of my life.'
'It was amazing,' I turned to him kissing him on the cheek before I got out of bed to open the door, not even caring that Jet was still in my bed, as Jet had said they already know.
Sonia swam straight past me, eyeing Jet in my bed, 'glad to see that you are no longer hiding it,' she moved once again towards my closet swinging it open and rummaging through it while she talked, 'today is going to be another crazy day, I need you and Jet by my side at all times.'
I groaned loudly causing Sonia to snap her head around her eyes burning into me, 'sorry,' I jolted backwards in fear out of instinct, Jet instantly at my side holding me tight, whispering in my ear that it was okay.
Sonia quickly realised her mistake, 'oh Ava, I am so so sorry,' she continued with her sickly sweet act, 'you have to understand how much pressure I am under.'
'Right, sure of course,' I managed as I took the clothes from her hands, 'we are all under a lot of pressure.' I opened the door gesturing for her to leave, my face showing no emotion.
Sonia bowed gently as she swam past, 'my apologies again, your majesty.'
I closed the door behind her, falling to floor, tears threatening to pour out. Jet did the only thing he knew how, holding me until I was ready to speak. 'how am I meant to keep doing this?'
'You won't need to keep doing this,' Jet soothed, 'it will all be over soon, we just need to get through these next few days.'
I put my arms around him pulling him close, laying my head on shoulder and sobbing quietly. Nothing more was said, nothing more needed to be said. We stayed like that until I was ready to face the day.
I finally stood up, kissing Jet on the cheek, ready to face whatever the day threw at me. I quickly got changed and headed out the door.
Spending the whole day with Sonia was agonising but I had spent worse days with Vivian and if I could do that for 20 years I sure as hell could spend a few days with Sonia.
The day was almost over when Darian and Avery pulled Jet and I into a room we had never been into before. The room was empty, no windows, no doors besides the one we had entered through.
Avery locked the door behind us causing it to disappear completely, we looked at them both, curious as to what was happening but before we could ask any questions Avery snapped her fingers causing the room to transform before our very eyes.
Every inch of the walls was covered in lush coral of all colours, pinks, blues, greens, purples, oranges, small fish darted in out of their homes, larger fish swam along slowly. At our feet was a path of exquisite shells that lead to the centre. In the centre stood a large piece of purple coral that had been transformed into a delicate podium. On the podium was an ancient book.
Avery and Darian's eyes sparkled with excitement, 'this my two beautiful darlings is where we do our magic!' Avery gushed as she ushered us towards the book that seemed to be beconing to us.
'Royal Magic,' I whispered peering down at the book before us. It was filled with so many spells, page after page of magical merpeople spells.
Darian touched the pages softly, 'usually we wouldn't show you this room until after your coronation,' he looked lovingly at Avery, 'but given the circumstances we believe it is best to show you a couple of spells now.'
Avery reached out lifting my arm with the bracelet on it towards her, 'first we add a strand to your bracelet.' a single strand of turquoise appeared in her hand and began weaving itself into the bracelet around my wrist, 'now you have our Royal power, no one will suspect that we have given it to you yet, so we will use it to our advantage.'
I bowed my head softly at Avery and Darian, 'thank you so much mum and dad.'
Darian smiled gently, 'you are most welcome my daughter but also we have something for Jet.' Darian took Jets hand in his a single black strand of string weaving its way into his own bracelet, 'you are already one of us now my son.'
Jet was overcome with emotion, no words coming to mind except two as he pulled Darian into a tight hug, 'thank you,' he managed.
'Now,' Avery said pulling us back to reality, 'We have to decided to teach you only two spells for now. We do not want to overwhelm you with only a few days left to perfect them.'
I nodded, 'of course, that makes sense,' learning more spells so close to my coronation made me nervous but two does sound manageable.
'Now the two spells we decided on are invisibility and speed.' Darian smiled as he turned the pages to the first spell, 'Invisibility first, hold your hand slightly in front of your face and repeat after me.'
Jet and I mirrored his actions and copied his words, 'Power of the sea, I ask of thee, to conceal me.'
Our hands disappeared before us, I could see no one, 'Are you there?' I asked a bit anxious about the situation.
I heard Darian laugh, 'of course we are, now this spell only last 30 seconds. Like all our spells they are not a permanent fix.'
I felt Jet move beside me, 'This is incredible, I can see how this would come in extremely helpful.'
Within seconds we were visible again, I touched my skin just to make sure it was there, 'what a weird experience.'
'Indeed it is,' Avery answered as she turned the pages to the next spell, 'Speed, only lasts for a short while, 60 seconds but will hopefully get you far enough away or close enough if needed.'
Darian ushered us to the far end of the room, 'you will need the space, you'll find it hard to control yourself at first. If it gets too much you just say stop.'
Avery moved next to us, 'now for the speed spell you put your hands together, almost like praying and say, Power of the sea, I need to flee, please make me as fast as can be.'
In a moment we were flying through the water so fast I could barley see anything around me, I looked forward and saw the end of the room coming at me I spun around quickly and started heading in the other direction just as soon as I had turned I needed to turn again, 'STOP!' I yelled causing my body to come to an abrupt halt, Avery and Jet were still swimming past me at top speed.
'STOP!' I heard Jet yell and he came to a halt near me, 'wow that was intense!'
I nodded in agreement, 'I am not sure how I could ever do that for a full minute!'
Avery slowed next to us, 'you get used to it my darlings. It is a bit limited in here but out there it is easier.'
Jet put his arm around my waist, 'Thank you so much for showing us this today.' he squeezed me closer, 'we both really appreciate it.'
Darian and Avery beamed at us, 'of course, we wouldn't have it any other way.' Darian said as he moved us towards the door or where the door should have been, he put the key in and just like that it was an empty room again, 'Same time tomorrow,' he kissed me gently on the cheek.
'Sounds great dad,' I couldn't help smiling happily at them both. It all seemed so possible at the moment, possible to defeat Vivian and possible to rule as Queen with Jet by my side. I had learned so much since I had arrived in the kingdom and knew that with the help from my parents and Jet that I would rule fairly and justly.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote! Thank you.

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