👣Chapter 5🐾

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   Adrien would never admit it out loud, but he enjoyed Marinette's company. Once getting to know the girl, he saw a very bubbly and loving free spirit. Sure, there were those ups and downs when she would come home with an injury or some bad message, being bullied and all.

   Yet, he never understood why Marinette was treated this way. She didn't deserve this treatment and wished that she would inform her parents on the matter. She never did though for reasons unknown.

Adrien still acted like a jerk sometimes but tried to keep it at bay. It was hard doing "nice" things when going his whole life taught the opposite way. It was unnatural and weird at first but slowly grew to be normal.

He also wasn't hiding under the chaise anymore but sat on it which was a step up. He didn't dare sleep on a girl's bed even if he was a cat to her, there were still boundaries of his human mind that would never go the length.

It's been four days since Chat hurt Marinette. The girl still worked on whatever she does late at night. Adrien sat on the chaise licking his paw and bored out of his mind.

"What's so important that you have to go into early morning and wake up late for school?" He muttered. To Marinette, it was a cat meowing for attention and possibly, curiosity. She smiled over at Chat before walking to him with a book in her hand, a sketchbook.

"You're probably wondering why I've been up late so much," she said, Adrien blinked and held back a sarcastic "No, duh."

"Well," Marinette began, opening the book and flipping through the pages slowly. "I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up."

Adrien looked at all the astonishing designs that the girl drew. They were fashionable and beautiful, almost like what his father designed but dare he say it, better. Marinette has a very extraordinary talent and he wouldn't be more surprised if she replaced his father.

   "Wow..." he spoke, almost speechless and taking in the breathtaking images displayed. Marinette giggled and scratched behind Chat's ears, making him purr in delight.

"I'm glad someone else besides my parents likes them," she said, dimming some as memories passed through her mind. Adrien frowned a bit but shook it off as if not caring, ignoring the sinking feeling in his chest. Was it guilt again?

He's only known this girl for almost two weeks. Over the years, he coulda've cared less if seeing a girl sobbing her eyes out over a little thing he said. Yet, he never caused Marinette's pain mentally and a lingering feeling of dread came back every time.

There was just something special about this bluenette that just twisted his whiskers. He never admits that she was doing something to him, not even in the slightest bit. Change wasn't something he does and Marinette Dupain-Cheng will never change this proud Agreste who has no regret-

Adrien's train of thought vanished in the moment her finger started to scratch under his chin. He practically melted in the exhilarating touch. Closing green cat eyes, his purrs grew louder as embarrassing as it is. If he weren't a cat then there would be a definite blush of embarrassment going to the ends of his ears.

"Awe, Minou," Marinette cooed, smiling brightly.

"I regret this," the blonde thought, grumpily. Yet, he couldn't deny the wonderful scratches she gave. It felt so nice that he just wanted to flop right on top of her hand then and there. He held back the urge to do so though.

   "Marinette, go to bed! You have school tomorrow!" Marinette's dad, Tom shouted from downstairs.

   "Okay!" The bluebell eyed girl replied. Adrien was saved from Marinette's magic and sinful scratches. She put her sketchbook on the desk then went to change into sleep wear in the bathroom. The model hopped off the chaise and stretched while yawning.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself." Adrien jumped at the familiar, chirpy voice. He turned and glared at the witch who was lounged out on Marinette's chaise.

"Well if it isn't the wicked witch of the west. Should I dump water on you to see if you melt away?" The humanlike cat spat, sitting on the wooden floor.

"So, how is living with the baker's daughter? She is quite a sweetheart and cute," the redhead said, wagging her eyebrows. Adrien made a gagging sound.

"I'd like to see you try being with a dramatic and emotional teenager," the blonde challenged.

"I am right now," Tikki smirked, "and if I didn't know any better, I would say you like her more than you let on."

"As. If," he replied with a huff.

"Well, I ship it," she said. The boy was about to make a remark when the bathroom door creaked open, grasping his attention. The pigtailed girl walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth. Adrien looked back to see the witch was no longer there.

"Chat, whatcha looking at?" Marinette asked, walking over to him. The feline stood up and greeted the girl by brushing up against her legs. The bluenette fondly knelt down and scratched his back.

   "How about you sleep in my bed tonight?" She offered. Adrien let out a hurried "meow" in refusal with such a thought. There was no absolute way he was doing it, staying put on the chaise. Marinette rolled her eyes, finishing up then turned off the lights.

"Goodnight, Chaton," She said, heading to bed. The whole room went silent once she was under the covers. Adrien could hear police sirens in the distance and flashes of red and blue highlight the buildings.

"You know..."

The boy jumped in fright when Tikki reappeared, laying on her stomach next to him. He glared daggers at the pesky witch and readied his claws to scratch.

"Paris may be called the "City of Light" but it seems you are still searching for it." Tikki disappeared once again in a blink of an eye, not to return for the rest of the night. Adrien was left in deep thought.

   "She's just a crazy person out for my money," he muttered under his breath. Yet, his mind still reeled around her words on repeat like a broken record.

   He didn't get much sleep that night.


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