Chapter 11

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The was an echoing laugh that filled the room. Balthazar shook in fear. He wished hi brothers were here, he wished his father was here. Instead he was stuck with an old brother of his, Metatron. He had long since lost the title of brother the moment everyone found out what he did. Balthazar had been chained to the wall by his ankle, and so was another. There was a younger child in the room. Much Younger. Balthazar had his arms wrapped around Castiel tightly to shield him from the psychotic angel in front of them.

The monster had moved closer to them and his taunting words filled their ears. "Children, why don't you just give up? You 'family' had never loved! They never will! Your own father abandoned you, yet he still talked to me! Castiel everyone hates you the most. Not only had Balthazar left you alone but so did your bonded, Gabriel! It just goes to show how horrible you are, you slime!" He spit at the child. He then with a shark yank, dragged Castiel out of Balthazar's arms and to a long table.

He grabbed a fistful of his hair and lifted him on to the table throwing him harshly onto it. He then binded his wrists and ankles as to not let him move to much during what was about to happen next. Balthazar screamed for him to stop pulling the chains at the wall. Praying for them to break, it was no hope though. There were sigils carved into each cuff. With another plea Metatron promptly kicked Balthazar in the face seeing the teen to the floor. After another kick, this time to the gut, his vision began to blacken. They last thing he heard before he passed out were Castiel's screams of pain.

"Gabriel can you find Castiel though the bond?" Michael asked worried.

"Yes but...but it's getting weaker by the moment. We need to hurry!" He said with anger as tears began rushing down his face. With a snap of his fingers he transported everyone to the closest spot he could locate Castiel. They stood together in the middle of the woods. With one look they all ran in separate directions to look where the kids might be located.

Within five minutes everyone heard Dean yell out "Over here!" They all ran to his direction and found a old cabin. Looking at each other they all nodded and busted inside the cabin. They were not prepared though for what they found.

Balthazar lay on the floor hopefully just unconscious. Metatron stood looking at them wide eyed. He held a blood blade in his hands and stood above a even bloodier creature. They all realized with anger the blooded creature, was Castiel. Gabriel bit down on his own lip drawing blood to prevent himself from screaming. The guardian bond that was shared between them was pulling and Gabriel could feel something breaking.

"Metatron! Stop this you fool! Why would you do this?!" Lucifer screamed at him teary-eyed. The other angel stared at them for am minute before a smile creeped onto his face.

"Why? Why!? Because 'dearest' brother, after all this scum, this menace has done to God's creation you all still treat him as if he was the center of the universe. I tried to show you all but you didn't listen! Now I take matters into my own hands! I should have been in his place! I should have been the archangel! Not a lowly new flegdling! Now he shall pay, pay for taking my place, my role!" He screamed at them, his face bright red and angry.

The was a low growl that echoed through the room. It sounded almost demonic. Everyone turned to were the growl was coming from, they looked behind themselves. Gabriel eyes were glowing not the usual bright blue of an angel's grace, but a dark ominous purple. His growling increased as he looked at Metatron.

"Back away from him Metatron! NOW!" He growled out his voice echoed in the room.

" NO! I will not! He needs to pay!" He said he lifted the knife high in the air and brought it down to give Castiel a final blow to the heart. It never came though. There was a flash across the room and the sound of bones breaking. Gabriel was on top of Metatron clawing him to death. Everyone knew this had to stop. Michael got out his own blade and jumped at the two stabbing Metatron. There was a flash of light and the sound of burning. Metatron's wings were burned on the floor for all to see.

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