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  Anna's POV

   A few days had passed and the wolf had stayed pretty close by.  I would go for a swim everyday and it would move closer and closer the longer I was outside.  "Today is the day he lets me touch him. I can just feel it!" I say to myself as I shove some toast in my mouth. I had spent the last few days turning the cabin into a comfy home with all of my Amazon finds.  I even bought myself a coffee maker, although the coffee shop had better coffee. 

   I wanted to never see Jimin again. He kept popping up in the back of my mind.  I hear this sound coming from the back window.  I run over and see the wolf laying up against the window.  I run back to the kitchen and grab a piece of bacon I had cooked earlier.  He will definitely want to eat this.  I crumble it up into a few pieces and put it in a plastic bag in my pocket.  I slowly make my way to the back door.  The wolf looks up at me but then lays his head back down.  I open the door very carefully and tip toe out.  I sit on a chair just a few feet away from him.  He is just staring me down.  I grab a piece of bacon and throw it down in front of me.  He darts up and runs right to it.  I never realized just how big he was until he was right in front of my face! He just sits and looks at me.  Sweat is pouring down my face and I'm starting to second guess my plan.  "You won't hurt me... right? Let's be friends." I say to him softly.  I grab another piece of bacon and leave it in the palm of my upturned hand for his taking.  He gracefully gets up and moves ever so slowly to my hand.  Never breaking eye contact with me, he gently licked the bacon right off.  I'm relieved that he didn't rip my face off.  He then comes to my side a nudges my hand with his nose.  "Can I touch you?" I ask in a whisper.  The wolf nudges me again as if giving me permission. I slowly start to pet his neck and work my way up to his head.  " You aren't wild at all.  Are you someone's pet?"I ask the wolf.  He comes to my face a lightly licked my cheek.  This is craziness I think to myself. I slowly get up to go back inside.  I have to tell Claire!!!

  Claire looks at me through my computer screen with shock in her eyes. "What in the hell is wrong with you!? Why would you try and touch it? Please don't get yourself eaten up."  Claire said in a serious tone.  "I'm coming to see you for your birthday weekend.  We are going to find something fun to do.  I miss you so much.  All of the boys keep asking what happened to you. They haven't turned violent towards me yet. I do get more attention than I want though.  Have you seen the coffee shop hottie again?" Claire asks.  " Omg I totally forgot to tell you about it.  Yes I went the next day and the place was packed out.  I walked in a hot mess because it was so windy and there's your boy V trying to introduce me to the owner Jimin.  Jimin is seriously sexy but he kissed my hand and freaked me out so I bolted before anything bad could happen.  I've just been hanging out here playing Zelda on my new Switch and trying to make progress with this wolf." I say to Claire as she laughs.  I laugh too.  I miss her so much.  "Well I'm going to go for a swim.  Let's talk later.  Love you." I say with a sad face.  "Duh." Claire says back as she disconnected the video. 

  I change into my bathing suit and head out with my towel.  The wolf is waiting for me. I think to grab two bowls and some more bacon.  I go outside to the pool area and set the bowls down.  I put the bacon in one and fill the other one with water.  The wolf comes up to eat and drink and I pet it's soft back. This was so much easier than I thought it would be. 

   I'm ready to get in the pool. It's so hot out today.  I look at my chest and see some tan lines starting.  " You won't mind will you pup?" I ask the wolf as I pull the string off of my top and let it fall to the ground.  No one will see me anyway.

Jimin's POV

  I can smell the blood.  It's getting stronger and stronger as I make my way through the trees.  I stop when I can tell I'm in the right place.  I dive down from the tree tops and softly land on the ground below.  I see the black blood stains on the ground, but it's not human blood.  Was a slave seeker attacked here maybe?  I'm suddenly hit with another strong smell... it's Anna.  I almost feel like I've taken a drug.  I jump back into the tree tops and try to locate her.  I see a clearing finally. It's the cabin that's never been occupied. Is she living here?  I look and see her by the pool with a dog?  No that's a wolf.  I've never seen this wolf before. It's pretty big with snow white fur.  I then here Anna say "You won't mind will you pup?" She then slowly pulls off her bikini top and lets it fall to the ground.  She turns in my direction and then dives into the pool.  I feel the surge of adrenaline again and my heart is racing at full speed.  Was the slave seeker attacked while spying on her?  This is alarming.  I should start tailing her from now on.  She comes up out of the water and I see her long hair sticking to her back all the way to her plump round butt.  "Holy shit she has an unreal body." I say with a heavy breath.  She gets out and makes her way to the spa and the wolf follows. Her breast are the perfect size, just a little more than a handful.  Every square inch of her is tan and gorgeous.  She slips down into the hot tub and bobs herself in and out with her arms outside on the pavement.  The wolf comes up and licks the water droplets that are on her face. It starts to go for her chest and stomach too but she giggled and quickly goes into the water except for her head.  She just relaxes in the hot steaming tub.  I was wishing I could join her and I let out a lustful sigh.  "The things I could do to you." Just then the wolf looks directly into my eyes.  How could it see me, I'm well hidden!  I move back a few trees and stay completely silent.  It still dashes as fast as it can into the woods. "Crap!" I say to myself.  What the hell is that thing?  Anna looks alarmed and runs into the house and locks the door.  Has this happened to her before? Rage starts to fill me when I think of her being hunted by the slave seekers.  Why are my emotions so strong... I've only met her once.

