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A/n - TaeTee fluff. I think they deserve it after everything went on. Enjoy! 😘😘😘 Credit to the owners of respective pictures.  

Tae bought two portions of noodles from the shop a few blocks away from the gym. Since Kimmon is not here he has to fend for himself for now. He can't cook. Even if he could find his way around the kitchen somehow, Kimmon wouldn't let Tae touch his precious Kitchen utensils.

So he's surviving on noodles.

He slowly pushed opened the door to his room. Tee is still sleeping on his bed. After that mind blowing hot sex, Tee managed to just crawl into Tae's bed just before falling asleep. Tae couldn't afford such luxuries of course. He has to take care of business. Since he bolted like an idiot after hearing Tee talking to his nongs about that stupid bet. At that time he felt ashamed for falling for Tee's games. Yet if he had waited for a little while and confronted Tee, without running like an idiot, he would have saved a whole lot of heartbreak and pain.

But that's in the past. He knows the truth now. He knows that Tee loves him. And for now, that's good enough for him.

He gently sat on the bed, without jostling the sleeping man. Tee is sleeping on his stomach. His bare shoulders peaked out of Tae's bed covers. He resisted the urge to place a kiss on those white shoulders with some effort.

"Tee?" He called softly. The other man stirred but didn't wake up. "Wake up?" Tae called again.

Tee inhaled deeply and rolled slowly on to his back. Tee's sleepy face is so adorable. Tae couldn't wonder how beautiful Tee is with messy sleepy hair.

 Tae couldn't wonder how beautiful Tee is with messy sleepy hair

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"P'Tae?" Tee sighed. "What time is it?" he rubbed his eyes with the balled up fists.

"It's already lunchtime," Tae caught Tee's hands and lowered them. "You slept for sometimes."

"Why didn't you wake me up P?" Tee mumbled.

"Do you have anything special to do today?" Tae handed one cardboard box full of noodles to Tee.

"No, I don't have anything P," Tee straightened up, scooted back to lean against the headboard. "It's Saturday,"

"Then it's good that you got some rest after all." Tae opened his own pack and poked at the steaming noodles with his chopsticks.

"You wore me out P," Tee grinned, running his hand through his messy strands.

"You were asking for it babe," Tae said evenly, pushing a mouthful of noodles in his mouth.

"Fair enough," Tee shrugged. He paced the noodles on the bedside table. Flipping the cover away he got up from the bed.

"Aren't you eating?" Tae watched Tee walking towards the bathroom. His eyes lingered on the still reddened skin of Tee's fair ass. Despite being coming this morning he felt his cock coming alive.

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