Chapter Twenty

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Ima just give you guys a warning before hand, this chapter is really gruesome.

Ochaco looked up into the dark sky as she stood outside with the squad of police officers  behind her. The darkness was peppered with the occasional star and moon lit the city. A cold breeze blew by as the woman placed her hand on the handle to the large door and pulled. The iron door screeched as it slid open and the sound made everyone within range cringe. Uraraka shook her head and raised the flashlight in her hand. She clicked the button and took a step inside the dark building.

Ochaco was selected to lead the operation and it was suppose to be simple. The paper had conducted an investigation and leaked a location where human trafficking had taken place, but something felt off to Ochaco. These types of situations typically went by smoothly and there should have been nothing for the heroine to worry about.

The team walked down the dark corridors with Ochaco in the lead. Everything was quiet except for the sound of footsteps and a the air kicking on. Uraraka continued to walk down the hall until it felt like a set of eyes were beating down on her. She flicked her flashlight up and looked at the ceiling, but the only thing there was a cob web hanging from a ventilation system. Stop being paranoid Ochaco; there is nothing to worry about.

The man in the back of the pack's heart stop, stopped when he felt a hot breath trial down his back. The officer gulped and slowly turned around and saw a set of eight red eyes, but before he could let out a scream as two strong hand covered his mouth and he was pulled into the air. The man's light hit the ground and the thud broke the silence filling the building. Another officer turned around and looked up. The man went pale at the sight, his partner webbed to the ventilation system with crimson blood running throughout the bind. The cop's hand snapped to his handgun, but before he could draw it a web was shot onto his chest and he was pulled down the hallway.

"Ahhhh !"

The sound caught everyone's attention and they turned to see the man's light spinning on the floor. The flashlight eventually stopped twirling and stopped facing the end of the hallway. No-one uttered a word as they starred at the seven foot monster hunched over with it's face buried into the chest of the officer.

The creature only wore a pair of bland green cargo pants, but not a person noticed that as they trembled in fear, no-one not even Ochaco had ever seen something like what stood yards from them. The monstrosity had six, large arms that seemed to be the size of a tree trunk and at the end of each arm was three, slender, bloodied claws. The beast then looked up from the body in its grasp and stared at the team in front of it. The mandibles on it wiggled as it let out an terrifyingly indescribable sound.

Ochaco did not know what to do, they did not have enough firepower to deal with something like this. She was proficient in combat, but she had no chance in a fight with the monster, and they were in a closed space so her quirk was essentially eliminated from being a trump card. She wanted to say run, but then everyone would be picked off like helpless animals with their back to the man-spider. They had too fight it and there was no other choice.

The many officer drew their guns and fired them. The sparks lit the dark hallway and the many bullets zipped towards the beast. The monster dogged almost every shot, and the few that did hit it failed to slow it down. The monster's green blood dripped from its wounds but despite the injuries ti lunged at the many officers.

Ochaco grabbed three officers by the back of their uniforms and pulled them away from the beast. She then ordered them,"Stay behind me."

The monster jammed on if its fist through an officers chest and shot a web onto the ventilation system above with another. The crazed villain then pulled down the mechanism and slammed it on top of a group of officers. Blood splattered from underneath the metal and onto the walls and Ochaco took a step back. So many people were being hurt and she could not stop this monster. The man-spider than shot a web onto the final cop in between him and Ochaco and pulled the woman towards him. The beast then stuck two of its arm into the woman's stomach and ripped her in half.  The woman's organs spilled onto the floor like candy from a busted pinata.

Uraraka turned around and looked at the cops behind her."Run !"

An older man fumbled with his words."B-But it will-"

"Go !" The three officers listened to the hero and took off down the hallway.

The monster looked at Ochaco and then zipped to the ceiling . It then began to crawl along  it. Uravity reacted by tapping herself and trying to float up and grab onto the savage spider like man, but it was like the creature could sense her because it dropped from the ceiling as she reached out for it. The monster then sprinted down the hallway after the tree officer and grabbed a hold of the man in the back. The beast grabbed the man and pile drove him into the hard floor head first. Luckily for Ochaco she was not able to witness the man's head splatter like a watermelon. The monster then dove at the second to last officer. The beast bit the woman on the shoulder and she began to seize. The man-spider's large head snapped up and it looked at the last cop with its eight round eyes. The monster stood up and shot six webs onto the back of the man. It then pulled  on him and as the man flew towards it, the beast stuck out the two leg like limbs on its back and impale him. The man-spider then ripped out the man's jugular using its mandibles.

The beast turned its skull and looked at Ochaco who had fallen back to the ground. The beast looked at her and stopped moving. Its breaths began to slow as it looked at her and then its head twitched. The monster then extended an arm and shot a web at Ochaco. The woman dogged the sticky power, but before she could roll to her feet another web was shot towards her and it caught her foot. The monster then gave a strong tug and Ochaco flew towards it. Uraraka reacted by tapping her feat and she drifted over the monster and punched it in the skull. The blow did not bother the best and one of its leg like appendages on its back cut Ochaco's arm. The woman fell onto the ground placed a hand over the bleeding wound.

The monster looked at her on the ground, but pounced. It snarled at the woman and its fuzzy hairs tickled her face. As its head hung over Ochaco blood from its mandibles trickled onto her face. Uraraka struggled but the monster's strength was too much for her. The beast then looked down at Ochaco hands and webbed them before picking her up over its shoulder. The man-spider then stood up and walked with the woman over its shoulder out of the building. As they left out the opened front door the lights flickered on, and Ochaco saw the carnage created by the beast. She saw the walls painted red and what remained of her teams lifeless bodies.

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