Chapter Two

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A loud ringing had been annoying Midoryia's dream for the past hour. The noise eventually interrupted the man's sleep and spurred him awake, when Izuku woke he saw the rays of sunlight seeping through his old, cheap blinds.This injected energy into the young man because the realization that he was running late began to dawn on him. The tired nineteen year old rolled off his unbelievably hard mattress and fell onto his messy floor. The room was a disaster and the scattered chaos of dirty clothes only made the moment worse. Izuku made it to his feet and then realized he had never undressed after his long night of vigilantism. Midoryia ripped off his red boots and tossed them on his leather satchel where he kept his webshooters and camera. The man then opened his door and tugged on the only pair of jeans he had. He then opened his closet and cringed at the only clean shirt he had. Izuku deiced against the All Might shirt because he was going to be working at the ceremony after all so he substituted it with a green pullover that would conceal his costume.

The for sure late man then pulled his signature high-tops on and sprinted out his room. As he ran through he kitchen he knocked over a stack for mail, but he caught the papers when they stuck to the bottom of his left foot. Midoryia reached his left hand back to grab the papers as he opened the pantry and reached for a granola bar. Izuku unwrapped his nearly noon breakfast and looked at the papers in his left hand. Most consisted of coupons which he could use, a check from work,and an eviction notice. It was in moments like these he wished being Spider-Man paid, but illegal activities will only result in your arrest if the government finds out so he was going to continue his life by barely scrapping by. As the mess of a man walked out the house he realized he had left his light brown satchel on the floor in his room.


Izuku stood outside the gate of U.A. and looked at the symbol with awe.He still wondered to this day about attending this school, but that was not possible given his hobby. The man stepped through the gates and stared with wide eyes at the masses of people and booths. Small children wore tiny hero costumes, adults walked around with smiles and some not so happy to be there, and the graduates of Class 3-A stood behind there respective booths. Izuku's emerald eyes danced around the landscape as he searched for a place to begin. The photographer was unsure of what to do. He had not received very specific instructions besides take photos,and people were not exactly his specialty.

Izuku pulled out his camera and approached a booth with a pink girl behind it. Her hair seemed fuzzy and her entire vibrant look was intriguing something a hero could do. Midoryia took tentative steps towards the heroine and read the banner across her wooden booth: Alien Queen. The freckled man then introduced himself with an outstretched hand."I-Izuku Midoryia. I work with a-"

The horned girl's caramel eyes seemed to light up."Oh,do you want a photo ?"The question caused Izuku too look at his camera."Of course you do! I'm sure it will make you millions one day."Midoryia stayed speechless as she walked out from behind the booth and grabbed the camera out of his hands."So are we going to take a selfie or..."

"Izuku let out a nervous chuckle and scratched his neck."I was thinking of just you."

"Fine, but only if you promise not to do anything weird with it."Midoryia took an audible gulp and a few drops of sweat began to form on his brow."I'm just kidding! My God you are something else."The photographer took this as his go ahead and raised his most camera. He snapped the photo and thanked the odd woman.

Izuku spent an hour walking around the event. He snapped photos of people enjoying the fun and even managed to get a few more future pros to join in on the pictures. Midoryia was peering through his lens when he caught sight of something that made his breath hitch. What Izuku saw was a beautiful woman with a pretty smile and rosy cheeks. Her eyes reminded him of a candy bar,but what stunned him was the person. He was staring at his best friend in middle school,but she wasn't just cute anymore, no now she was perfection and he knew he couldn't even venture near her booth Midoryia thought of the first day they met and the girl's unusual willingness to be his friend, but that seemed like a lifetime ago.Everything changed when the spider bit him, she went to U.A. and he slowly stopped talking to her not wanting to disturb her studies. While the girl learned to be a hero Izuku spent his days fighting criminals and saving lives, even her's on a few occasions. The man put his camera down and placed it back in his satchel. He then walked among the crowd of people and as he neared the girl's booth he lowered his head, however fate had other plans for the man. Someone bumped into Izuku and knocked him into the pink and black booth."Oh are you okay?" The voice that called out to Izuku was sweet and laced with concern. Before he even answered Midoryia could feel the big brown eyes beating down on him.

"Y-Yeah, I'm good just clumsy is all."The man then raised his head,but as he did so his jewel like eyes locked with the stunning woman's swirl of brown. Midoryia then heard a word he hadn't in years.


Izuku stood up and gave the girl a shy smile."H-Hey Uraraka."

The girl gave him a heart-stopping, genuine smile."You look good, how have ya been?"

"G-Good I guess."

The woman giggled at him."Ya guess?" Izuku just shrugged his shoulder and looked down at the booth. The man was doing everything to avoid eye contact with his old friend."So what have ya been doin' for the past four years ?"

Izuku kept looking at the booth and pondered her question for a moment.If he told her the truth he would of had quite an interesting answer given the many near death experiences."Nothing much."

"You know what ?"Midoryia looked up at the friendly woman."We should totally go get lunch one day and catch up."

Izuku's heart stopped at her offer."I-I'd love to, b-but I'm busy right now."

Uraraka frowned at his words."I thought you weren't up to anything."

Deku gave the girl a nervous chuckle."I-I was comparing it to you and everything you've done lately. I mean look at you, you did it."


"I'm sure you probably don't even have time for me."The man then turned to walk away, but the girl reached out for his hand. Her skin was soft against him and once again his breathing stopped.

"Come on Deku, w-we were best friends and I just want to start talkin' again."

Izuku cursed himself as he was the sadness in her eyes."I-I could do Saturday."

The woman's bubbly aura once again returned and she gave the awkward man a smile."That's amazing."

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