👣Chapter 8🐾

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   Adrien sat on the chaise wondering who was coming over.

   "Maybe she finally found a friend to talk their ear off instead of me," he thought, trying to convince himself that he wasn't bothered by it. He did feel a little discouraged but was to proud to admit it. It was one thing being insensitive but jealousy was totally different.

   He wasn't jealous at all. It was fine for Marinette to have friends and talk about normal teenage, girly stuff. He prayed this particular friend doesn't like to play dress up. The bluenette almost did succeed putting on some cat booties when Adrien was asleep. This was a reason why he now slept with one eye open.

"Chat Noir!" Marinette called, a giant smile on her face. Adrien snapped out of his thoughts when seeing his "owner" coming down from her balcony and put down something black on the floor. He immediately recognized the two-timing hairball from the streets. Sly, acid met with annoyed, emerald eyes.

"Never thought I would ever see you again, kid," Plagg said, almost impressed.

"The feelings mutual," Adrien grumpy replied, narrowing his eyes.

"Chat Noir, this is Malchance," Marinette introduced, scratching the back of Plagg's ear. Adrien had to hold back a hiss by biting down on his tongue. He really wanted to boot the other black cat out of the room and back into streets.

Plagg's nickname definitely lived up to its title. He was nothing but bad luck and trouble. That trouble was the last thing Adrien needed right now, especially in this body and little knowledge of anything.

   "Marinette! Can you come help us in the bakery?" Sabine called.

   "Coming!" Marinette replied before turning towards Plagg and Adrien. "Stay out of trouble." The teenage girl left the room. Adrien glared at the menacing street cat and questioned, "I thought you didn't have any friends?"

   "I don't," Plagg agreed, smirking, "She's more of an...acquaintance."  The model scoffed and if possible, glared harder at the other cat.

"Please, you're probably just here for the food," He spat.

"Or, maybe you're just jealous," Plagg cackled. Adrien sputtered random noises neither denying or confirming Plagg's theory. What is wrong with him? He probably caught a bug or something.

"Yeah, a lovebug," Plagg teased further on, scratchily laughing. Adrien blinked, realizing that he said the last thought out it out loud.

"No, I'm not. I already have a girlfriend," he stated, wondering how Chloe was doing.

"Seriously...that's your excuse? Ugh, whatever! Love is disgusting and unneeded, but food is where it's at," Plagg said, licking his lips. The Adrien's green eyes rolled as Marinette entered the room.

"I'm back with some food," Marinette said, putting a tray down in front of Plagg and Adrien. The human-minded teen glared at Plagg who began to eat the food.

"Chat, are you alright? You're not sick, are you?" Marinette asked, kneeling down next to Adrien and petting his head. A purr rumbled at the back of his throat as the bluenette scratched behind his ears.

Soon, to Adrien's relief, Plagg left. The model sat on Marinette's chaise and stared up at a picture of himself posing for his father's spring line. That was also the time when him and Chloe began to date. He didn't know why it took him this long to actually start questioning the choice of dating her.

It just sort of...happened.

   No...wait, it didn't just happen. There was a reason and a very selfish one. He started to date Chloe because of his father. Gabriel and Chloé's father, the mayor, hooked the two up for more popularity. The set up did the trick too. The two most powerful men in Paris became more well-known in Europe than ever.

   Everyone in a Paris practically swooned when finding out about the hook up. Well, fangirls cried when they found out that Adrien Agreste was now taken.

Yet, out of all of the commotion, Adrien couldn't remember ever getting a say about dating the mayor's daughter. He didn't really like Chloe that much at all but found her to be easy to date. So, if they by chance did break up then it would be easy to just turn and walk away just like everyone else.

So easy. So simple. Adrien knew it shouldn't be that simple though. The feeling should be heart breaking and guilt for doing the stuff he did. Why of all times is he now just realizing this?

"Hey, Kitty," a melodic voice chirped. An odd racing of his heart picked up speed when hearing Marinette's voice. Now, he could remember. It was Marinette. There was just something about her that made Adrien feel good about himself and cared for.

Adrien meowed at the teen girl before she looked up at his poster and smiled. Marinette picked up the cat and stared thoughtfully at Adrien's poster.

"That's Adrien Agreste. His father is actually one of my top idols and inspires me to make clothes. Without him, I wouldn't be designing," Marinette explained, happily. Adrien moodily thought differently of his father then rolled his emerald eyes.

"Of course, out of every fashion designer, it had to be him," Adrien sniped.

"But..." Marinette paused for a moment which threw Adrien off-guard when hearing sadnesses laced in her voice.

"Adrien isn't the nicest person but I understand why. Gabriel, his dad, doesn't really treat his son well since Adrien's practically always locked up. His girlfriend, Chloe isn't the best influence either. I can see his facades in every photo he's in. I don't think I've ever seen him smile genuinely without faking it for the camera."

Adrien was astonished by her words and left speechless. If it weren't for the fact he was an animal, a red blush would surely be on his cheeks. Marinette has a good eye, a very good eye. No wonder her works were truly masterpieces and absolutely extraordinary.

Whatever low life decided to bully his Princess, they were absolutely wrong in doing so. Why would anyone not want to be around Marinette? She made the highlight of his day without trying much at all. Even if he acted grumpy, he would admit liking the time he spent with her.

"Don't get me wrong, I do feel bad for Adrien's family. Adrien is actually missing right now. I bet everyone is worried...I know I am," Marinette said. Adrien could feel his stomach do flips before looking up to see a red flush in her cheeks. He thought she looked really cute.

What brought the model out of his daydream-like state was the part where he was missing. Adrien was missing and the police weren't going to find him anytime soon with still being a cat. He just wished these weird feelings would go away so he could concentrate and escape.

This meant...he would have to run away.


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