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Anna was trying to get used to having money. Claire and her parents left later that day to return home. Mr. Clemson showed her all the accounts she now has and gave her a few credit cards. Amazon would quickly become her new best friend.

Anna's POV

I just got through ordering everything I could possibly want for my house. Amazon is a dangerous thing. I hear a doorbell sound and see a little screen by my back door light up. "What the hell." I think to myself. I go to look at the screen and see an old woman at the front gate. "Grocery delivery is here. I'm going to leave all of this right here." She yells rather loudly into the screen. This is some high tech stuff. I grab the keys to my Jeep and drive down the road to retrieve my groceries. This is pretty amazing. "Mrs. Clemson thought of everything." As I drive back with all my food I think back to what Mr. Clemson told me..."Vampires can travel at extreme speeds. If you need me at all I'll be here in 15 minutes tops, don't hesitate to call me!" What other kinds of powers do vampires have I wondered. I'll have to slowly quiz Claire on that so I don't tick her off with 1 million questions. I think I'm going to put up my food and go for a swim.

I put on my tiny black two piece and grab a towel. I head out and lounge by the pool while listening to some random music on my phone. "This is wonderful. Being alone is not so bad." Suddenly I hear a few branches breaking off in the distance. The sound comes closer but then stops. My heart is racing. "Calm down it's just an animal. No one is out here.". I think to myself. I grab my phone and I'm ready to call Mr. Clemson if something appears. I hear the noise again and then loud growling. I get up and slowly make my way to the door that leads inside. My eyes never leave the tree line. Suddenly the sounds stop. I run inside and lock the door. I turn around and look out of the window. A few minutes pass and I can't take my eyes off of the woods. I see a glimpse of white...the wolf emerges out of the trees and comes right up to the window directly in front of me. It licked it's chops and I see a bit of red. It then laid down in front of me and just stared into my eyes. "Did it attack something?" I say out loud. "Are you ok?" I yelled to the wolf through the glass. Do I go outside and check it out? Will it attack me? It jumps back up and then gracefully runs back into the woods. I decided to change into PJs and make some lunch. While I'm eating I can't stop thinking about the wolf. I click on the TV and go to Netflix. "There has to be a wolf documentary on here, they have everything else." Sure enough I found one about a man who tries to become part of a wild wolf pack. I binge watch it until it was bedtime. I'm not even hungry for dinner at this point. I make my way to the bedroom and lay down after I send a goodnight text to Claire. She seems lonely without me. School must be so difficult now. I turn off my light and snuggle into the comforter. I wake up and look at the clock, it's 1 am. I look out of the windows and I can see everything pretty clearly because of the moonlight. Then I noticed the white wolf is running back and forth along the tree line of my backyard. I remember the show saying wolves do this to protect the pack when a predator is threatening it's territory. "What is going on out there?" I say in a low tone. Tomorrow I will try and get closer to the wolf. Is it trying to protect me?

Morning comes and I hear those lovely birds again. My Amazon order should be coming today in the afternoon so that gives me some time to get coffee and make a wolf friend plan! I get up and take a quick shower, blow dry my hair, and pick out some clothes. I put on a tight black body suit with short ripped jean shorts, my boots, and a quick swipe of mascara. I grab my keys and head to the Jeep. I see the wolf is still in my backyard. It's sleeping in the sun right by the pool. "I'll be back soon." I call out to it. I drive to the coffee shop and notice the parking lot is full?! I'm getting nervous about what kind of encounters I'll have here. I can always run to my car and drive away...I can do this. I go to open the door as a big gust of wind whips my hair right into the door before I can even step foot in first. I quickly fix it and close the door behind me. I heard lots of chattering and then it was dead silent. I was almost afraid to look up. I see V smiling at me brightly. "Anna my love, come meet the owner." V said in his deep raspy voice. I look around and everyone is staring at me. Including this man in front of V. He has silver hair and is so hot. He was wearing a a simple black T-shirt and jeans with boots but it fit him like a damn glove. He could be a model. He was staring at me and then he closed his eyes and took a really long deep breath. "OK...sure.". I said in an awkward tone. I slowly made my way up to V and sat on a stool next to the silver haired stranger. "Black again?" V asked. "Yes please. Thanks." I said. V handed me the cup of steaming hot goodness. I look over my shoulder and everyone is talking again. The stranger next to me is still staring until he quickly snaps back to what he was looking at before I entered. It looked like some kind of file. "Anna this is Jimin. He owns this hole in the wall." V says with a big smile. Jimin then turns to me and puts the file down on the counter after closing it. He grabs my hand and gently kisses the top of it. "The pleasure is all mine. Coffee is on the house.". Jimin says with a sexy smirk. I quickly snatch my hand back. My heart is racing. His lips left a cold burning sensation behind. Is he going to hurt me? Am I safe here? "Thanks." I said and then I quickly took off for my car. I could feel heat traveling all over my body. It's not something I've ever felt before. I was afraid to look back as I jumped into the Jeep and drove back to my home. I was ready to sit by the pool with my coffee and see if I can make some wolf progress. As I pull up I see my Amazon boxes are piled insanely high outside of the gate. "Great...maybe I should have ordered a little at a time?" I laughed out as I pulled some boxes into the Jeep.

