Chapter 5

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Skye found Wayne Manor and pulled up, she got off her bike and immediately landed face first on the driveway outside the gate. She groaned in pain and finally noticed how much blood she was losing from her wounds, mostly the one from when she landed on the knife, and she was trembling from the amount of electricity that had gone through her. She tried to stand up and get to the gate at least but collapsed again before she could even move a foot, Skye’s vision started to flicker black around the edges. No, not again… I won’t die. She tried to push herself into standing up once more and stumbled forward until she was against the gate before passing out completely.

            Skye didn’t know how long she’d been unconscious but when she woke up she found herself in a room with maroon walls and black furniture, pictures of her with ether her mother or just random things hung on the wall, she felt as if she’d been here before. Obviously I have. Otherwise why would there be pictures of me on the walls and stuff that seems like it would be mine. She kept trying to figure it out but a sharp pain went through her skull causing her to grimace, memories flashed through her head and she barely acknowledged the fact the door was opening and someone rushed over to her and called for help. After the memories stopped Skye was lying on her side in the fetal position while a guy with black hair looked down at her with a concerned look on his face, she looked back at the new memories she’d gotten back and remembered him, he was Dick Grayson, her friend and adopted sibling.

            “I have the first aid kit sir.” Skye glanced over and saw it was the old man from her memories, Alfred.

            “I don’t think we need it anymore.” Dick replied. “But you can leave it over there just in case.”

            “Of course sir. Shall I get Master Bruce and Jason?”

            “Might as well. It’ll save her a the trouble of explaining multiple times.”

            Skye clenched her teeth as she sat up and let out an almost inaudible hiss of pain. “Don’t talk as if I’m not even here, it makes me feel like I’m invisible or something.”

            Dick turned back to look at her, this time he looked uncertain, as if she was just a figment of his imagination. “This shouldn’t be happening. I- I was at your funeral, I saw you get buried in your grave.”

            Skye didn’t have an answer to that, or at least not one that wouldn’t give away her secret. Luckily at that moment Bruce came in with another guy who looked to be around eighteen, whom Skye guessed was Jason. “What’s going on? How did you live?”

            Skye looked at the ground as if it might hold the answer before looking back up at her father. “I honestly don’t know what happened. One minute I die the next I’m back in Gotham with almost no memory of life before my death.”

            It wasn’t a complete lie, just not the exact truth. Bruce had a far off look in his eye but Jason was watching her with undivided attention, as if he could figure out all her secrets just by staring at her long enough. “Take a picture Jr. it’ll last you longer.”

            Jason scowled. “I’m almost nineteen I’ll have you know that I’m not a child.”

            “Well I’m already nineteen so compared to me you are.”

            Dick rolled his eyes. “It’s really Skye, no one else could start a sibling rivalry faster than you.”

            Skye gave him a shocked look. “Really? If my memory is correct you’re the one who started our fights.”


            Skye tried to smirk but then began to panic, she was supposed to be keeping out of sight from her family and now they all knew she was alive, Ra’s was going to kill her when he found out… or send Talia’s son to do it for him. “Look I better go. I have some places I’d like to visit.”

            “You’re not well.” Bruce replied, narrowing his eyes slightly.

            “I’ll call if something happens.”

            “No, Jason can go with you. I can’t have you being kidnapped again can I?”

            Skye glanced at Jason. “What about your girlfriend, what was her name…?”

            “Selina Kyle.” Dick sent a somber glance at Bruce. “She died a few years ago…”

            “I’m sorry.”

            “It’s fine.” Bruce shrugged it off, though inside he felt a pang of grief. “Besides you should spend time with your newest adopted brother, he’s been very interested into learning more about his sister after he overheard something.”

            “I didn’t say that, I said I wished I could’ve known her.” Jason scowled at him while muttering. “You make me sound like an idiotic child.”

            Bruce rolled his eyes and whispered something in his ear; Jason glared at him again but left to go get ready. Dick waited until Bruce left before finally leaving; he paused by the door once with a guarded look in his eyes. “Stay out of trouble, your not recovered from your knife wounds… not surprising though since Gotham is full of thugs who would harm innocent people.”

            Skye could see he was trying to get information out of her but didn’t go for the bait. “Yeah, I kind of noticed that after I was attacked by the person last night. Lucky I managed to get as far as I did before passing out, I guess that’s why Bruce actually wants Jason to go with me.”

            Dick just nodded absentmindedly and left. Skye got up and winced slightly as her wounds rubbed against the bandages before putting some none blood stained clothes on. Another good thing that came from having Bruce as a parent; he never got rid of your stuff even if you died. Her Crow suit was ruined but she did have a spare one back at the warehouse if Nightwing and those other two hadn’t taken it, perhaps she could escape Jason’s watch long enough to get them. 

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