Chapter Seven

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The man sat at the small round table with a red handled screwdriver in hand. Izuku loosened the screw to the contraption on his left wrist. The panel flew open and the man quietly whispered,"Yes." Deku then slipped one of his fingers into the opening and began to play with the wires that powered his gadget. Midoryia grabbed a hold of the wire and pulled on it. The man's success was short lived as an electric shock spread throughout his hand."Son of a-" The man was interrupted by a loud ring.

Izuku's attention diverted from his webshooter and to his cracked cell phone. The image plastered across the struggling screen was a familiar woman with her sweet smile. Deku leaned over and answered the call with the tip of his nose."Hey Uraraka." Izuku never really understood why people would say "hello" if they had caller Identification.

"Hey Deku !", chirped the woman from the phone.

"Hey, do you need something ?", questioned the messy-haired man as he began to battle with his busted gadget.

"I was just wonderin somethin'," explained Ochaco as she twiddled a lone strand of her hair while sitting on her couch.

"Shoot." Midoriya then gritted his teeth as the device shocked him once again.

"W-Well, ya know how we used to always go to the fair as kids."

"Uh huh," smirked Midoriya as he recollected on the fond memories.

"Really !"

"Of course,I'd never forget."

"Awesome." Uraraka then got to the point of the call."I was wonderin' if you wanted to go ?" There was a long pause as Izuku considered the offer."Today !"

"Umm, what time ?"

Ochaco looked to her ceiling as she thought. The heroine the laughed,"I really didn't think that far ahead, sorry."

Deku chuckled,"It's fine.", as he screwed in the panel of his webshooter. There was a ding an Izuku pressed down on the device pressure point. A web launched from the mechanism and onto the man's old microwave."Yes !"

"Amazing Deku, I'll see you later !" The brunette then ended the call.

Izuku stared down at his webshooter in shock and murmured,"T-This is all your fault."


Izuku walked down the street with a goofy grin across his lightly freckled face. The man's hands were tucked into the pockets of his jeans. Midoriya's plain green shirt ruffled as a light breeze blew through the city. The man was in his own world until a woman waved at him and shouted,"Deku over here !"

Izuku's eyes shot to the source and he saw his short-haired friend bouncing up and down. Midoriya waved back and casually jogged over to the woman. Uraraka smiled faded quickly and she leaned near Izuku's face. Ochaco licked her thumb and wiped at the man's cheek."Is that smut ?"

Did I not get all of it ?

Ochaco followed up the question by sniffing Midoriya."You smell like ash Deku; what happened to you ?"

Midoriya instinctively threw his right hand behind his head and began to play with his fluffy hair. The man then forced out a laugh and lied,"I-I was at my mom's earlier and I fell into our firepit."

Ochaco's eyebrows narrowed and her big brown eyes seemed to beat down on Izuku as she doubted him."You fell into a fire pit ?"

"It wasn't lit ?"

Uraraka giggled at him,"I didn't think so, but aren't cha gettin' awful clumsy ?"

Midoriya smiled at her fit of laughs."Yeah, maybe a-" The man stopped speaking when the woman grabbed a hold of his hand and ran them into the simple fair yards from them.

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