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A/N – hi guys, GB smut, again.

I feel ashamed of myself for writing something so dirty.😜😜😜😜😜

I'm sorry GB, my poor babies.😂😂😂😂😂😂

Godt glanced at Bas lounging on the comfortable sofa of his living room. He's wearing one of Godt's t-shirts and a burrowed boxers. He still looked flushed after last night's love making. Bas insisted that it's alright to miss campus for one day. Besides the boy doesn't want everyone to see him with swollen lips and flushed faced. Even though Godt felt guilty for making Bas miss his classes, he agreed with Bas. Because the boy looked thoroughly fucked, and he's too possessive to let anyone else see Bas like that.

And it's all Godt's doing.

Godt smiled to himself taking two sodas from the fridge, and walking towards his den to sit next to Bas. Bas is watching a Spiderman movie while eating chips eagerly. He looked like a kid, smiling happily, stuffing his face. But the Godt's t-shirt reaching down to his mid thighs, exposing smooth shapely legs indicated that he's hardly a kid. Godt remembered how they felt wrapped around his waist as he thrust harder. He cleared his throat. He shouldn't let his mind wonder. Bas definitely needs time to recover after last night.

"Won't your Ps be worried?" Godt asked wrapping his hand around Bas' shoulder, pulling him closer.

"I texted P'Ter." Bas scooted closer and place his head on the broad capable shoulder of Godt. "I told him that I'm staying the night at a friend's house to complete a joined project." He grinned up mischievously. "And he bought it." He pushed a handful of potato chips in his mouth.

"You're such a bad boy nong Bas." Godt tightened his hand around Bas' neck playfully. Bas giggled through a mouthful of chips. "But seriously, I feel guilty." He loosened his hold. "Are you sure that you're not missing out?" He asked again, frowning.

"Yes, P'Godt." Bas replied patiently. He turned around to hug Godt's tapered waist. "I'm sure." He planted a loud wet smacking kiss on Godt's cheek.

"What are you? Three?" Godt looked at the boy in amusement.

"Yes, I'm three." Bas pouted.

"No, you're not." Godt caught the chin in his hand to turn the face and placed a kiss on the adorable pout. Bas giggled.

They ordered pizza for lunch earlier. They both wanted to stay inside and stay closer to each other after last night's confession and love making. Bas is especially mellowed and clingy after losing his virginity. Luckily, it's Godt's off day.

When the final credits of the movie started running, Bas tossed the empty potato chip wrapper on the coffee table.

"What are we going to do now?" He turned to Godt, folding his legs under. Godt didn't miss the way Godt's t-shirt Bas was wearing rolled up, exposing his thighs. He resisted the urge to touch. Because he knew once he lay his hand on Bas, he won't be able to stop.

"Whatever you want." Godt smiled crookedly, ruffling the boy's hair fondly.

"Anything?" He perked up like a little puppy. Godt nodded.

"I just want to stay like this forever." Bas placed his head on Godt's lap stretching out on the sofa. Godt combed the dark hair on the head nestled in his lap. Bas closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of someone's hand on his head. He likes to be pampered. And it felt nice to have the attention of this God like man.

"Then stay with me forever." Godt whispered, leaning down to press his mouth on the irresistible lips on the upturned face.

"But forever is a very long time." Bas mumbled against Godt lips.

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