Chapter 9

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By the time the four got back Michael had Balthazar on his back in a piggyback ride. He wasn't tired or anything just got lazy on their travels. They saw the others sitting on the blanket laying down. Gabriel and Lucifer were talking looking at the sky and Castiel was laid cuddled up between the two. Michael walked over to the three and threw Balthazar on top of Lucifer.

"UGH! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Lucifer screeched at Michael grabbing the laughing Balthazar. Michael was laughing at his brother holding his stomach. Lucifer's 'manly' screech caused Castiel to bolt awake.

"Nicccce Lucifer. You woke up Cassie. Reeeaaallly nice job." Gabriel said sarcastically as he lifted the now cranky toddler into his arms.

Lucifer stuttered for a second before he yelled back "It's not my fault!"

"It is now shut it." He said as he began rocking Castiel to put him back to sleep. This caused Lucifer to let go of Balthazar crossing his arms to pout. Once Castiel was sleeping again Gabriel looked up at the others.

"How was the walk?" He asked.

"Fun until Bal got lazy and made me carry him." Michael said with a tired huff.

"Shut up Mikey. You love me! I am the light that brings you daily joy." He said with a evil smirk.

"You wish." Michael said playfully pushing his little brother.

"Are we ready to go home then?" Sam asked the angels.

"Yeah I think we are." They responded Gabriel lifted Castiel wrapped in the blanket into his arms. Dean grabbed the food basket and they all started walking back to the car.

They arrived at the car after five minutes of walking. Dean opened the trunk and placed their stuff inside. He gently closed the trunks hood and walked to his door. He unlocked his door opening it, then unlocking everyone else's. With that they all piled into the car. The angel's used their magic to create extra back seats. (After telling Dean the could fix it even though he still threatened them anyway.)

Once they were all loaded in and buckled Dean pulled out of the parking lot and sped away to the bunker.

Dean pulled just outside the bunker and everyone piled out before he then drove off and went to park baby in the garage. Sam opened the bunker door letting everyone inside. BY this time Castiel was once again wide awake. When everyone stood in the bunkers updated living room Dean finally came back.

"So what should we do now?" He asked when he saw everyone staring at him.

Everyone thought for a moment before Sam's eyeslit up. "How about a movie?" He suggested.

"Sounds great, Lucifer why don;t you go get some blankets from the closet, Sam can set up the tv and I can go make som hot chocolate. Eveyone else can go get ready for the movie.

Lucifer went into the closet and came back out with a bunch of fluffy blankets. He made sure to grab some nice warm ones he also popped up Castiels stuffed toy Cotton and set everyint up in the living room.

Dena left for the kitchen after ten minutes he came back with a tray of cups, filled with hot chocolate topped with whip cream and shredded chocolate. He put Castiel's in a kid cup though, so the toddler would not spill it. Once he got everyone their cups and everyone settled down they had one thing left, what movie.

"So guy what do you want to watch"gabe said his 5"11 body was hidden beneath a large fluffy blanket with Castiel cuddled on his lap, Balthazar laying next to him.

"How about Feathers?" Lucifer suggested.

"Raphael said it was good." Michael offered. Everyone thought for a moment.

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