👣 Chapter 11 🐾

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   Marinette only had thing on her mind at the moment.

   Pain. Lots of pain.

   She could feel the dog's teeth digging into her arm. The beast shredded her skin to the point where blood gushed like Niagara Falls and feel an excruciating throb as if a thousand knifes were stabbing away at the same place.

   It's fangs kept digging deeper and deeper into Marinette's flesh that she thought this animal would snap her arm in half. She screamed bloody murder and tried to fight but there was no use. The dog was to strong. Tears streamed down the bluenette's face and fear coursed through her veins.

No matter how much she screamed, no one heard her.

No matter how much she prayed, no one came to save her.

No matter how hard she tried to hold onto that little hope, it was slowly fading away.

   Then the dog's hold on her arm vanished but the pain stayed. Marinette slowly moved to sit up and whimpered. She focused her blurry vision on the giant dog wrestling with something small and black. The baker's daughter shivered from a cold breeze but ignored the poring rain, shakily getting to her feet.

   Her fuzzy mind was doing its best to figure out what happened and getting over the shock of the situation. This was no time to be messing around, she could think clearly on that small information. Marinette has to get help and fast.

   "C-Chat," Marinette called, voice ragged from screaming. To the teen's shock, the black cat wasn't shaking against the wall and dawned on her that the small, black thing fighting the dog was Chat!

   Quickly, Marinette grabbed her phone and flinched, dropping the device onto the soaking alleyway's floor. She held her injured arm with her other hand, groaning in misery as it throbbed and burned. Bluebell eyes watch as the trembling hand slowly pull away and completely stained a gory red.

   She was afraid to look at her own arm just from seeing her hand covered in blood.

Marinette shook her head, snapping out of her grim imagination and reached out for the phone on the ground. She quickly dialed 112 and agonizingly waited for someone to pickup. Seconds felt like minutes and she was terribly worried for Chat.

   Marinette glanced over at the battle between Chat and the stray dog. Her eyes just caught sight of the stray throwing a bloody cat at a brick wall. Marinette froze in shock and tears welling up in her eyes.

"This is 112. What is your emergency?" A calm voice of a woman asked through the phone. The dog beady and cold eyes immediately shifted away from Chat to stare at her, ears perked up. The beast growled and slowly stalked over to Marinette as she slowly backed away, shakily clutching her phone.

"I-I need help. T-There's a stray d-dog that a-attacked my cat and I. My arm is a bl-bloody mess and my cat...he's...he's just as bad," Marinette explained, trying not to cry. Her back met with a dead. Her hands trembled in fear and whimpered when the dog snarled.

"Can you tell me your location?" The woman asked. Marinette looked around for any hints of where she was. That was a problem though, she had no idea where she was.

"I-I don't-AH!" Marinette was cut off by a sharpe pain in her leg. The dog yanked the girl to the ground, dropping her phone in the process.

"Ma'am?" That was the last thing the teen heard before fading into darkness with the taste of blood in her mouth.

Adrien wasn't doing so hot either. He could barely move or process what was happening. All he knew was Marinette was in danger and he had to do something. Something. Anything to make sure that mutt didn't lay one pay on his Princess.

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