Jimin's POV

I made my way to the coffee shop to meet with everyone. I was hoping someone had a new lead for me. Humans keep getting snatched from campsites and roadsides. Some are found dead and some just disappear. I know this has to be Victor's doing. I'm positive he has blood slaves. I pull up to the shop and see everyone's cars. I hurry inside and see V at the counter. "Hey V. Have the two girls come in this morning yet?". I ask. "No. I hope they do. Claire is gorgeous. You will know when they do. They both have this alluring smell to them. I've never known anything like it before." V says as he wipes the counter down. "We need to make sure they are safe. I'm pretty sure we have two slave seekers out looking for girls to grab.". I say while letting out an exhausted sigh. "Here is an update on who has gone missing, they are all attractive young girls. Fits the profile unfortunately". V says as he hands me a file folder. "I might have to spend a week or two tracking in the woods." I say as I look through the file.

Suddenly the door opens and a gust of wind comes into the shop. This deliciously intoxicating smell fills the room. It was like vanilla, musk, and different spices had a baby. I instantly feel a rush of adrenaline. I see this tan piece of work make her way into the shop. It was like a slow motion photo shoot the way she whipped her hair back and slightly arched her back. She ran her fingers through her hair and looked down to the ground. Her long dark hair was shiny and beautiful. Her dark lashes fanned out over her eyes like soft feathers. Her body was so tight and compact. Everything about her was intoxicating. I heard V say something but it didn't register in my brain. Next thing I know she is sitting next me and looking my way. I then clearly hear V introduce me. I grab her soft hot hand and gently kiss the top of it. I feel like her flesh is burning into my cold skin. It is a welcomed sensation. I lightly drop her hand and say " The pleasure is all mine. Coffee is on the house.". She looks terrified and basically grabs the coffee and runs away. That is not the typical reaction I get from women. "So that was one of them?". I ask V. He enthusiastically nods his head. " I like her friend more though. She said she just moved in down the road. Let's keep an eye on her." V said. "Most definitely. If I find her attractive Lord knows Victor's murderous ass will want her, no doubt." I said as I grab my keys to head out. " It's time to go hang out in the woods. If anyone here needs me call. Do not by any means try to locate me. I don't want to give away my position." I said to everyone at the shop. I waved my hand above my head as I opened the door to leave. Damn she was hot. I could still feel her warmth burning my skin. I shake it off as I make my way to my car.

I drive to a spot I can park my car so it will remain hidden. I need to comb through the woods to see if I see any evidence of abduction or murder. Victor's slave seekers prefer to travel with the cover of the woods. It's funny that folklore says vampires can't be out during daylight. Nothing really hurts us except decapitation or removing our heart. This myth helps us really blend in with the human population. I grab my backpack filled with supplies and lock my car. I quickly take off like a blink into the woods and make my way up one of the tallest trees. Now I just have to stay focused. Looking for clues can be difficult. I don't want another human to go missing or be killed on my watch. I text Jungkook my location so he can start at the opposite end of the large span of woods. I slowly make my way from tree to tree looking for tracks or any kind of sign of a struggle. It's going to be long couple of days.

The Only One ~ Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now