Chapter 2

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"Wha?! No, he isn't he just can't be!" Dean said conflicted. He knew it made sense but he just couldn't believe it. He just couldn't. It was just to hard for Dean to believe Castiel, his best friend, someone he has known for a while and is close to is someone completely different and doesn't even know it. How would Castiel react? Would he freak out or would he ditch the Winchesters for heaven. This all happened to fast Dean would admit for once he was afraid of what might happen.

"Please, it you let us see him you will understand." Lucifer begged. The Winchesters looked at his eyes and saw them filled with worry and guilt. Dean knew that look it was the look a worried older brother would have for his little brother. Sam didn't know that exact feeling but he saw the hurt in his eyes, even after all Lucifer and Michael did to him he couldn't keep them from their little brother. He nodded to Dean and he nodded back in their silent agreement.

"Fine, but you might not be prepared to see him as he is, there was a reason why he is sleeping." Dean warned the angels knowing exactly what happened to Castiel. HE may have known but the angels do not, he did not know exactly how they would react. Even though he didn't know he still lead them down the hall to Castiel's bedroom stopping silently before the door and reached for the handle.

With a low creak Dean opened up Castiel's door and lead the archangels inside. When they saw their younger brother they froze in their shock. Castiel breathing was short and quick. His black hair was messier then normal and framed his bright red face, as if he had a fever. His shirt had long ago been taken off revealing the bloody bandages underneath, along with the angel sigil carved into his chest. Burns and bruises ran up and down his arms and were no doubt under the bandages and the blanket. The angel brothers in that moment all together felt only two emotions, anger and worry. Anger towards the monster that did this and worry for their little brother who was suffering.

"What happened?!" Gabriel asked in a hushed anger, fearing he would wake Castiel up too soon. He knew his little brother needed rest and even though he knew that he had to know what happened. He had to help his brother, help him through his pain and help him regain his lost memories.

"We were out, it was supposed to be a day off for once. That never happened though, we got ambushed by demons. They had came from nowhere. HE had started to fight them off, but while me and Sam were fighting...while we were fighting a bunch others had attacked Castiel. They had holy oil and one of them had gotten a hold of an angel blade. They trapped him and tortured him. They hurt him bad, by the time we got their he was almost dead. Since they are weapons against angels Castiel cannot heal himself. He has been resting since then." Dean explained with a guilty face, he believed if only he could have helped Castiel in time, then none of this would have happened to the angel.

"Cassie..." Gabriel said with a sad look in his eyes. He hated seeing any of his siblings hurt, but when it came to Castiel it only hurt much, much worse. He was supposed to protect his little brother with his life. He didn't though, instead he was off hiding until his father found him. He should have been here, helping his little brother. Tears swelled up in his eyes as sat down on the soft bed with a quiet creak. From Gabriel's bed making the bed sink slightly Castiel woke up. He looked startled for a moment with his eyes glazed over. When they focused he looked so confused.

"G...Gabriel? You're alive?" Castiel asked confused. He looked around the room when he spotted two familiar graces in the room. "Michael?! L...Lucifer!? But how!?" He yelled frightened. He hoped this was some terrible nightmare, that two of the most powerful and angry angels were not in the same room as him in his weakest moment. He wouldn't be able to protect himself in this state, let alone the Winchester, there was no way he could fight like this.

"Shh... do not worry little one, soon you will understand." Michael said gently to his little brother. He could see the frightened look in his eyes, it hurt him knowing that look was pointed at him and Lucifer. It would only be there until Castiel was fixed, but seeing it hurt like being thrown into a thorn bush. With every move he got hurt, he can even believe everything he has done to them.

"Wha..." Castiel began he was confused, but it was too late, Gabriel had placed his pointer finger and his middle finger on Castiel's forehead. A bright white light enveloped the two. It looked like a gentle flame dancing around them. After several seconds the beautiful light disappeared. Where once Gabriel and Castiel, angel of the lord, now sat Gabriel and...

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