Chapter 1

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The Winchesters, they've been through hell and back (literally they hate it). They have seen it all, from Vampires to suicidal teddy bears. At least that's what they thought. The problem was with God, being God he just had to prove them wrong. They were sitting quietly in their bunker reading up on some cases when the lights began to flicker. They jumped up quickly grabbing their guns. They stood looking around in a defensive positions ready to fight whatever was coming.

"Guess we just can't get a break 'a Sam?" Dean said with a sarcastic smirk on his face pointing his gun at the door.

"Guess not." There was movement behind the door and Dean shot on reflex.

"Is that any way to treat a guest?" A mischievous voice sounded, the brothers knew that voice anywhere. Into the room walked the archangel Gabriel, and he wasn't alone. Next to him stood a tall blonde man with bright blue eyes and a shorter (but taller than Gabe) man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

"We thought you were dead?!" Dean yelled, he was angry with all the angels tricks. The two other men's faces flashed quickly with guilt but as soon as it was there it was gone.

"You can't kill this awesomeness Dean-o. Now where's Cassie?" He said with his face taking one a serious look.

"He is in his room sleeping." Dean told the archangel warily. Dean was a little worried about how Gabriel would react at finding out his brother is hurt, he never seemed to care before, but still.

"Sleeping? He never willingly sleeps. What happened?" Gabriel said worried, which really confused the brothers. He's never shown this much care about Castiel.

"What do you care?! You never cared before!" Dean shot, which soon proved to be a horrible mistake. Gabriel jumped towards Dean, trying to attack him, but the two other men held him back.

"Gabe! Calm down! What's happened to you?! Why are you acting so weird?!" Sam yelled confused as to why the angel was acting this way.

"I guess we should explain everything." The brunette said.

"That would be helpful." Dean said sarcastically.

"We should start off with saying I'm Michael and he's Lucifer." The second he said this was said the Winchester aimed their guns again.

"Please put the weapons down. We shall explain everything plus, you should already know guns do not work on angels." Michael said trying to calm the brothers down.

"You have five minutes." Dean said shortly.

"Thank you. This actually begins thousands of years ago, with an angel named Metatron. He is known as the scribe of God. He wrote everything Father had told him too. There was a problem though, he became greedy. He wanted everyone to see him as the Great One, the one God loved the most. He wanted to be treated above everyone else because he wrote the word of God. When no angels worshiped him he did something that sadly change the course of history. He used an ancient spell created by Father. It was a spell to change the memories, the emotions, everything in the mind of an angel or angels in this case. He changed it so the angels lost the one thing the cherished most, love for their families. If he did not have the love and worship he deserved, then nobody would have love. He made Lucifer believe all humans were to be exterminated, he may have disliked humans before but Metatron made him wish for nothing but death towards the humans. He made me be blinded by my love for my father and forget all else, which caused me to not even through a second glance at locking Lucifer in the cage..." Michael took a shaky breath, he may not be crying but the brothers could see how hurt he was about what he had done. He never wanted to harm Lucifer but he was not in his right mind, his brothers knew that but he would not believe them. The guilt was easily shown on him.

"Michael let me continue." Lucifer stepped in, he couldn't, no wouldn't let his brother do this alone. "He made Gabriel want nothing more than to abandon heaven, abandon his family. He also took a drastic measure, he erased all angels memories of one certain angel. The baby of heaven who had been loved more by the archangels then he was. This child was only the last angel to be made, but was also the last Archangel which made him important. He changed the form of the child so he would not be recognized if seen by someone who managed to break the curse. He feared that if he was seen then the spell could weaken." Lucifer explained to them.

"Well who is this mysterious angel? If his anything like you lot I might not want to meet him." Dean said. Gabriel made a growling noise
and tried to attack Dean again this time to be stopped by Lucifer.

"What the heck is wrong with you?! You've been acting like a psychopath since you arrived here" Dean yelled back in a threatened voice.

"Gabriel will not be himself fully until when see the young angel. For he is his bonded guardian." Michael explained.

"His bonded guardian?" Sam was getting really itchy to know all of the facts, his knowledge filled mind only craved more.

"Yes it is a bond between adult angel and a newly born. It is stronger than a human mothers bond with her child. When they are separated they become cold, angry and some lose their emotions all together." Michael said sadly as he looked at his brother.

"You still haven't told us the name of this 'baby angel'." Dean said a little annoyed.

Lucifer stepped up to Dean, "Cassiel, his name is Cassiel. You know him better as 'the angel of the lord Castiel."

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