Chapter 7

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In the other room as Castiel and Gabriel lay in bed the others stand talking. They were thinking of what they can do with Cas as he heals since he can't move around to much.

"What if we go to the park and have a picnic?" Sam suggested thinking of ideas.

"Oh, yeah! We could total do that what do you think Michael? We could even invite Balthazar to come along. You know he and Castiel love playing together." Lucifer asked his brother excited.

"Um, I guess so, but Castiel must not take it to rough, and nether shall Balthazar. God knows the kid can get over excited when playing with Castiel." Michael said with a distant look in his eyes as if he was remembering something.

"Awesome!" Lucifer said jumping like a child, he then used his grace to call Balthazar out to him. there was a flap of wings and the air quickly thickened with a sassy cloud filling it.

"You called?" A boy said he looked to be one fifteen or so, he had dirty blond hair and blue eyes. His very being just radiated sassiness. There was only one person this could be...

"Balthazar?!" Sam and Dean said surprised.

"Is that really you?" Dean asked poking him. He couldn't believe it that this short kid was the angel they all knew.

"Yes it's me. Now stop poking me!" He shoved Dean's hand away. "Anyway Lucifer what did you need?" He asked his older brother.

"We wanted to know if you wanted to go one a picnic with us? Castiel got hurt and you know how grumpy he gets if he is bed bound." Lucifer said the angels all looked like they were remembering.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Sure I will go you don't even have to ask. How did he get hurt though? Was it the Ar*echesters faults again?" Dean and Sam both adopted offended looks at these words. They didn't always get Castiel hurt.

"It was Naomi, Zachariah and Metatron. They...they tortured him. Naomi and Zachariah are dead Gabriel and I killed them. Metatron got away we sent other angels out to find him, so far there has been no such luck." Lucifer said angrily. Michael patted his back gently in hopes of calming him. Balthazar looked no better, in fact he looked like he was going to kill everyone in the room.

"It's okay Lucifer we will find him and make him pay for his deeds. Balthazar calm down, your anger will do us no good. We just have to be there for Cas for now." Michael said reassuring his brothers.

"Soooo, now that that's cleared out of the way lets go pack us a picnic, we don't want to waste the day away." Dean said leading them all to the kitchen. The angels reluctantly followed.

*********************************************four hours later*****************************************************

The door slowly creaked open, Gabriel kept his eyes shut but he was awake. He just did not want to get up until the smell of food hit his nose he shot his eyes wide open.

"Gabriel?" It was Balthazar that came into the room.

"Yeah bud?" Gabriel responded still sounding asleep.

"We are all going on a picnic today, and the others need help finishing up. Can you go help them while I get Cassie?" Balthazar asked his older brother.

"Sure bud. Just come out when Cas is ready." Gabriel said getting out of the bed putting his shoes on. He ruffled Balthazar's hair as he walked out of the door to the kitchen.

Balthazar laughed at Gabriel then went to gently sit on Castiel's bed. He shook the little angel trying to wake him. "Come on buddy, time to get up! Rise an' shine bucko!" He said shaking him but Cas just turned around grumbling.

"Better get up Cassie! I'm warning you or you will regret it!" Balthazar said warning his little brother. When Castiel just grumbled again pulling the blankets over his head Balthazar moved in one quick motion.

"I warned you!" He staid as he grabbed Castiel around the ankle and began to tickle him. The room was soon filled with the baby angel's laughter.

"Noooooo! Bathy! Stop it! No tickle! Nooooo!" HE yelled at his brother who only intensified the tickling. He tickled Castiel's toes and belly and his laughter increased as well.

"I don't think I will! I warned you Cassie!" He said laughing devilishly.

"Please!" Castiel begged with tears forming in his eyes.

"Fine! But only caused you asked nicely!" He stopped his evil torture, when Castiel was able to breath again he glared at the laughing Balthazar. "Aww I'm sorry buddy! Could you ever forgive me?" HE asked kissing Castiel's forehead.

Castiel pretended to think a moment when Balthazar popped his stomach he squeaked out a 'yes Balthy!' and kissed his big brother's cheek.

"okay then buddy! Let's go see if those weirdos are ready." He said lifting Castiel in his arms. He then walked himself and Castiel out to the kitchen to find everything packed and somehow cleaned. Last time Balthazar checked there had been a bag of flour spilled.

The others came in when they did. "What happened with the flour?" Balthazar asked.

"Well after Lucifer sticking ROLLED in it! Michael cleaned it up and me and Sam had to spray Lucifer down to clean up the flour." Dean said with a huff. Lucifer was snickering in the background.

Michael had to resist rolling his eyes, "Are you ready?" Michael asked everyone.

"Yup!" They all yelled in unison. They grabbed their bags and all headed out of the bunker to the impala. With them all somehow loaded in (angel mojo) Dean drove off to the nearest park for the small team to eat their food.

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