Chapter One- The Lizard

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PART ONE- La Foire Aux Monstres

Chapter one- The Lizard

(A snake-boy tells a day of his life as an act in the freak show)

You lean heavily in your chair, trying to get away from the people around you. "Welcome!" a booming voices escalates, drawing your attention away from the ground and back to the stage, "I'm thrilled to see you've joined us! This is your first stop; the freak show!" He's a stout man, dressed similarly to a ringmaster. You realize he's the carny, which is sort of like the ringmaster, but head of the carnival portion of a circus. "Prepare to be amazed! i want you to imagine a man. Twenty years of age. He may've been a handsome boy had it not been for one thing. His scales"

This one's ears are ringing. You'd think one would get used to it, the noise, but not this one. This one has misophonia and cant stand any noise. This one's mother screams very loudly. "I'm so sorry." She whispers in this one's ear. Then, suddenly Mother's back arches. She shrieks and pulls at this one's straight green hair. She twists her waist side to side and groans, "I love you. I love you so much more than I should." This one's heard the I love you speech many many times. It started when he was ten. Mother's in love with this one. Mother makes him bed her at least once every night.

"Pit-Vypr is ready for sleep." This one says, pulling out of his mother and laying with his back to her. this one closes his eyes and tries to dream. He will even nightmare if it will take him from this prison.

Day begins before dawn for this one. Mother pokes this one's rib with a pointed nail, "Get up Vypr. Hurry. You overslept." anything that doesn't go according to plan is this one's fault. we rush from Mother's trailer through the darkness that lies between the others. Shadows protect us from the unwanted vision of early morning eyes. Specifically; Carny's. he runs the carnival and should he discover that his prized snake boy is out of its cage, this one would be beaten.

Leaps and bounds is how this one runs, sticking close to the shadows. This one loves the shadows, he does. They're dark, and safe. They help this one because he need not see. he need not see the world around him or hear its noise.

This one reaches its cage and crawls in through the open door. It's nearly show time. Well, not really. In a few hours it will be, but first this one must work. Mother closes the door swiftly, but softly. She backs away, I love you baby. She blows a kiss, then disappears through the tent flap.

This one rolls onto his back, kicking at the top of the cage half-heartedly. The bars rattle, but do not budge. Time passes slowly. There is only the dark, as little light passes through the heavy tarps of this one's tent. But this is not comforting dark that wraps itself around this one and hugs him like a mother should do. Oh no. This is the kind that gobbles one up and churns him up and gnaws and tears and crunches and smashes until one is nothing more than a mangled mess of bone and flesh.

"Morning, Pitt-Vypr. Today is a very special day!" The fat old Carny waddles into the tent, revealing that it is nearly noon. This one cowers and hisses as he catches sight of three men behind Carny. "Grab him." Carny's body is ridged, his voice cold. The men move forward all at once. There is no where for this one to go! This one is trapped!

The men open this one's cage and grab him by his neck. He struggles and hisses like a savage. Carny likes when this one acts brutal. One man holds this one's arms behind his back as he is forced onto his knees by another of them. He is held down while the third forces and holds this one's mouth open wider than it should go.

Carny takes a few steps forward, pulling a white handkerchief from his pocket, "Make sure to hold him still." He instructs, then adds, softer this time, "Wouldn't want to cut the entire thing off." Cut? What will they cut? This one does not need anything cut! Carny moves around me in slow circles, then eventually squats before me. He squints at my mouth, "Scream and I'll kill you."

The pain is unbearable. He has a mini saw, or a sander perhaps. This one is not sure. He shaves away at this one's canine teeth, making them sharp like a snake's. This one wants to scream. He is carving this one's tongue. He is carving away at it and making it forked like a snake. This one lays perfectly still. He must not move, or he will get beaten with the bull hook.

 At last, Carny is finished. This one vomits blood. "Get up. It's show time."

You put your hand over your mouth and gag. Several women scream. A few men make noises of horror.  A young man is lead out onto the stage. Bloody foam oozes from his mouth. He looks towards the crowd and opens his mouth. A stick with a hook on the end is shoved against the scaley figure's ribs. He screams, and you can't watch. The beating continues until he is laying on the ground in submission, begging for mercy.

His body is head to toe green scales, just like those of a snake. His tongue is forked- you see it hanging from his mouth- and his teeth are pointed. He is the stuff of nightmares; definately. "Get this piece of shit back to its cage." The Carny barks. Three large, braod men grab the snake boy and drag him from the stage. You hear him being beaten outside. Tears fill your eyes, and you feel your lunch rising in your throat. You pray the rest of the circus won't be this way.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2012 ⏰

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