Chapter Twenty-One

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"Izuku !"

The man stumbled out of his room and nearly fell onto his face."What's wrong !"

The plump woman on the couch looked at him and then pointed to the television in the living room."L-Look at what's happening !"

Midoryia's focused shifted from his mother and to the screen. He watched as the news broke breaking news. His eyes followed the banner running across the screen. Pro hero Uravity has been taken captive atop Yuirui Industries, but why ? Izuku clinched his jaw and studied the screen as it showed what had taken place minutes earlier. He watched as a monster carried her up the building like a spider. Deku took a gulp as the footage changed to live feed as the monster stood in the middle of the roof and Ochaco laid against a concrete wall. The camera caught sight of a man standing next to the beast, and although the man could not be made our Izuku knew exactly who it was. Deku let out an angry breath through his nose and took off into his room. 

Deku slid along the floor and reached under his bed. The man pulled out a small brown case and flipped open the bronze latches. He then pulled the top of the container open and looked down at the suit that laid in it. He picked up the tattered mask that laid in the middle of case and looked at it as it laid in his hands. The man's left eye reflected in the mask's only white lens as he glared at it.


Izuku landed on the building parallel from Yuirui Industries. He then stretched out his hand to shoot a web onto the building but something stuck to the middle of his chest before he did so. Izuku looked at the beast on the building as it pulled him off the roof. Izuku let out a yell as he fell and shot a web at the monster. The man-spider caught it with his other hand  smashed Izuku through one of the tall building's many glass windows. The web broke as Deku crashed through the glass pane and he smashed through a wooden desk. The man let out a painful groan and looked outside at the building opposite of him, and he could see himself. He could see his tattered costume and how broken he looked, but this time he was not going to stay down. Izuku stood up and jumped out of the window. He turned in the air and shot a web onto the surface of the tower and zipped to the wall. He then began to run up it, but as he did so the monster ran down the building and right at him.

Deku jumped off the roof and shot a web onto the creatures face."Lucky for you I left my bug spray at home." Izuku then landed behind the creature and continued to run up the building. 

Izuku landed on the roof and tried to catch his breath. He then looked at the tall man standing in the middle of the roof and was about to quip, but the monster from earlier tackled him. A slimy substance dripped from the creatures mouth and Izuku grunted,"Whoa, have you ever heard of a mentos ?" He then put his feet into the creatures chest and launched it into the air.

Deku jumped to his feet and looked Hideki, but out of the corner of his eye he saw the monster lunge towards Ochaco who was webbed to a  wall. Izuku shot two lines of webbing onto the creatures back and let out a strained yell as he slammed the monster into the ground. Concrete flew into the air and through the dust Uraraka made out Spider-Man.

Ochaco thought the man had died the day on All-Might's yacht, yet here he was with his costume ripped to shreds fighting a monster. She then studied him as he huffed for air and she saw his right eye. This wouldn't mean much, but there was only one person with eyes like that in the world. No, that's not possible, thought the woman.

Izuku hung his head and pointed to Hideki."What's all of this about; do you want in my fan club ?"

Yuirui shook his head and sighed."Is everything a joke to you ? I made sure to go after what you loved most and you turn it into a joke !"

"How do y-" Izuku stopped himself when he saw the man-spider jump at him. Izuku hopped backwards and shot a web onto each of the creatures thick legs and took them out from under it. As the monster fell it shot a web from each of its hand onto Izuku and threw him off the roof. As Deku flew to off the building and shot a web onto a nearby crane and launched himself into the air. He then zipped back to the roof and landed above Ochaco. He reached down and ripped at the webbing encasing her.  He then went her by the arm, but stopped when he saw the device around her hands. He watched as it dimly glowed, and picked her up. He didn't have time to ask questions so he moved quickly. 

Izuku leaped off the roof with her and began to swing away, but nothing could ever just be that simple for him. The man-spider jumped off the roof and slashed his web, and put the hero in a hold before he could grab onto Ochaco again. Izuku watched as Ochaco fell helpless from his hands and her hair ruffled in the speeding air. Deku and the monster stuck to the side of a building and began to exchange blow. The monster slammed his skull through a window and followed it up with a scratch to his back. Deku groaned in pain and shot a web onto the monsters head and slammed it into the concrete of the building. Izuku then turned and looked at Ochaco as she still fell."Float !", screamed the masked man.

"I can't !"

Deku pushed himself off of the building and shot a cocoon of webbing around the man-spider, he knew it would not hold for long, but he needed all the time he could get, however the creature was not going to let him get away easily. It shot a web out at him in hopes of hitting his back, but it missed and only got the back of his head, and despite the attempt was not enough to stop Deku. The web only ripped off the man's mask as he fell through the air in pursuit of Ochaco.

Uraraka flipped in the air and faced the incoming ground when she felt a strong arm wrap around her. She then heard a thwip, but that web did not hold. As the web broke Izuku covered Ochaco with his body and braced from impact. There was a loud crash as the car below them caved in under the weight.

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