Death Bird's Cry

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Skye didn’t remember much after being brought back with the Lazarus Pit but alone with what Ra’s had told her about how she’d been killed by Batman with the help of Joker; she would occasionally have a flashback, though they didn’t give he much information. After several memories came back or were told to her Ra’s men had to restrain her before she could run off and hunt them down, he had trained her to become one of his best warriors and watched as she killed an entire city as her initiation right. Now, three years after her death she was standing by her mentor in her new suit on their way to Gotham; according to Ra’s she had a similar one except it had dark blue instead of gray and she had a black cloak now to hide her face.

            “Now remember, find Jonathan Crane. You’ll work with him.” Ra’s instructed her.

            “But He doesn’t work for you.”

            “No. I promised him a helper though so you will help him. I have my own inside man.”

            “Not Joker again!” Skye snapped in anger.

            “He will listen this time.” Ra’s growled. “That is why I’m sending you into Gotham. If he doesn’t obey me you will kill him.”

            “What’s he doing this time?”

            “Since the machine can’t be rebuilt due to Batman destroying the one of a kind piece that we needed, he is building a bomb that will be placed underground in the center of Gotham. Once everyone I wish to save is out that will go off.”

            “Why didn’t you just do that in the first place?” Skye scowled before jumping out of the jet and onto the rooftop a few yards below her.

            Skye ran towards the edge of the building and looked down at the cars driving by on the road below, she took out a grappling gun and shot it at a nearby building; after making sure it was secure she jumped off and swung down to a lower rooftop she eventually made it to street level without being detected and made her way to the forbidden part of the city. Skye found the address Ra’s had given her and went inside the empty dock house to pick up her motorcycle, the same one she’d had before her death. She ran her hand along the side and admired to new colors, instead of being just black with read streaks there was now a gray on edges of the parts to make it look like mist. 

            The sound of someone clearing their throat brought Skye out of her thoughts and she looked up at Jonathan Crane who was decked out in his Scarecrow suit. He studied her for a moment but couldn’t see her face to see her reaction towards him. “So Ra’s told you to come here?”

            “Yes. Said I was finally getting my ‘help’.”

            “Well then…” Skye took out a foot long stick and pressed a button, it grew longer until it was a full sized scythe. “Let’s show Gotham that the Death Bird has brought a terrible omen for them.”

            “Without a plan? You’re insane, Batman and his new partner will get us.”

            Skye paused, she didn’t know why that concerned her but she was suddenly worried about the old Robin. “New partner?  What happened to Robin?”

            “I don’t know.” Scarecrow snarled. “I just know there’s a new one.”

            “Well then let’s go draw them out. I’d like to see this new sidekick for myself.”

            Scarecrow watched her drive off on her motorcycle and cursed under his breath. “I thought I’d be in control of my inferior not dragged into fights by them.”  

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