Chapter One

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So I don't have any real plans with this, but if it gets enough support I'll write it.

The man walked along the ceiling as the brightly colored spandex fitted snugly against his skin. He stared at the simple criminals as they stood outside of the large, metal vault with a large drill and tried reading the instructions to the device. The wall-walking man thought for a few moments of something to say and then an idea came to his mind. He smiled under his mask and cleared his throat. The sound caught the attention of two trench-coat dressed men and they looked up at the ceiling. What they saw was the oddest sight. The man had pulled the vibrant red sleeve of his costume up and was tapping on his pale, watch-less wrist."I'm going to be late for work if we don't hurry this up boys."

"It's the insect !"

The man dropped from his vantage point and placed his right hand on his mask where the bridge of his nose was."Technically, Spiders are not insects. They have eight legs and no antenna, so we are classified as an arachnid, cool right."The trio responded to the hero by firing off gun shots in his direction. The masked man avoided the speeding bullets by zipping to the navy blue wall by the vault and looked down at the crooks."Can we please keep the gunshots to a minimum, it's really difficult to stitch this thing." The man then shot a clump of web onto the two firearms. The broad thug with a patchy goatee looked up at the hero and tired using his quirk on the masked man. The delinquent focused his vision on the pearl white lenses on the mask. Seconds later the same man hurled onto the floor."Oh God that's funny! Y-Your quirk makes people hurl!" The hero then pointed to his lenses."Too bad these babies are reflective." The costumed man then dropped down to the floor and ended the fight before it began. He slammed the two thug's skulls together and left a simple note on the floor. Just your local spidey doing his good deed for the day.

The man ran into the alley parallel to the large bank and grabbed a black backpack webbed to the brick wall. The costumed hero then attached a thick, strong web to a chimney and propelled himself to the roof. As the hero journey from skyscraper to skyscraper he caught sight of the city's clock tower.'I really am running late.' His thoughts were interrupted by a loud cry. The man turned around mid-air and caught sight of someone running away with a leather purse. The hero reacted quickly and wrapped a strong web around the purse snatchers legs. The hero then landed next to the man and plucked the purse form the idiot's hands."I'll be taking that." The spandex wearing man then walked up to a short elderly woman with a wrinkled face. He handed the purse back to the woman as he looked into her hazel eyes and gave her a smile concealed by his mask.The man turned around and prepared to take off once again,but stopped when the woman place a weak hand on his bicep.

The woman's voice was sickly,but she smiled at the masked hero."Y-You're that Spider-Man aren't you."

"Yes ma'am."

The lady then reached her shaky hand into her purse and pulled out a piece of hard candy."Take this."

"Butterscotch?"The woman then shook her head yes and smiled. Spider-Man had a plan to prevent his boss from going nuclear and raised two fingers."Could I get another one ?"


The man unwrapped the sweet treat as the elevator ascended up the building. Seconds before the elevator dinged, the man noticed the device around his wrists and quickly unlatched them. He caught the metal bracelets as they fell and stuffed them into the bottom of his bag. When the door opened the man looked up as he sucked on the hard candy and saw an entire office staring at him. When he had made it one step into the workplace a raspy shout could be heard."Midoryia, you're late...again!" The freckled man turned his head and was greeted by the sight of his boss. The man was much taller than Midoryia and the thick mustache along his lip only amplified his macho aura. Midoryia stared at the mid-forty-year old man for a few seconds and then reached into his pocket. He pulled out a wrapped butterscotch and tossed it at his superior."What the hell is this !"

"Butterscotch ?" The man dressed in his black pinstriped suit unwrapped the candy and placed it in his mouth. A loud suck noise was heard throughout the entire office.

"My office ASAP !"

"Yes sir !"

Midoryia followed the man into the office and sat down in a worn leather seat. The man's boss sat down and reached for his cigar and lit his favorite past-time. The man with graying hair let out a puff of smoke and the ring traveled to Midoryia freckled face, so the young man swatted away the deathly air."Ima be honest with ya kid, you look like shit. Your hair is a disaster and look at your shirt." The older man then reached forward and grabbed a pinch of Izuku's green and white flannel. The caused the dark green haired man to try and fix his hair,but just like always it returned to its bush like state.

"Thanks...I guess."

"You don't have to be a smart ass you know."


Izuku's boss let out a loud sigh."Anyways kid, I want you to get a shit load of photos tomorrow at that damn hero introduction thing."

"Oh, you mean the U.A. hero announcement ceremony."

"Yeah whatever it's called. All I know is you're my best photographer and if you can get that damn vigilante to let you take his photos then some kids you age would too."

"But Dokugo usually does that stuff."

"True, but I have him doing a piece on that damn Mirio Togata."

Midoryia scratched the side of his head."I guess that makes since."

"Of course it does, I said it ! Now don't be late again or maybe I'll finally fire your lazy ass !"

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