  I text Jungkook to let him know of my findings.  He hasn't found anything yet. I text him to keep looking but to stay clear of this area.  I'll stay posted here and make sure she stays safe.

Anna's POV

  "What the hell.". I yelled as I slam the door shut and lock it. Is something seriously out there?  Should I get a gun or something.  I pick up my phone and dial Mr. Clemson up.  "Hey sweetheart how's the mountain life?" He says very cheerful.  " Something is in the woods. I keep hearing things.  What do I do?". I say to him very quickly.  " Honey relax.  Have you actually seen anything?  I'm sure it's just animals.  There are deer, foxes, birds, wild cats, and all sorts of animals around you now.  I'm sure it's nothing.  Calm down.  Claire will be there tomorrow." He says to me very calmly.  " Ok ok you are right.  I haven't seen anything.  My imagination is probably just running wild." I say as my chin starts to tremble as I hold back tears.  "If you do see something please call me and I'll be right over. I promise you.  Ok Anna I have to go back to work. Hang in there." He said and then hung up. He is probably right...just chill out.  As soon as I hang up the phone the wolf is back by the door.  Should I let him in?  I open the door for him and he just looks at me.  It prances right in like it's been my dog his whole life.  I know this is crazy but I feel safer having him with me.

"I need to take a shower.  I should probably give you a name... How about Suga?" I said to him while petting his head.  He rubbed himself back and forth up against my legs.  It was very comforting. 

Later that night when it was time for bed I was contemplating letting Suga sleep with me.  I snuggled up in my big comforter while he laid on the floor by the foot of the bed.  I was sleeping in a matter of seconds.

Jimin's POV

  She finally fell asleep.  It's just about more than I can take seeing her walk around in these tiny little shorts and tight tank top.  I've never been so envious of another animal.  That wolf is constantly touching her. Laying all over her and smelling that intoxicating smell.  The thought makes me jealous.  What is wrong with me...what the hell do I care.  I snapped out of my thoughts when I see the wolf leave the bedroom and head towards the door.  It's just staring out into the woods now.  "Can you see me?" I whisper.

I hear a branch snap a few yards away and I try and zero in on the location.  I changed my clothes before nightfall into all black tactical gear.  I have my head covered in a black wrap so only eyes are visible.  I jump from tree to tree and land in complete silence.  I found him.  He doesn't notice at all.  Stupid slave seekers and your weak ass senses.  Slave seekers are usually poor unfortunate males that are taken along with the females by Victor's men.  Victor uses the females but changes the males into his slave seekers.  They are very weak and basically have zero skills.  Most vampires are powerful enough to block others from reading their thoughts but seekers aren't.  I can clearly hear his thought. "Master will love this one. That wolf is gone.  I have to get her.  He will reward me greatly." The seeker thought to himself.  I do a back flip out of the tree while extending out my arms.  I can feel my fingernails extend into long razor sharp claws as I gently land right behind the seeker.  "Not today you sorry sack of shit" I whisper into his ear.  He turns around only to see my claws scarp across his face.  He backs up and gets into a fighting stance.  I chuckle.  He runs at me and tries to kick me in my chest. I grab his leg in mid kick and twist it until I hear the bones pop.  I throw him down on the ground and step on his hand.  "Did Victor send you? Answer me! It can be a slow death or a quick one... it's all up to you. But you won't be leaving.  Times running out." I start to apply bone crunching pressure to his hand while I slice his chest with one of my nails. "Victor wants her.  There is nothing you can do." The seeker says as he gives me a cold hard stare.  "We will see about that." I say.  I jump up and land on my knees on top of his chest. I quickly slice through his neck and see his blood pouring out.  I jump back onto my feet and see him slowly turn to ash.  His remains drift off into the wind.  "God I love my job." I huff out. I quickly shake the blood from my claws and I can feel them retract back into place.  One down... one more to go.

The Only One ~ Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now