Chapter 8

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They soon arrived at the park and all loaded out of the car. Sam grabbed the food and Michael grabbed the blanket. They all walked to a secluded area in the park and set up their picnic under a tree's shade.

"Yum smells delicious. Can't wait to start." Dean said when he smelled the burgers Gabriel pulled out of the basket. They all set up their plates and began eating their food.

"How's it taste buddy?" Gabriel said asking Castiel, he laughed when he look Cas and saw food on the little angel's face. He grabbed a napkin and wiped it off, earning a scowl from Cas.

"'Tas' ((tastes)) good, Gaby." He said after his traumatic face wipe.

"When we are done eating can I go take Cas to play on the playground?" Balthazar asked his brothers. When the older angels looked over and noticed there had been no other kids playing ((school day)) they nodded their heads.

"I wanna p'ay on ta swings Balthy!" Cas squealed to his older brother.

"Sure bud." The teen said ruffling his hair.

"Just remember that Castiel cannot push himself to hard Balthazar. When he gets tired bring him back here okay?" Michael asked him.

"Yes mother." He said after Castiel and Balthazar finished their food and with a nod from their older brother ran off to the swings.

Balthazar lifted Castiel onto on of the swings and stood behind him. He grabbed the chains of the old playground toy and walked backwards. When he was far enough let go of the chains allowing the sing to fly through the air. Castiel's excited laughter brought smiles to all.

A child's laughter was a magical thing, but a angel's was just so much freer, so much lighter. It would make those with even the coldest of hearts smile.

Castiel tried to kick his feet to push himself but was unsuccessful, so Balthazar with a laugh continued to push him. He loved seeing his baby brother like this, happy, free. He deserved this and so much more. He would protect his little brother forever, whether he knew it or not.

After about ten minutes Castiel slowed down on the swing with his 'pushing'. "Do you want to get off buddy?" He asked his little brother. Castiel nodded his head, Balthazar stopped the swing. It was then he noticed how tired Castiel looked, he lifted him into his arms and walked back over to the others.

"I guess he is done for now." Gabriel said with a laugh as he took Castiel from Balthazar sitting down and wrapping the toddler in a blanket they brought with them.

"Come on Balthazar, why don't we go on a hike bud?" Michael said standing up.

"We will come too." Dean and Sam said.

"Yeah!" Balthazar said happily. Together they started walking to the trails. "Race ya to the birch!" Balthazar yelled at the three running off.

Michael laughed and speed off after his little brother. Sam and Dean chased after them cursing about 'damned angels and their super speed' (Though it was mainly Dean)

Lucifer stayed behind with Gabriel and Castiel, he cleaned up the mess from the picnic then sat down with his two younger brothers.

Castiel laid in Gabriel's arms half asleep, but seemed to be fighting to stay awake.

"Little one, why don't you take a nap?" Lucifer asked him rubbing his back.

"No' tired" He mumbled into Gabriel's chest.

"Well if your hot tired can I at least sing our lullaby? It will help me relax more." Gabriel said trying to convince him. Castiel didn't respond for a minute but then he nodded.

"You spread your wings and fly,

You might want to say goodbye.

Please don't you are my love,

My little Dove,

Here in my arms,

You are my baby, I will keep you safe from harm.

Listen to my song,

I will not be long.

Stay here in my arms

safe from harm.

Together we will spread our wings and fly,

We will never have to say goodbye." Gabriel sang, Castiel was awake for the whole song but by the last verse was sound asleep. Gabriel wrapped the blanket around him tighter and laid him on his lap to sleep.


Balthazar reached the tree just before Michael did and cried out about his victory.

"I WIN! See you are to old to beat me Mike!" He cheered.

"Too older hmmm?" With that Michael tackled Balthazar and did the one thing everyone hates whether they are a child, teen or a adult. He tickled him.

"Mike! No! Stop! Please!" He squirmed trying to push his oldest brother off.

"Never! Unless to take back what you said!" By this time the Winchesters arrived and even out of breath found the strength to laugh at the situation.

"Fine! I take it back!" He screeched. Michael did as he promised and stopped, but he did not stop laughing. He loved what he did and would never regret it.

"I hate you." Balthazar grumbled crossing his arms. He tried to look intimidating, but his bright red cheek, frizzled hair and smile just did not go for his goal.

"You know you love me." Michael said pulling him into a hug, to which Balthazar did not have the heart to pull away from.

"Now that you guys are done are we going to finish this hike?" Dean asked with a laugh when he saw Michael jump a little. The 'fieriest warrior' forgot they came.

"Yes, yes lets go before it is too late." Michael said. With that Sam, Dean, Balthazar and Michael continued on their short hike that would lead them back to the park.

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