Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ochaco sat on the ground and began to bang the cuffs around her hand against the ground. The sound of the metal crashing into the rocky surface could be heard and with each swing she let out a grunt. Her eyes watered as she tried to break the gadget and watched as the man-spider stood over Izuku. The hero's fingers slightly fidgeted as he face stayed buried in the ground. A string of blood hung from his lip and stuck to the pavement below his, and he let out low, uneven breaths. Where the hell are the heroes at, I could really use some help right now ? Izuku winced as he continued to think. I'm definitely have the-scratch that six or seven broken bones and some internal bleeding, fun. The helicopter above has taped my face and the entire city knows my identity, and to make matters worse Ochaco hates me. This is has to be the shittiest day ever.

Izuku looked up at the monster walking away from him and towards Ochaco. The beast stood proud and tall, thinking it had killed Deku. Uraraka stood up from the ground and slammed her metal cuffs into the chest of the monster. The metal broke, but did not even leave a bruise on the monster's chest. Ochaco jumped to the side of the monster and dogged at strike. She then reached out to touch the mam-spider but something pulled her back. The woman fell on her but and saw Izuku wobbly standing in front of her with blood seeping out of his webbed-up side. Midoryia closed his eyes and apologized to Ochaco."I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I should've told you the truth, but this is my burden Ochaco, and I think tonight's when it ends." Izuku then looked up at the man-spider and raised one of his fist."Come on, I'm not dead yet you ugly bastard ! If you want to beat me than rip me limb from limb, cause that's the only way you'll win !" Deku then broke into a sprint towards the monster. 

The man-spider to a swing at Izuku, but the hero zipped into the air. Izuku contorted his body mid air and began to barrage the monster with hard-hitting clumps of web. Izuku then landed on a light pole and looked at the monstrosity form his vantage point. The man-spider let out a roar  and shot multiple webs onto the pole and ripped it from the ground. Izuku flipped off the pole and landed in the road. The monster then threw the metal pole at Deku, but the hero flipped over it. As Izuku was in the air he realized the pole was speeding towards a crowd of people and shot a web onto the metal rod and threw it at the man-spider. The beast smashed the metal rod in half easily and let out another roar.

Deku landed and looked at the beast. He then grinned,"You might as well give up cause the knock off is always a cheap ripoff." The man-spider took off after Deku and tried to upper cut Izuku. The man leaned back and avoided the punch, but the beast had five others arms and followed up the strike. Deku weaved away from each blow  and punched the man-spider in the side. The best let out a painful groan and took a sporadic swing at Izuku. 

Spider-Man flipped over the monster and ripped off one of the legs on its back. A thick green blood began to seep from the wound, but Izuku did not hold back. He jammed the sharp leg into the creature's back and another cry of pain was heard. Deku stood behind the monster and began to stumble from blood loss. His head was getting weak and he could feel a darkness creeping up on him.

Izuku fell backwards and onto one knee. He looked at the monster as it turned around and raised all of its fist. Izuku raised his arms and caught the hammering smash, but the ground below caved in. The spandex around Izuku's biceps ripped as he pushed against the powerful monster, but they were at a standstill. The monster looked at the man and its eyes seemed to glow in anger as it brought one of its legs back.

Ochaco took off and after the two battling. She passed Deku and outstretched her arm towards the man-spider. She dove and pressed her glowing fingertips to the beast, but she was not able to make it in time. The monster's clawed foot drove viciously into Izuku's gut and the man gasped. His eyes widened in shock and his face went pale. The man-spider withdrew it's talons from Izuku's stomach and began to float into the air. The beast shot six webs onto the ground, but Ochaco's quirk was too powerful for the road to take. The asphalt did not hold and the monster let out a yell as it began to float higher in the sky.

Izuku fell forwards, but Uraraka caught the man. Deku's head fell over her shoulder and all of his weight fell onto her. Ochaco sat on the ground and held him by the back of his skull. She then began to cry like she never had before."Y-You're gonna be okay Deku."

"I-I don't think I'm getting out of this one Ochaco."

"No,no,no you're gonna make it okay."

Midoryia struggled to let out a breath."I don't know how much longer I have."

"Y-Yo-You'll be fine Deku," wept the woman.

"No, the radioactive spider that bit me won't be pulling through this time, so I need to get something off my chest."

"Yo-You don't owe me anything."

"N-No you deserve to know the truth." Izuku then grunted as he leaned away from Ochaco and looked the woman in her eyes. He then smiled and softly placed his forehead against hers."I love you Ochaco Uraraka...." The man then pushed the brunette's hair out of her face."more than anything in this world."

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